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Civics and Civil Wars/Secessions

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  • Civics and Civil Wars/Secessions

    Remember how back in Civ 2 there would be secessions and civil wars? You would be conquering another civilization, and all of a sudden part of it would break off and form a new civilization. That was so cool! I was very disappointed when they dropped the concept from Civ 3.

    Of course, I can see why they dropped it—it was poorly implemented. IIRC, A civil war would happen only when a civ lost its capital. This worked badly, since 1) it meant that a civ would fragment when it was being attacked and in a desperate situation, which seems unrealistic (where’s the nationalistic fervor?), and 2) it meant that the human player never had to deal with it, since no decent player will lose his capitol to an AI unless the rest of his empire is gone as well.

    But is there not a way to bring the concept back, better than ever? It seems to me that the concept of “Civics” provides a perfect opportunity to do this. Consider:

    Changing the way you run your empire should have a cost associated with it, otherwise people can just change back and forth willy-nilly to get advantages in some situation. In previous Civs, changing your government required lots of turns of anarchy. That’s okay for a government, which might change twice during a game, but it’s a big cost considering the number of Civics that will probably be changed around in a given game of Civ4. SMAC had SE, and they used money as the change-cost, but the cost of changing your SE options was very low. It only costs 15 energy credits to switch to a Cybernetic Society? Why would I ever turn that down? For balance, Civ4 should fall somewhere between these extremes.

    So what if the “cost” of changing your civics was that there would be a small chance for a few of your cities to declare independence and attempt to secede? So maybe Southern Greece says, We don’t approve of this “State-owned Property” idea, so we’re going to form our own nation. Wouldn’t that be cool? I can see this chance being affected in several ways:
    1) It’s more likely to occur in large / geographically non-coherent empires. So it wouldn’t happen in the early game (when it would be a disaster), but if you have colonies on other continents, they could well decide to break off.
    2) It’s less likely to happen in cities/empires with high culture. If the outer regions of your empire embrace their cultural identity, why would they break off?
    3) It’s more likely to happen for certain “controversial” civics. I can’t see anyone revolting over a move to Universal Sufferage, but a change to Emancipation, or a change away from Democracy, could easily provoke secession.

    If part of your empire attempts to break off, you have two options. 1) declare war and reconquer them. 2) Let them go. Why would you ever let them go? Well, if you did, they would be independent, but they would be very grateful and would become really super friendly to you, and you could immediately negotiate extremely beneficial deals for any resources you might have lost when they left. Plus, you wouldn’t have to deal with corrupt, remote, hard-to-defend cities that suck away your resources. Think of what happened with the British Empire.

    There would be two terrific benefits to this idea. First, it would prevent the typical Civ3 endgame situation where four huge civs dominate the two continents of the world. Boooring. Second, it would greatly increase the realism of the game. How many times in history has there been a civil war tied to a change in policy? A LOT. The British and other European colonial empires broke up arguably because those countries moved away from Colonialism (I don’t know if Colonialism is a Civic, but it could be). The Confederacy left the USA because of Emancipation. Russia and China both fought civil wars when they moved to State-Owned Property. Western Rome broke away gradually as Rome moved away from a Republic (didn’t they? Or am I making that up?). The US revolution doesn’t fit the mold exactly (the US was not resisting a Civics change), but it helps underscore the need for secessions in a game like this.

    The only downside I can see is that I don’t know if the game will be able to handle a new Civ being added midway through an epic game.

    Just throwing this out there. Comments? Ideas? Criticisms?

  • #2
    Sounds like an excellent idea, the problem with civil war in other games is that they tend to hurt countries that are already hurting (in Civ II or EU II for example) this seems to be like the sort of thing that would tend to hurt the Civs that are way ahead, which is a really good thing for game balance.
    Stop Quoting Ben


    • #3
      A barb-controlled faction, borne from a few cities (like in CTP) was a good idea...


      • #4
        It would make a good deal of sense. Want to switch to Emancipation? Well, the South's gonna secede...


        • #5
          A potential problem... this would damage the AI more than the human player, probably. But, I don't like when there are some things that only happen to the human player. I prefer a more equal playing ground.

          I'd settle for a more simple thing with certain cities revolting and thus joining other civs, like in SMAC. Can be a problem if a big and important city defects to a civ which you hate, but which you're not at war with.
          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


          • #6
            How would this affect the AI more than the human?


            • #7
              The AI tends to be dumber and less intuitive than an imaginative and adaptive human.

              (in most cases)


              • #8
                So? You can say about any feature, then, that it helps the human more than the AI...


                • #9
                  I don't see where you are going with that...

                  The game is for humans, after all.


                  • #10
                    If an AI loses half of its empire due to a civil war, that AI is basically out of the game, which decreases fun for the human. That's too bad.
                    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by curtsibling
                      A barb-controlled faction, borne from a few cities (like in CTP) was a good idea...

                      Yeah, but I don't think that would work in this case, because you can't negotiate with the barbs. You would HAVE to go to war to get those cities back, and it seems like it would become an un-fun element of the game.

                      Originally posted by Solver
                      A potential problem... this would damage the AI more than the human player, probably. But, I don't like when there are some things that only happen to the human player. I prefer a more equal playing ground.

                      I'd settle for a more simple thing with certain cities revolting and thus joining other civs, like in SMAC. Can be a problem if a big and important city defects to a civ which you hate, but which you're not at war with.
                      I would think humans would be more likely to have oversized, sprawling civs, and thus would be better candidates to be hit by a secession. Of course, it would also limit KAIs, which tend to be the big challenges for a human in the end-game. But maybe the end-game would be even more interesting because it wouldn't be "Big human vs KAI," but "Mid-sized human vs mid-sized AI #1 vs Mid-sized AI #2 vs Mid-sized AI #3...."

                      Having your revolting cities join other civs is a neat idea, but IMO less historically realistic. Now, if there was something like, they would join another civ that had the civic your civ just abandoned and had similar religions, then maybe it could work. But then we're getting into culture-flipping-esque things that lots of people dislike

                      I never had that happen to me in SMAC...maybe I didn't play the game enough. Under what circumstances did it happen?


                      • #12
                        Also, the chance for a secession to occur could easily depend on your difficulty level. So on Regent the AIs suffer the same chance of secession you do, and maybe (as Solver says) they don't handle it well. But on Sid the AIs can grow and grow, and you're limited by those rebellious outer provinces that don't like your empire enough to stay there.


                        • #13
                          Yes, Civil Wars are the spice of life, or, civ, or whatever, i dunno. i need a nap, and its noon.

                          I really wish theyd put it in, maybe make it an option so whoever doesnt like it can turn it off. Maybe put in a "Civil War" screen where it warns you how close you are to losing some cities. Anything, Just anything!
                          Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Solver
                            If an AI loses half of its empire due to a civil war, that AI is basically out of the game, which decreases fun for the human. That's too bad.
                            maybe civil wars could be coded to only occur to the largest nation at the time, and only if it is twice the size of any other nation, so the 2 remaining nations are still competitive?

                            but then that gets to be unrealistic
                            Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Solver
                              If an AI loses half of its empire due to a civil war, that AI is basically out of the game, which decreases fun for the human. That's too bad.
                              Not necessarily.

