Amazon is extortionate with postage for books, yet fantastic for CDs and DVDs. I wonder what they're like with games...
I guess I'll find out - I love getting stuff in the mail, and I don't have free time during shop opening hours, so even if it was released in NZ simultaneously with the Empire (jumping in on the bandwagon here, M. le Comte! ) I'd be ordering it from a site SOMEwhere.
I so shouldn't, as November is a BUSY month, but if I get culture shock in Japan at least I'd have something to soothe me.
My first cIV-related post - yay! No longer a virgin....
I guess I'll find out - I love getting stuff in the mail, and I don't have free time during shop opening hours, so even if it was released in NZ simultaneously with the Empire (jumping in on the bandwagon here, M. le Comte! ) I'd be ordering it from a site SOMEwhere.
I so shouldn't, as November is a BUSY month, but if I get culture shock in Japan at least I'd have something to soothe me.
My first cIV-related post - yay! No longer a virgin....