Originally posted by Atahualpa
I don't like this too much, because increasing the cost will also increase the time until the skeleton is in place...
I don't like this too much, because increasing the cost will also increase the time until the skeleton is in place...
Also, think about this.... if you have 25 cities, each 6 tiles apart, you'd probably have to build on the order of 150 segments of railroad to connect them in a skeletal fashion. To make a fully-connected system, with each city connected to each other city, would require railroading many times as many tiles. Look how much more red there is in your second diagram than the first. The costs could be tweaked such that it takes 10-20 years to do the first and another 60 years to do the second. It's quite possible that it would take about the same time to do a skeletal system in civ4(5?) that it took to do a complete rail carpet in civ3. That's fine, though, because you no longer gain any benefit from a rail carpet, so you'd move on to bigger and better things.