I will mainly be talking about STRATEGIC resources, but i guess it could also apply to other types.
Tiles with Resources should have a Quantity atribute, which is randomly assigned when the map is created.
Say for example you have rubber. YOu assign the quantity of 65. Then you have a second source of rubber which has a value of 25. This gives you a total of 90 rubber points per turn.
How this affects your own unit building: Say you want to build an infantry unit. Besides shields , they would also cost a certain rubber quantity. Lets say in this example they would cost 10 per unit.
What does this mean? It means you can have a maximum of 9 infantry units in production at any given time. Once an infantry unit is completely built, it frees up resources which can be used to build other units.
Another example: Lets say Marines cost 25 units of rubber per turn. Thus, you could have one marine and perhaps 6 infantry units in production at any given time.
SO how does this affect trading? This is actually one of the main reasons for this idea. For example, say you are a OIL rich country, but very small, and have only 1 resource of oil, but with a huge quantity attribute, say 200. In Civ3 you only had the option of giving away your entire resource, or nothing at all. Under this system, you could give away, say 150, and keep 50 for own production needs. You could use those 150 resources to trade in other resources you can't find in your little country.
Example, you can trade in some rubber, steel, and aluminium and start building tanks, planes and infantry. Albeit, only in a small quanity per turn.
What other uses are there?
It can also be also be applied to building buildings. As long as a building is being built, resources are being tied up .
You could also use it for Unit Upkeep. Say a tank requires 2 units of oil per turn. Or infantry requires 1 unit of steel (iron) per turn (ammo, just an example).
Besides money, resources would then also play a major role in controlling force size. See the game Axis&allies RTS to see how ammo & oil affects number of units in game.
I will let your mind wander off now with the possibilities this system would provide
Comments, suggestions?
Tiles with Resources should have a Quantity atribute, which is randomly assigned when the map is created.
Say for example you have rubber. YOu assign the quantity of 65. Then you have a second source of rubber which has a value of 25. This gives you a total of 90 rubber points per turn.
How this affects your own unit building: Say you want to build an infantry unit. Besides shields , they would also cost a certain rubber quantity. Lets say in this example they would cost 10 per unit.
What does this mean? It means you can have a maximum of 9 infantry units in production at any given time. Once an infantry unit is completely built, it frees up resources which can be used to build other units.
Another example: Lets say Marines cost 25 units of rubber per turn. Thus, you could have one marine and perhaps 6 infantry units in production at any given time.
SO how does this affect trading? This is actually one of the main reasons for this idea. For example, say you are a OIL rich country, but very small, and have only 1 resource of oil, but with a huge quantity attribute, say 200. In Civ3 you only had the option of giving away your entire resource, or nothing at all. Under this system, you could give away, say 150, and keep 50 for own production needs. You could use those 150 resources to trade in other resources you can't find in your little country.
Example, you can trade in some rubber, steel, and aluminium and start building tanks, planes and infantry. Albeit, only in a small quanity per turn.
What other uses are there?
It can also be also be applied to building buildings. As long as a building is being built, resources are being tied up .
You could also use it for Unit Upkeep. Say a tank requires 2 units of oil per turn. Or infantry requires 1 unit of steel (iron) per turn (ammo, just an example).
Besides money, resources would then also play a major role in controlling force size. See the game Axis&allies RTS to see how ammo & oil affects number of units in game.
I will let your mind wander off now with the possibilities this system would provide

Comments, suggestions?