Where I come from I'm always told that the Vikings were neither a civilization nor an ethnic group, but a profession of pirates who went on raids. Maybe the game should call them the Norse? I am very confused about what constitutes Scandinavia. I consider the five countries to be Scandinavia, or alternately the three countries. I'm guessing you'll tell me the correct definition is the two countries of the one peninsula? I sort of base my definition on which languages are called Scandinavian, and alternately which are basically dialects of one language. I guess nether explains Finland, however. Of course, I'd like to be able to include the Baltics and maybe Karelia, but I don't. Then there's people who seem to think Benelux is Scandinavia. One Norwegian I've met seemed totally confused with my use of the term Scandinavia.
Ah well, I'll let you live in the real world while I live in my own which I seem to share with the rest of us stupid Americans.
Ah well, I'll let you live in the real world while I live in my own which I seem to share with the rest of us stupid Americans.