Hurrah! I second that bold statement. Power to the people! Hurrah! Hurrah!
Seriously, I've shelled out my money on a pre-order. I've already bought the game, Isn't that proof of my loyalty to the franciase enough? Can't I be trusted with after I've commited the X gigs to install it to run it at my own volition? Or is occupying the cd rom drive with a music cd too much of a bold statement for the suits at Take 2?
I realise that its to prevent pirating... for like five seconds, but Come on! We're paying customers, infact we're PAID customers, a good deal of us anyways. But I supposed in this modern world that values greed, Paid customers are far less valuable than Those yet to be Paying customers. After all, They already have our money.
Vive L'Revolution!
Seriously, I've shelled out my money on a pre-order. I've already bought the game, Isn't that proof of my loyalty to the franciase enough? Can't I be trusted with after I've commited the X gigs to install it to run it at my own volition? Or is occupying the cd rom drive with a music cd too much of a bold statement for the suits at Take 2?
I realise that its to prevent pirating... for like five seconds, but Come on! We're paying customers, infact we're PAID customers, a good deal of us anyways. But I supposed in this modern world that values greed, Paid customers are far less valuable than Those yet to be Paying customers. After all, They already have our money.
Vive L'Revolution!