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What to do with Barbarians in the Modern World

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  • What to do with Barbarians in the Modern World

    I think that, after the first two Ages, Barbarians ought not to be Barbarians anymore, and instead become rebels, or counter-governmentals that possibly even use 'terror' tactics to fight wars. Maybe depending on what kind of religion the closest civ has would determine what kind of attitude/war tactics these rebels would take on. Maybe even if a holy city is near them, it would cause them to be even more extremist. This would create a possible 'con' for building a holy city.

    I don't know, maybe someone else can flesh this out better, but it would be nice to see rebels and "international terrorists" in a game about Civilizations. I don't think "barbarians" are really a proper dynamic in the year 1995.

    =$= Big J Money =$=

  • #2
    Barbarians represent the communist hordes of the modern age.
    Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

    Do It Ourselves


    • #3
      They're trying to stay PC with this game, and I don't mean the personal computer.


      • #4
        Where did they say that Civilization was a politically correct game? Have you watched the CivAddicts video they made where they crack fun on W.? I'm not going to blame political correctness for the lack of non-governmental rebel organizations in the series. I am unaware of any evidence to support that claim. I simply think they haven't done it yet. It would be cool if they did.



        • #5
          Just think of Barbarians in the Modern age as terrorists then .
          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


          • #6
            Originally posted by BigJMoney
            Where did they say that Civilization was a politically correct game? Have you watched the CivAddicts video they made where they crack fun on W.? I'm not going to blame political correctness for the lack of non-governmental rebel organizations in the series. I am unaware of any evidence to support that claim. I simply think they haven't done it yet. It would be cool if they did.

            you're pretty mouthy for a settler

            IGNPC: With as much depth and accuracy as there is in the Civilization franchise, there are some other general historical themes -- things like slavery, civil wars, epidemics, ideological conflicts, etc. -- that either weren't present or were heavily abstracted. Naturally, you have to remain extremely sensitive on some of these issues but are you planning to incorporate mechanics to highlight previously neglected historical phenomena?

            Barry Caudill: Well we aren't trying to alienate anyone out there but we are paying more attention to some of the more serious issues where it makes sense. As I mentioned, slavery is a Civics option but so is emancipation. Epidemics aren't directly modeled but the idea of tying a city's health to available food and resources helps to simulate this. Ideological conflicts are a definite possibility as a result of the AI leader personalities and their ties to certain religions or civics.


            • #7
              Re: What to do with Barbarians in the Modern World

              Kill them?


              • #8
                "Well we aren't trying to alienate anyone out there but we are paying more attention to some of the more serious issues where it makes sense."

                Maybe my reading and comprehension is broken, but that sounds like evidence that supports exactly what I just said. They wouldn't want to alienate people, but at the same time, they aren't going to let politcal correctness stand in the way of giving "some of the more serious issues" (in this case, he mentions slavery) more attention.

                Also, I didn't claim there wasn't evidence out there. I said, "I am unaware" of such evidence. I think that's a pretty fair way to put it. Show me the evidence and maybe I'll agree with the idea.


