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What Diplomatic Options are in Civ4?

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  • #16
    From the article, sounds like civ4 will have exactly the same deal as far as diplomacy goes. If that is the case, it will be a major disapointment.

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    • #17
      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
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      • #18
        Originally posted by Dida
        From the article, sounds like civ4 will have exactly the same deal as far as diplomacy goes. If that is the case, it will be a major disapointment.
        I just read the article -- there will be one new feature at least. That is, that you can be a mediator between other civiizations, such as asking one civ to declare war on another, or asking one civ to make peace with another civ.
        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


        • #19
          If we can broker war and peace, we should at least be able to trade units, to back up that war efford.

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          • #20
            Dida, did you not read my reply to you in Civfanatics?
            Way back around the time of E3, Barry Caudhill announced that unit trades were possible in MP games and, therefore, I assume it will be doable in SP games too (either in vanilla or as part of a mod).
            Locked alliances and Permanent alliances are definitely in the game, as are Alliance victories.
            The UN is much more important in Civ4. The player elected Secretary General can push a number of resolutions to be put to the vote-such as common currency, Free Trade Agreement, a Nuclear Non-Proliferation pact and a number of Global Civics. Apparently this vote will work as a multi-party forum similar to that of SMAC.
            I seem to recall hearing something about units sharing tiles, but am not certain-but I do know that allies share LOS, Research and Wonder Effects.
            On a side note, we do know that trade-the adjunct to diplomacy-will be a much bigger part of the game, and will be closer to the trade system of SMAC (sort of an expanded SMAC/Civ3 Hybrid).
            Of course, we know that 3rd party war and peace deals are in-and has been confirmed in a number of screenshots.
            Lastly, as I have said in Civfanatics, we cannot forget the interaction of the Civics and Diplomacy systems-the AI will no longer apparently act in a blindly erratic fashion, but will act according to its interests-be they religious, ideological, military or economic. Namely there will be the formation of Blocs along religious and/or socio-political lines.
            Anyway, I hope this puts your mind at rest Dida. I, for one, look at the Diplomacy system and see something a thousand times better than what we had in Civ3.



            • #21
              we will see when the game comes out.

              Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


              • #22
                Many things will be revealed then.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Dida
                  What diplomacy system do we get in civ4? Do we get UN style discussion forum? tell me what you know.
                  Did you read my answer to your questions?
                  The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
                  - Frank Herbert

