If CivIV is simplified, simplified simplified!! I will only begin to trust paradox plaza for quality strategy games. MOO3 didn't live up to it's promise, civ 3 fell short of the scope of CTP and don't even get me started on Lords of the Realm 3. I am sick of the attitudes of game devolopers in regards to strategy games they act as if their is this massive untapped market while in reality the market for in depth strategy games is already large and the attempts to dumb down games don't work.
Play the world and conquest were not legitmate expansion packs and should have been free patches or mods. If civIV doesn't achieve more than A LEGITMATE expansion pack then I believe people will finally abandon hope that the series is a progressive one and that companies like Paradox Plaza will gain the deserved loyality from fans of the series. No more will people say I can't wait fore civ V when they know how little to expect. Once Paradox or another company with true vision trys to compete with civ in TBS (not RoN because RTS) than civilization series will finally have to either step up or step down
Play the world and conquest were not legitmate expansion packs and should have been free patches or mods. If civIV doesn't achieve more than A LEGITMATE expansion pack then I believe people will finally abandon hope that the series is a progressive one and that companies like Paradox Plaza will gain the deserved loyality from fans of the series. No more will people say I can't wait fore civ V when they know how little to expect. Once Paradox or another company with true vision trys to compete with civ in TBS (not RoN because RTS) than civilization series will finally have to either step up or step down