Hey all,
I have a Presario X1000 with an ATI Mobility 9200 card. I have 1.5 GB of memory, and an Intel 1700 M proc.
I was able to get the tutorial to run and I played one game on a standard size map. Now whenever I try to start a game the game hangs right after the click to start playing prompt. I can see that it has my settler selected, but I can't center the map, I can't scroll and the gui doesn't appear. I end up with a black screen with the icon that indicates my settler unit is off the screen somewhere. The only thing I can do is actually turn off my PC. The funny thing is that the tutorial still runs. I have tried setting all the graphics setting all teh way to low and still nothing. I did also have to use the unpak utility to get the game to run. Any ideas?
I have a Presario X1000 with an ATI Mobility 9200 card. I have 1.5 GB of memory, and an Intel 1700 M proc.
I was able to get the tutorial to run and I played one game on a standard size map. Now whenever I try to start a game the game hangs right after the click to start playing prompt. I can see that it has my settler selected, but I can't center the map, I can't scroll and the gui doesn't appear. I end up with a black screen with the icon that indicates my settler unit is off the screen somewhere. The only thing I can do is actually turn off my PC. The funny thing is that the tutorial still runs. I have tried setting all the graphics setting all teh way to low and still nothing. I did also have to use the unpak utility to get the game to run. Any ideas?