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Navy blockading?

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  • Navy blockading?

    Is this possible? I know I can destroy sea improvements... but can I block trade going into a city with a ship?

    Point me to the documentation in the game or manual too please. Thanks.

  • #2
    I haven't gotten that far yet, though I have read that it can be done much easier than in Civ3. Nothing in the manual mentions naval blockade.
    If you have a ship next to the enemy port, is there a new command available??

    I doubt even the playtesters have much experience with that. May have to get it from Firaxis.


    • #3
      Yes, you can blockade cities. The info isn't in the Manual or the Civopedia, but the popup you get when you build your first combat ship says it.

      I think the game mechanic is the same as when you put units on a farm to prevent them from farming.


      • #4
        When you put a ship at an enemy's city, it prevents the city from working any of the ocean squares. As for the trade between it and another city, I don't know. The AI's not done it to me yet so I can't tell.


        • #5
          Thanks for the info- but this sucks it isn't documented at all in a way that is meaningful.

          I wonder exactly if it matters which square you place it in, for example which square for a city that is on an island of 1 tile??

