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  • #16
    Originally posted by Solver
    Now that the ATI fx is out, it should run on that card.
    Thanks Solver, you mostly solve my fear. The fate in the nick!
    "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
    - Admiral Naismith


    • #17
      Originally posted by Solver
      Without a doubt, you need a nVidia card. They have better drivers, and Civ4 is only having problems with ATIs at the moment.

      Which card specifically depends on your budget. A GeForce FX 5700 would be a low-budget choice, the 6600 is, IMO, the best combination of quality and price. Reasonably cheap, yet a good performer.
      Anything NOT ATI would probably be a good video card. 99% of all the issues I have ever seen with the graphics of any game are because people have ATI cards.

      I had problems years ago with ATI trying to run NWN and bought an nVidia GF4 4800 and have had zero problems with any games since. ATI might have great hardware but their drivers stink, IMHO.


      • #18
        I have an nVidia 6600GT pci-e card here, and I have to say that it is a phenomenal value. Under $150 bucks and it's really got excellent performance.

        Aside from Civ, I also run stuff like City of Heroes/Villains, and I have my settings maxxed out in those with no trouble at all, at a decent resolution.

        If your budget is tighter - say under $100 - you might look at the 6600LE or 6600 standard. Still good cards, just a little less oomph.


        • #19
          My wife surprised me by pre-ordering the game. It was waiting for me on the day it was released. Needless to say I was a bit disappointed when I loaded the game & got floating teeth & eyes in the leaders & black terrain in the game. Obviously my video card needs to be upgraded this weekend, but I'm not sure of which one to get. (Will it work in my machine?) The card I have now is an Nvidia TNT2 Pro. Can I buy any card that will run the game or are there only certain types I can use based on the one thats in there now?


          • #20
            Originally posted by daktaklakpak
            The game runs fine out of box on my ATI X800 XT AIW with 5.6 driver that I updated few months ago.
            I've got an X800 XT as well, and I've never had any problems with games, including this one. It just seems to be certain ATI cards, for whatever reason.


            • #21
              Originally posted by McLMan
              My wife surprised me by pre-ordering the game. It was waiting for me on the day it was released. Needless to say I was a bit disappointed when I loaded the game & got floating teeth & eyes in the leaders & black terrain in the game. Obviously my video card needs to be upgraded this weekend, but I'm not sure of which one to get. (Will it work in my machine?) The card I have now is an Nvidia TNT2 Pro. Can I buy any card that will run the game or are there only certain types I can use based on the one thats in there now?
              Depends on you computer and power supply. The newer cards suck a lot of power and will overheat borderline systems or simple drain to much power to run. On the up side most computers will powerdown without damage if they are overheating and retailers will usually exchange a card within a couple of days of purchase for another.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Wildcat

                Depends on you computer and power supply. The newer cards suck a lot of power and will overheat borderline systems or simple drain to much power to run. On the up side most computers will powerdown without damage if they are overheating and retailers will usually exchange a card within a couple of days of purchase for another.
                It also depends on the type of motherboard you have-- you don't want to buy an AGP card if you don't have an AGP slot on your motherboard, for example.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by thesandtiger
                  I have an nVidia 6600GT pci-e card here, and I have to say that it is a phenomenal value. Under $150 bucks and it's really got excellent performance.

                  Aside from Civ, I also run stuff like City of Heroes/Villains, and I have my settings maxxed out in those with no trouble at all, at a decent resolution.

                  If your budget is tighter - say under $100 - you might look at the 6600LE or 6600 standard. Still good cards, just a little less oomph.
                  Where did you find the 6600 GT for under 150 all I can find 200+.

                  Edit: Is this the same card?


                  • #24
           has them -

                    Try this link:
                    We’re sorry, but this page does not existing. Please visit our home page for more information.

                    I think it's $124 USD after rebate, too. They have others, if you'd prefer a different maker.

                    I pretty much buy all my hardware from newegg - low price, always arrives on-time or early.

                    Edit: No - that's a 6600 standard. The one I'm talking about is the 6600GT which has a bit more oomph. And that's a bad price for a 6600 - you should be able to get a standard one for under $100 bucks.

                    Edit 2: I am talking about the card you link to, not the one I link to. The one I linked to is a 6600GT.


                    • #25
                      Thanks, I was a little confused about the chipset and the manufacter. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

