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Civil War & Partizans

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  • Originally posted by Sloth_DC
    2) Have unhappiness manifest as barbarian units in the city radius. Again, this means the rebellion can be put down if the owner keeps his military forces handy - which might be quite difficult if he's in the middle of a war. This should get a bump when changing civics.

    3) If city unhappiness is sufficiently high, this translates into a larger barbarian stack appearing.
    Yes, that would be realistic and improve the gameplay. However, as far as I can understand, that is exactly what has been recently done by Firaxians (see link to a mod thread several posts above).


    • I like the idea. If you can make it work, great.

      But dont you see that this is something that a lot of people want? Why do they want it? Because it makes the game more complex, varied and interesting. Civ4 as of now, is so simple that its not really interesting. yes, there are more techs, units, buildings, wonders, and religions have been added. theres been a lot of improvements to make the game nicer and more userfriendly. good.

      but there hasnt been added anything radical. nothing that makes me go, WOW COOL! its just a very pretty tune-up.

      it might come in the expansion. I will not buy any civ4 expansion packs. i bought the game cause I thought it would be interesting and playable as it was. expansion packs are NOT supposed to be fixes or add-ons of interesting features. expansion packs are EXTENTIONS of the game that already exists.
      example of bad expansion pack, Play the World gives more civs + multiplayer, bad multiplayer. why should I have to pay for that? it should have been in the original package.
      example of good expansion pack, Warcraft3 is a fully functional enjoyable game. The Frozen Throne does not add basic functions to the game, it gives more scenarios, more storyline.

      the comparison is somewhat flawed, but the point is, if firaxis has left out features that belong in the game in order to bleed us dry with expansion packs, we should cover their offices with egg and toilet paper.

      also totally outside the issue. the french kiss thing. france wont kiss americas ass so that means theyre kissing saddams? so anyone that thinks for themselves are traitors and cowards? hmmm, someone else used to say stuff like that... oh yeah! it was the NAZIS!
      Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


      • Originally posted by LzPrst
        I like the idea. If you can make it work, great.

        But dont you see that this is something that a lot of people want? Why do they want it? Because it makes the game more complex, varied and interesting. Civ4 as of now, is so simple that its not really interesting. yes, there are more techs, units, buildings, wonders, and religions have been added. theres been a lot of improvements to make the game nicer and more userfriendly. good.

        but there hasnt been added anything radical. nothing that makes me go, WOW COOL! its just a very pretty tune-up.
        I do not have the game yet but several other commentators have posted similar opinions.

        But the pace of development is just slower than the fans expect and I think it is normal. Civ3 was a pretty tune-up of Civ2 + culture. Civ4 is a pretty tune-up of Civ3 + religion + moddability. That is they way it is; we have to live with it.

        Actually I would like to see a comment by Firaxian here. Thread is linked to civ4 website and lots of people have said that civil wars / ethnic tensions / shadow culture / however you name it would be a terrific thing. May we expect implementations?

        Please do not say that civ5 will be a pretty tune-up of civ4 + civil wars

        Originally posted by LzPrst
        also totally outside the issue. the french kiss thing. france wont kiss americas ass so that means theyre kissing saddams? so anyone that thinks for themselves are traitors and cowards? hmmm, someone else used to say stuff like that... oh yeah! it was the NAZIS!
        All right, I guess that after the quoted words of LzPrst we have had enough of that. We have heard (or seen) both sides now; could we please drop that topic.


        • bump


          • Would it be possible to make a "Great Rebel" unit in a city that had developed enough rebellion points.

            The great rebel would cause even more unhappy points, would be able to move to different cities, and would be invisible (like a spy) to the civilization he started from. He might approach other civs however and ask them for help, they coudl give him resources, and he could start a rebellion (that would use him up, and he would become the new leader for the new civ)

            He could act like an invisible civ with no cities or territory for a while.

            This wouldn't be necessary for a civil war, but it'd be cool.

            (especially if the civ he was rebelling agaisnt could use spies/secret police/etc to see him/attack him.


            • Please, please, please! add this in an expansion pack!


              • Don't know if people are still discussing this...

                But can't we just have "Civil Wars" an option?

                Instead of putting it in as a normal consequence shouldn't it be an option players have when setting up their games? On the same note I think, and this kind of has nothing to do with the civil war thing, that barbarians who go unchecked and evolve should evolve into a new tribe.

                The first game I played all of the tibes were on one continent and there was another large one that was filled with barbarians, there were only eight tribes in the game and I don't see why the barbarian tribes couldn't have morphed into two different tribes.
                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • Sounds like a great idea Capo! It makes sense and I can't see it unbalancing the game significantly. After all, don't most civilizations start out somewhat like barbarians before becoming 'civilized'?

                  Then again, that too could be an optional extra. If any of these ideas catch on, I can see future mods/patches/expansions having numerous optional extras when making new games.
                  "You are one of the cheerleaders for this wasting of time and the wasting of lives. Do you feel any remorse for having contributed to this "culture of death?" Of course not. Hey, let's all play MORE games, and ignore all the really productive things to do with our lives.
                  Let's pretend to be shocked that a gamer might descend into deeper depression, as his gamer "buds," knowing he was killing himself, couldn't figure out how to call 911 themselves for him. That would have involved leaving their computers I guess."

                  - Jack Thompson

