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"Fat Cross" Questions

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Peets

    I noticed you don't get a production boost of forest when it's out the fat cross.
    I am sure it is not true - I got it many times. You don't get the production from jungles, I think, though.
    The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
    - Frank Herbert


    • #17
      Yep, you definitely get it. It goes to the city which is nearest to the tile where you chop the wood (if you hover the mouse pointer over the Chop-Button it even states how much hammers you get and which city gets them)
      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


      • #18
        Originally posted by Tattila the Hun
        If I have a hamlet on a square, and assign the citizen to work in a mine, does the hamlet revert back, immediately or in time, or does it stay as it is, and continue working as a hamlet, if/when I reassign someone on it?
        The pop-up that describes what you are going to do should tell you (in a rather dark illegible red) that minig will destroy the hamlet.

        If you build a hamlet in the forest it'll tell you that this will remove the forest. etc.

        Tom P.


        • #19
          Here's something I just have not paid attention to. If you have copper and can chop trees the game will tell you that putting a cottage here will remove the forest. But does it give you the hammers for removing the forest or do you have to do that seprately?


          • #20
            Originally posted by padillah
            Here's something I just have not paid attention to. If you have copper and can chop trees the game will tell you that putting a cottage here will remove the forest. But does it give you the hammers for removing the forest or do you have to do that seprately?
            You get the cottage and the hammers from removing the forest at the same time.


            • #21
              Yup. It just lasts longer than if you just removed the forest - so if you are just cutting down trees for production bonus, then it is sometimes a better idea to just cut the forest, and come back later to place the cottage.

              I just haven't checked if putting a cottage in forest lasts the same amount of turns as cutting down forest and then putting the cottage combined, or is it shorter.
              The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
              - Frank Herbert


              • #22
                Originally posted by padillah

                The pop-up that describes what you are going to do should tell you (in a rather dark illegible red) that minig will destroy the hamlet.

                If you build a hamlet in the forest it'll tell you that this will remove the forest. etc.

                Tom P.
                I think you misunderstood here: the question was not about replacing a hamlet with a mine, but changing the "worked" tile in the cityscreen.
                If you have a hamlet and you arrange you're citizens to stop working that tile, will it revert to a cottage or stay a hamlet?
                ("city has to work tile in order to become hamlet")


                • #23
                  It will stay a hamlet but will not proceed to Village if you don't have a citizen working on the tile.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ezzumsss
                    Thanks for clearing this up and for pointing out the working/improving difference. Haven't started to personally micro-manage my cities yet (too scary/complicated so far).

                    Another question pops up: I do tend to try and build farm-lines later on to cities that don't have fresh water in their radius. But a lot of times that means I have to build "through" cottages (my workers love improvements, so they've filled all those empty squares with them).
                    Although I put them there earlier thinking "any improvement is good and I'll build farms later on", they now have grown to hamlets and even towns. So farming those tiles is going to hurt. But I really would like some farms. And for some reason, the cottages closest to other farms are the biggest.

                    Typing this, I think I made my own answer clear: start micro-managing my cities )
                    Damn, that means learning about health, specialists, culture limits and such (and lots more forum-reading ;-)
                    Something I found with this is that if you build a farm line, and then break the chain of farms, everything after the break doesn't act like a farm anymore. It still looks like an unworked farm (even when being worked) but you don't get the +1 food bonus.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Martinus
                      I just haven't checked if putting a cottage in forest lasts the same amount of turns as cutting down forest and then putting the cottage combined, or is it shorter.
                      I did a comparison once (remove forest for cottage over grassland in two adjacent tiles) and it's the same. So unless you are timing when to get the shield bonus or don't want to bother issuing two orders instead of one, you should first remove the forest and later improve the tile.

                      I suspect however that based on your civic, wonders or techs (eg: Serfdom, Hagia Sophia, Steam power) you may have some rounding down math that would suggest if you issue one order only, it may be shorter:

                      1) Normal condition: It take your worker 3 turns to cut the forest and 5 to build a cottage.
                      So even if you choose to issue 1 order or two, it will take the worker 8 turns to remove the forest AND build the cottage. However if you do it with 2 orders you get the forest boost after 3 turns, not 8

                      2) Improved worker condition: you are under serfdom and have built the Hagia Sophia: the worker gain 100% efficiency
                      If you issue 2 orders to do the same task, it will take 5 turns (3/2 rounded to 2 + 5/2 rounded to 3)
                      If you issue 1 order, then it will take only 4 (8/2 equal 4)

                      ... unless the game memorise the work already done ?
                      Better than playing blitz chess and piano simultaneously: Warcraft III

