I like the idea of tying Secession to changing your civics options, with perhaps the base chance depending on how much your new civics options differ from your current civ traits.
Also, if national happiness or health fall below a certain threshold, then this should also give a potential chance for secession. Losing your capital should raise the possibility of secession, but only for a sprawling and/or poorly run empire. Also starting unpopular wars or signing unpopular peace (as well as letting wars run for TOO long) should have a chance of sparking secessionism as well. Lastly, it should be possible for a foreign power to try and use his intelligence service to spark a secession.
The chance of a city seceeding would depend on its distance from the capital, the number of foreign citizens/non-believers, the size of your garrison, the city's happiness, health and culture level, and its degree of war weariness. Also, proximity to another seceeding city should increase the chance as well.
Of course secession doesn't mean civil war-if you LET these cities go voluntarily, then you may gain a very valuable ally-or even a nation with protectorate/vassal status. My point is that secession-even if badly handled-need not be a complete disaster!
Also, if national happiness or health fall below a certain threshold, then this should also give a potential chance for secession. Losing your capital should raise the possibility of secession, but only for a sprawling and/or poorly run empire. Also starting unpopular wars or signing unpopular peace (as well as letting wars run for TOO long) should have a chance of sparking secessionism as well. Lastly, it should be possible for a foreign power to try and use his intelligence service to spark a secession.
The chance of a city seceeding would depend on its distance from the capital, the number of foreign citizens/non-believers, the size of your garrison, the city's happiness, health and culture level, and its degree of war weariness. Also, proximity to another seceeding city should increase the chance as well.
Of course secession doesn't mean civil war-if you LET these cities go voluntarily, then you may gain a very valuable ally-or even a nation with protectorate/vassal status. My point is that secession-even if badly handled-need not be a complete disaster!