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The spread of technology accross the lands

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Platypus Rex
    what about out right "aquiring the scientist" or tech

    The US was more than happy to have VanBraun (sp) improve upon our missle tech

    The Russians desperatley needed a bomber, when the US emergency landed a stratafortress bomber, it was reverse engineered
    That would be something like "Getting Techs by conquering cities"
    The americans as well as the russians (they recruited some german second level engineers, got them to siberia and let them assemble a functional model of the V2) got the rocketry tech by conquering the german cities.

    Originally posted by GePap

    Gaming wise that will never happen, and it wouldn't be fun.

    I personally think there should be two types of tech, general knowledge, and practical.

    Gunpowder, or knowing that if you mix a bunch of chemicals you get an explosion, would be a general knowledge.

    Making a cannon that works would be practical knowledge, that you can only get if you also have the general knowledge of Metalurgy, and then develop the specific techniques to make a cannon.

    Under such a two tier system, general knowledge spreads easily, while practical knowledge can be hoarded and spreads with much smaller frequency, meaing that you can hev a civilization that knows all about gunpowder, but they simply never bothered to make it into a weapon.
    Great idea.
    Maybe you could also have your labs researching a practical and a general technology at the same time, with a slider that determines, how many percent of the scientific budget goes into research of the general technology and how much into research of the practical technology.
    As for the thing patypus mentioned, it was practical knowledge of rocket construction which americans and russians got out of the conquest of germany.

    But the general knowledge should only spread along the trade routes (or at least only between countries which are in diplomatic contact) as much of the differences in Tech Level between Europe and less developed countries came because there was no regular contact between europe (or other developed countries, like china or Japan) and these countries.
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


    • #32
      Originally posted by Proteus_MST
      Aside from this, as you already mentioned, there is a lot of unit trading today (Germany sells its Leopard, America its Fighters and so on [although I have no doubt, that all larger vehicles sold are downgraded versions from the versions the countries use for themselves]).
      Something which was never really adressed in Civ - Games (I doubt that the unit trading by means of diplomacy is used very often [and I doubt that the AI would trade a unit to you] )
      To be a useful concept (in game) it needs to be matched by an advanced economic model, where "buy or make" decisions have game feedbacks, link to diplomacy, etc.

      BTW, that's the reason because sometime a buyer can get a more advanced version of a weapon that that used by the builder country: the US 101 helicopter (future US President helicopter) is an advanced "VIP" version of a european (well, mostly italian) helicopter.
      Many SU 30 fighter sold to asiatic countries are more advanced than similar version available to russian air force.

      Simply, the weapon market is largely a mix of public interest and private earnings, so if a customer have the money and is not a know enemy of the company country, it's a sure sell.
      "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
      - Admiral Naismith


      • #33
        Sorry if any of this has already been said, but I am too lazy to read the entire thread .
        My thoughts are that:

        (a) a civ recieves a bonus to his tech rate when researching a technology already known by a civ with whom he has trade links.

        (b) the more civs you have trade links with, the bigger the bonus.

        (c) the bonus is increased even more if you share any civics settings and/or religion with that civ.

        (d) Cultural and Social technologies recieve the greates bonus, economic and scientific techs get the next highest bonus, and industrial techs get the lowest bonus.

        (e) from a gameplay purposes, I would say that military techs should not recieve the aforementioned bonuses, but should only be 'directly' tradable. Also, being in an alliance with a civ should boost all of the aforementioned bonuses.

        So, thats how I see it working and how I HOPE it will work.



        • #34

          If it does indeed work that way it will be great
          *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta

