I just love it !
It's just the best way to customize a game. I played on a normal map with everything normal except it was TERRA and there was 6 of us - we all started on the same continent leaving rougly two continents (America) and a few islands attached to the main continentt (Oceania) to discover and colonize. I just love this feature because it crams all the participants on the same continent (I only have 4 cities until I could reach «America» with galleons where I started colonizing). I was surprised to see full fledged barbarian cities on the continent (11 in groth size) scathered here and there. It made the challenge even more difficult.
It's just the best way to customize a game. I played on a normal map with everything normal except it was TERRA and there was 6 of us - we all started on the same continent leaving rougly two continents (America) and a few islands attached to the main continentt (Oceania) to discover and colonize. I just love this feature because it crams all the participants on the same continent (I only have 4 cities until I could reach «America» with galleons where I started colonizing). I was surprised to see full fledged barbarian cities on the continent (11 in groth size) scathered here and there. It made the challenge even more difficult.