Originally posted by Locutus
I can't say I pity anyone who can't run a game because he has Win2K. That was never intended to be a gaming OS, you knew that when you bought it...
I can't say I pity anyone who can't run a game because he has Win2K. That was never intended to be a gaming OS, you knew that when you bought it...
Okay I'm using a pirated copy of Win2K and have been for years. About a year back a friend gave me a pirated copy of WinXP, complete with cracked activation. I'm still using Win2K. Because I know the first thing I'd do after installing WinXP is "defluff" it back down to the Win2K interface. On my laptop I have legit WinXP and the fluff is a right pain in the neck.
Right now I'm using Linux with the Fluxbox window manager. Unfortunately the only commercial game I have installed under Linux is SMACX, which is pirated (getting Linux SMACX legit?!

I have a whole bunch of legit games, even the ones that suck like The Sims 2. If I like something I'll buy it.
I don't like windows, I just have to use it. I think it's immoral to make money by what is effectively coercion and will therfore shamelessly use pirated Windows. In fact I consider it Immoral to give money to M$.