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Starting a new Civ

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  • Starting a new Civ

    1. Settlers found colonies, then as the size of its population grows, they "vote" on becoming townships, towns, cities, metropolises.

    2. Suburbs are located within the cities influence area. This will limit improvements that can be made (people get pissed if you run a railroad through their neighborhoods.) same for mining, and such.

    3. Increase the squares that a city can actually use to be more inline with the influence boundaries.

    4. Be able to build more advanced pollution control and food generation improvements as tech gets more advanced.

    5. Be able to attack “trespassers” without going to war automatically. Also, the ability to build walls along borders to keep out the “illegals” and an enemy would have to attack (declare war) to cross em.

    6. Be able to manually setup trade between your cities and others. Bring back the pirates, or just give the pirating ability to the privateers to “harvest trade routes.”

    7. With tech advances, be able to make more changes to the terrain (convert tundra to grassland, ect.)

    8. Workers can only do one major task then disappears (or a worker is only good for a set amount of turns or improvements.)

    9. Be able to “airdrop” anywhere within range of a air transport craft (ability to rebase with an aircraft, but a air transport would be required for an airdrop) A helicopter just doesn’t move an army very well for long distances)

    10. Bring back the Eco Terrorists, those were great….lol

    11. Add a “Capitalist” to setup Wal-Marts and Mc Donald’s in other civs.

  • #2
    Re: Starting a new Civ

    Originally posted by Ken aka Batman Add a “Capitalist” to setup Wal-Marts and Mc Donald’s in other civs.
    I've always liked this idea. I want to see Ericsson cover the globe!
    "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
    "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
    "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli


    • #3
      12. Using the same principle as wonders, after the tech is discovered, you need to "build" the invention to use it.


      After the discovery of steam power, you need to build a steam engine to be able to build railroads. Internal combustion engine to build tanks, ect...

      Not just a automatic given.

      Also, telegraph/telephone lines. Just a road should be enough to provide instantainious communications benifits for your cities. Of course, they won't be needed once you've established satalitte comunications, but till

      The ability to use/lay landmines and/or sea mines to protect your waterways. Of couse a minesweeper would be required to see them. And they deteriorate with age.

      Acually, the same thing for all units. They get weaker as they get older.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ken aka Batman
        12. Using the same principle as wonders, after the tech is discovered, you need to "build" the invention to use it.


        After the discovery of steam power, you need to build a steam engine to be able to build railroads. Internal combustion engine to build tanks, ect...

        Not just a automatic given.
        Not neccessary. That is abstracted in the research part. Besides, it wouln't fit all techs anyway.
        Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
        I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
        Also active on WePlayCiv.


        • #5
          @Ken: Bring back ecoterrorists? Are you talking about well-poisoning or are you thinking about CtP?


          • #6

            I loved those damn things........lmfao

            Esp, the Eco-Rangers......


            • #7
              I liked the ability to do those special attacks in CtP, but I didn't like the way they made units out of it.

              Maybe a more advanced Civ would tend to leech money from less advanced/developed civs, if they traded more? i.e., I want the coal those capitalist americans have, but if I trade for it, they'll siphon off some of my hard-earned dough through MNCs and such.
              Lime roots and treachery!
              "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten

