In response to various critisims and Ideas here is a refined version.
When ship and Hurricanes encounter ships their is a mock combat between the ship and storm. The storm has a combat power just like a unit but it ofcorse dose not die if it losses. Storms (2x2) have combat power sufficient to easily destroy/cripple early vessels. Hurricanes can take out mid game ships. By the late game ships will rarely be sunk even by Hurricanes though they will feel some sting. Combat promotions might also be given out to navel units for surviving storms to help mitigate the effects of losses.
At some point you can discover a "Mererology" tec or something along these lines that will reveal all storms/Hurricanes and other weather events on the planet (it dosent reveal terrain it just show the storm out in the black fog-o-war).
The point of making the storms persistent each turn was to make them Easier to avoid. Because a storm only moves 2 or 3 spaces each turn if you steer clear of them your safe. On the otherhand plowing strait ahead into the unexplored ocean will be riskier. Much like encountering an IOD in SMAC the safe option is to go slow and be prepared to run away (thus their is strategy involved here). The storms will ofcorse randomly dispate and randomly spawn but the chance that this will happen right on top of your ship is much smaller if the storms spawn rarely which is possible only if they are persistent.
Hurricanes will ofcorse spawn in equitorial waters and preferentialy move westward. When they hit land they dispate (the smaller storms also dispate when they make landfall but they have no effect when they do so). The tile that the eye hits has a high probability of lossing one or more improvments much like a Fungal Pop in SMAC. A coastal city might loss populaton or more likly some city improvments. Ocean based improvments can also be wreched by Hurricanes.
It sounds like many people are oposed to strong random events of any type, their would ofcorse be a way to toggle random events (hell where supposed to be able to mod the game down to the source code). I like and always use random events in SMAC but the storms proposed here are hardly worse then the ever-present mind worms of SMAC which give the player something to "fight" against in the early game.
When ship and Hurricanes encounter ships their is a mock combat between the ship and storm. The storm has a combat power just like a unit but it ofcorse dose not die if it losses. Storms (2x2) have combat power sufficient to easily destroy/cripple early vessels. Hurricanes can take out mid game ships. By the late game ships will rarely be sunk even by Hurricanes though they will feel some sting. Combat promotions might also be given out to navel units for surviving storms to help mitigate the effects of losses.
At some point you can discover a "Mererology" tec or something along these lines that will reveal all storms/Hurricanes and other weather events on the planet (it dosent reveal terrain it just show the storm out in the black fog-o-war).
The point of making the storms persistent each turn was to make them Easier to avoid. Because a storm only moves 2 or 3 spaces each turn if you steer clear of them your safe. On the otherhand plowing strait ahead into the unexplored ocean will be riskier. Much like encountering an IOD in SMAC the safe option is to go slow and be prepared to run away (thus their is strategy involved here). The storms will ofcorse randomly dispate and randomly spawn but the chance that this will happen right on top of your ship is much smaller if the storms spawn rarely which is possible only if they are persistent.
Hurricanes will ofcorse spawn in equitorial waters and preferentialy move westward. When they hit land they dispate (the smaller storms also dispate when they make landfall but they have no effect when they do so). The tile that the eye hits has a high probability of lossing one or more improvments much like a Fungal Pop in SMAC. A coastal city might loss populaton or more likly some city improvments. Ocean based improvments can also be wreched by Hurricanes.
It sounds like many people are oposed to strong random events of any type, their would ofcorse be a way to toggle random events (hell where supposed to be able to mod the game down to the source code). I like and always use random events in SMAC but the storms proposed here are hardly worse then the ever-present mind worms of SMAC which give the player something to "fight" against in the early game.