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Moding Goals and Expectations

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  • #16
    hahaha a shame you did not make this a multi poll

    so I choose other

    many that you have listed there

    and other things

    twisting the programme for individual pbems and team game

    such as:

    The Twisted Sister series of PBEM's with locked alliances with a twist

    4 teams of 2 civilizations locked in alliances

    yet no player teamed with the same player, as in:

    Player 1a Carthaginuan teamed with Player 2a Persia

    Player 2b Japan teamed with Player 3a Zulu

    Player 3b Egypt teamed with Player 4a Arabia

    Player 4b Byzantines teamed with Player 1b Portugal

    this way each civilization can have two set allies - that being the civilization you are locked to , and your other one


    or the Passage of Ages game, where wonders really can be a wonder

    Wonders have some twists

    Palace - Mounted Warrior every 5 turns

    Colosous - galley every 5 turns

    Pyramids - worker every 5 turns

    Great Lighthouse - galley every 5 turns

    Great Library - Explorer every 5 turns

    Oracle - Scout every 5 turns

    Sun Tzu's Art or War - Warrior every 5 turns

    Magellan's Voyage - Frigate every 5 turns

    Smith's Trading Company - Horseman every 5 turns

    Iron Works - Worker every 5 turns


    then into games like Top Gun School of Aerial Warfare

    Welcome to a modern land of heavy warfare.

    We have a standard sized map, accelerated production and conquest victory

    a few modifications have been addded to the game through the editor

    Also each player gets a starter pack consisting of...

    - a metropolis of 20 pop and 130 culture
    - also 2 cities of 7 pop and 10 culture
    - and 2 towns of 3 pop and 10 culture
    - all with some good basic infrastructure - including airports
    - all tiles in the zone have rail and irrigation, mountains and hills mined

    also included in the starter pack...

    - 10 settlers
    - 10 workers
    - 10 tanks
    - 10 fighters
    - 5 bombers
    - 2 armies
    - some goody huts
    - some barbarians
    - a few more barbarians
    - traces of once fine civilizations
    - and a few more barbarians
    - it would not let me plant barbarian airports loaded with stealth fighters
    - a for those civs that share the same land mass a few obstacles between each other

    and for Maverick and his mates...

    - 10 jet fighters

    and for all great Rio's... somewhere to land when out and about

    - 2 carriers

    and their escorts...

    - 4 destroyers


    so yeah I am looking forward to the editor indeed

    Bring It On and Game On
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • #17
      Originally posted by TimeTraveler

      I think the next thing I'd do is make it where a nation can build any wonder they have the technology for, even if someone else got it first (the UN could be an exception to nations that join other people's UN's). Of course, if a civilization has contact with two nations that build the same wonder, I'll most likely have them more impressed with the older version. (Of course, I already mentioned most/all of this in another thread. :P )
      a great addition to any game
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • #18
        My modding goals are pretty "mod"est. (sorry, couldn't help myself )

        Anyway, I'll probable add cities for each civ so we don't end up with 'London 3' and 'New New New New York'.

        I'll also make changes where I see imbalances (like the 60 (!) shield musketmen from civ 3).

        Finally, I'll likely add new units like I have for Civs 2 & 3 (using fan-created art of course).
        "Every time I have to make a tough decision, I ask myself, 'What would Tom Cruise do?' Then I jump up and down on the couch." - Neil Strauss


        • #19
          Paddy is on the right track

          I will be waitig to play that modded game
          anti steam and proud of it

          CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


          • #20
            I want to see if I can create an AI that can beat Soren's


            • #21
              Make a 7 foot tall serbian mountain man unit, sent it Sorens way
              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
              I am of the Horde.


              • #22
                Originally posted by sophist
                If I had the time, I would:

                * implement supply lines
                * change production to be a function of labor rather than land
                * change trade to be a function of networks rather than land
                * add a civil unrest/war/self determination model
                * add minor civs, increase the number of ethnicities (and allow them to split and merge)
                * make resources finite and quantized
                * make it so that some units require access to a resource to function (tanks need oil, for instance)
                * add random events
                * introduce diseases
                * incorporate some way for culture to spread through trade networks and the like
                * allow vassal type relationships, federations, etc.
                * allow per-city RoP
                * break "Irrigation" into "Farm," "Irrigated Farm," and "Mechanized Farm"

                But I don't have 1000 hours of free time to do those things.
                Nice ideas
                The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

                Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


                • #23
                  I wont mod the game (or at least I have no plans to do so), though I might keep an eye open for the mods you guys will be making
                  This space is empty... or is it?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Boris Godunov

                    Hey, I'm honest about it.
                    You don't need to mod this in. Firaxis will. Just not to your benefit, but at your expense.

                    Poll should be multiple choice.

                    I don't plan to make mods. But if necessary, I would do changes concerning options 1, 2 and 4.

                    - Bug Fixes
                    - Balance Tweaking
                    - Adding small Features of my own design


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Paddy the Scot
                      Make a 7 foot tall serbian mountain man unit, sent it Sorens way
                      I first read "serbian" as "lesbian." As you can imagine, that made your post much more interesting, especially with the intended destination.
                      Tutto nel mondo è burla


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by sophist
                        If I had the time, I would:

                        * implement supply lines
                        * change production to be a function of labor rather than land
                        * change trade to be a function of networks rather than land
                        * add a civil unrest/war/self determination model
                        * add minor civs, increase the number of ethnicities (and allow them to split and merge)
                        * make resources finite and quantized
                        * make it so that some units require access to a resource to function (tanks need oil, for instance)
                        * add random events
                        * introduce diseases
                        * incorporate some way for culture to spread through trade networks and the like
                        * allow vassal type relationships, federations, etc.
                        * allow per-city RoP
                        * break "Irrigation" into "Farm," "Irrigated Farm," and "Mechanized Farm"
                        Well, I will not bet on this deep level of modding as really available in Civ IV.
                        You are putting some serius change to game root, and worth them or not, I don't think anyone but Firaxis can change the game engine so much without touching the source code.
                        I mean, there are limits to phyton, XML data and AI library change.

                        On the other hand, you can now have hundreds of hours free from your "Impossible Mod" project. Think Positive
                        "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                        - Admiral Naismith


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                          I first read "serbian" as "lesbian." As you can imagine, that made your post much more interesting, especially with the intended destination.
                          Maybe you should get glasses


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Adm.Naismith

                            Well, I will not bet on this deep level of modding as really available in Civ IV.
                            You are putting some serius change to game root, and worth them or not, I don't think anyone but Firaxis can change the game engine so much without touching the source code.
                            I mean, there are limits to phyton, XML data and AI library change.
                            Quite possibly. However, they've said it will be very customizable. That's a very subjective term. If it isn't nearly flexible enough to do what I describe, I'll be disappointed.

                            My best guesses as to the feasability of my wish list:
                            * implement supply lines

                            Hard to do, lots of work.

                            * change production to be a function of labor rather than land

                            Easy to do, not a lot of work.

                            * change trade to be a function of networks rather than land

                            Hard to do, but not a lot of work.

                            * add a civil unrest/war/self determination model

                            Medium difficulty, medium amount of work (mostly tweaking).

                            * add minor civs, increase the number of ethnicities (and allow them to split and merge)

                            Medium difficulty, small amount of work.

                            * make resources finite and quantized

                            Medium difficulty, small amount of work.

                            * make it so that some units require access to a resource to function (tanks need oil, for instance)

                            Medium, small amount of work.

                            * add random events

                            Easy, small amount of work.

                            * introduce diseases

                            Medium difficulty, small amount of work.

                            * incorporate some way for culture to spread through trade networks and the like

                            Hard, but relatively small amount of work.

                            * allow vassal type relationships, federations, etc.

                            Easy, but medium amount of work.

                            * allow per-city RoP

                            No idea.

                            * break "Irrigation" into "Farm," "Irrigated Farm," and "Mechanized Farm"

                            Easy and small amount of work.

                            Originally posted by Adm.Naismith
                            On the other hand, you can now have hundreds of hours free from your "Impossible Mod" project. Think Positive
                            Why do you suppose it is that I don't have 1000 hours?


                            • #29
                              Where are you getting those guesses from? Given that we really know jack squat about such modding capabilities for now, that seems like very pie-in-the-sky thinking...
                              Tutto nel mondo è burla


                              • #30
                                I'd also like to see, maybe dabble in, period mods (eg. ancient world mod, modern world mod, etc.).
                                AND!!1!11!!! LOL JUST IN CAES A DISPUTANT CALS U 2 DISPUT3 ABOUT THEYRE CLAMES
                                DO NOT THAN DISPUT3 ON THEM 3XCAPT BY WAY OF AN 3XTARNAL DISPUTA!!!!11!! WTF

