Just expanded, probe-team like espionage options.
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What Do You Want To See Added To Civ 4?
i disagree. hah, figure that...
Let me take a few examples. Are polish people still angry with germans cause of ww2? I know some norwegians are, and probably most of europe has some minor bias (some major perhaps) against germans. does it affect international policy in europe today? not really. trade relations and political agreement has overcome the war and though some individual resentment lingers it is fading. ww2 was the worst war fought in europe with horrible atrocities commited. it was 60 years ago. people today who are too young to remember the war (which is most people) couldnt care less.
sweden and denmark feuded for hundreds of years. danish people still (mostly in a joking fashion) refer to swedes as the... difficult to translate, "worst enemy" probably best translation. does it affect international policy? not really. both are members of the european union and though there is seems to still be a certain dislike between swedes and danes, the governments seem to get along at least cordially.
here's an interesting distinction though, after ww2 60 years, it seems danes are still more likely to dislike swedes than germans, though sweden has been neutral since the end of the napoleonic wars in 1812.
GAMEWISE; I want multiple wars to create longer lasting dislike, one war should be quicker forgotten than several wars. the dislike should decrease with time. the -3 after 3000 years is kinda steep. it should sink to -2 then -1 provided that the relationship was good, then eventually, if things were peachy, disappear altogether. If however multiple wars, longer wars, were fought the resentment should linger longer.
And about the purchase of individual land squares. I agree, it is difficult, BUT, if I fight a war with a civ and I dont want the city just the square with Iron on my border, why cant I demand it? if a square has 52% arab and 48% of my civ, why cant I trade it for something that the arabs desperately want/need?
One way to solve it would be to give that square a "national ownership tag". this could be given to all squares that have either been occupied by a civ with a stable high 90-100% culture for a certain number of turns (a lot, like a few hundred years at least), and more time for border squares. and secondly squares that are traded\given\demanded in diplomacy. these squares would stay your squares regardless of cultural balance. it could only be removed by giving up the demand, giving away the square (tag changes civ) or losing the city that provides culture for it.
also the AI isnt all that good atm, it needs an overhaul, this could then be implemented. for example on noble difficulty level, killing an AI with an army is easier than pie. archer stacks galore. fine, my praetorians will WASTE them, do they build axemen? nope! fix AI!
and you dont seem to get a bigger diplo bonus for years of peace. I've been at peace with all civs except the chinese for 5000 years! and I have +1 with all of them... same with chinese that I've had peace with "only" 2000 years. though the latter has an annoying -3 for war that just wont go away or diminish.Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst
Originally posted by Foxhawk
Just expanded, probe-team like espionage options.The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
- Frank Herbert
Originally posted by Sharule
With risk of sidetracking this thread(but hopefully not)
Its doubtful that the Kingdom of Judah called itself that. That is just the Westernized term for the Southern kingdom of Israel, which included the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. They probably thought of themselves as Israelites though(the Tanakh was written in the Southern Kingdom, and it never calls anyone Jews, only Israelites or Hebrews.) So in conclusion, 'Kingdom of Judah' is a misleading term, and it is historically just the Southern Kingdom of Israel.
Anyhow, I hope to see the UN improved significantly, with cooperative military strikes, the ability to withdraw from the UN etc...
Ultimatums might be interesting.
I never liked the civ3 city abandon thing.
Neither do I like the raze city option. It shouldn't be that easy to raze a city or totally remove it that easily.
If a city is huge, an army should pillage it for several turns. Size 20 cities should be pillages for perhaps 30 turns. Just leave it makes it unfun.Formerly known as "CyberShy"
Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori
#1. Random seeded maps.
#2. I like the blind research idea.
#3. An AI Diplomacy model that doesn't demand things from you all the time. Even when you are their friend and are overpowering them. I hate having to make the decision between refusing the lazy bastard or just giving away everything I work for.
A) A more easily-read tech tree.
B) A decent civilopedia, that can be quick-referenced from various places in the game.
C) A patch that increases the speed the mechanics of the game flow at. Right now sometimes the game slows down incredibly, and the world editor in particular is RIDICULOUSLY slow.
D) An independent way to access the world editor. There's no reason why I should have to start a game just to create a map that looks nothing like it.
E) Expansion on several of the advisors. I should have access to city screens from F1, and have the military advisor do *something*. I wouldn't mind advice from the science advisor when looking at the tech tree.
F) Choosing what to build out of a city needs to be MUCH cleaner. If I decide to pick what to build from city view rather than the list that appears after finishing the previous task, it's an incredibly arduous task to analyze all the items I can build and then pick what I want to build.
G) Chance to review the general situation when certain menus appear that involve decisions I need to make.
Have to step away. Might add more later.
Well my ideas seemed to have gotten mixed reactions. For those who were adult and brian stormed on it to give them more definition, thanks. For those who said they were stupid and the worst ideas ever, grow up.
I had in mind with the purchase squares that are along your border. Like someone else posted, that iron square right along the border. Maybe I could trade for it, but I don't want to. If it is mine it can't be taken away, how do I know my neighbor will trade for it anyway. To purchace square it needs to be along your border. Culture influence can be negligable but it must have some or your influence. A square cannot be purchased if it is next to a square already purchased in the direction away from the nearest city, unless the cultural influence is above 90% of originally purchased square. Setting up the AI for this shouldn't be to difficult. It is no different than any other transaction. Demand it as well, "give me that square or I take the entire city". See how negotions go after that.
Military bases. When coutries put military bases in other counties, that land becomes part of the country that has the base. (ie American bases in Korea, that base is American soil.) If it is foriegn soil, then it can be invaded and without open borders war will start. Also, workers in Civ 3 could create bases and air fields (not sure if they do in 4 havn't played that far yet due to craashes). I would like to see that be an ability on unoccupied land. Like an airbase on the ice caps.
Claiming land. I find a nice little unoccupied island in the middle of the ocean with a galley that is on its way back for a resupply of settlers. Nice place. I want it but I am out of settlers at the moment. I claim this land in the name of my country so that other counties can see that it has already been found and I intend to settle it. They pass by thinking, someone else found it they can keep it. Or they can think, forget him, we want it, and basically steal it. Place a 5 credit price on claiming a square. Counties that distregard a claim will get a negative impact on the claiming counties regard towards them
Have fun with these ideas. Remember this is a forum to brain storm, not to insult. If you can't be constructive then I ask you not to post.
Originally posted by LzPrst
i disagree. hah, figure that...
Let me take a few examples. Are polish people still angry with germans cause of ww2? I know some norwegians are, and probably most of europe has some minor bias (some major perhaps) against germans. does it affect international policy in europe today? not really. trade relations and political agreement has overcome the war and though some individual resentment lingers it is fading. ww2 was the worst war fought in europe with horrible atrocities commited. it was 60 years ago. people today who are too young to remember the war (which is most people) couldnt care less.
After all, the Germans aren't mad at the Romans/Italians anymore for what happened in 200 BCE.
After all, the Germans aren't mad at the Romans/Italians anymore for what happened in 200 BCE."Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
"Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."
"is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis
to dipollet.
I agree on the square purchase, and the claiming. though I do think that the culture balance of the square bought should have at least a certain percentage of your culture (25% minimum). make it available with nationalism.
the reason for this is that culture is a little overpowered. what I mean is that you cant counter culture with military without declaring war. if he's racking up temples, I should be able to keep my borders by military force.
the claiming of new land. might work, though I think it should only be possible for overseas areas though. a flag could be planted by explorers for example and if anyone built a city taking that square or the adjacent 8 squares there would be a -1 relationship penalty for a number of turns. brilliant. "You took land that we discovered first." Would make an additional incentive to exploring with explorers.Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst
Re: What Do You Want To See Added To Civ 4?
Regicide Mode
"Flavor" Units (American riflemen don't look exacly the same as Egyptian riflemen)This would be the top of my wish list for Civ5.
Create your own resolution
Special Ops Units (Expensive and covert units that are weak, cant capture cities, and have a 50% withdrawl rate)
Future expansion (beyond 2050: high firepower troops, lasers, low alt space ships, some sci fi stuff)
Dangerous R&D projects
You mentioned strengthening submarines- I would like to be able to interdict shipping routes with subs somehow. Uboats did a good job of this.
Lastly, I would like to see science rates increase during wartime rather than stagnate. This would be more historically correct.
Originally posted by Ansaga
3. Why do you want build military bases if open border treaties do the same thing anyways? You can move your unit to people you have open border with even their city. Heck just a few minutes ago I rebased my stealth bomber in a open border city country so I can bomb France easier.
My only complaint is that I can't airlift ground units into foreign cities. It seems to me that you should be able to do this, esp. if the other country is your ally.