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Multi National Corperations?

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  • Multi National Corperations?

    I think a great feature that could be impliment in Civ 4 is the appearance of Multi National Corperations - they are after all the pinnicle of globalisation.

    Basically my way of implementing would be allowing an advanced City in the Modern age have a small chance each turn that a MNC will setup HQ in thier city.

    The Following things will be eligibility Criteria:
    The Presence of a Bank
    The Discovery of a certain modern age tech
    No resistors
    City size at least 7

    While the following would significantly give you better chance of attracting an MNC:

    The Presence of a Stock Exchange
    The Presence of any Economic wonders (Ie Adam Smiths,Internet ect)
    A High amount of Trade in the City
    A larger population
    The presence of capitalist specialists
    The peace rating of a Country (ie the less war, or preferably no war the better)
    The peace rating of the City (Is it on a warfront? has it been in resistance or disorder?)
    A high national GNP
    The City having Capital status

    Possibly there could be more factors, either way the better the city is geared up trade wise, and the stability overall of the location will give a good chance on any given of getting an MNC. MNC's will provide several trade benefits, at it's simplest they could provide Gold Per Turn benefits, possibly they also could be prerequisites to a Wonder like Wall Street for example. This isnt a gimmick, MNC's are absolutly crucial to the commercial sucess of nations and would compliment a Builder style of play giving players an extra factor to consider.

    Up The Millers

  • #2

    well said

    MNC's could threaten to move offshore in times of war, unrest, and heavy taxation

    MNC's could be lured to your nation through tax incentives

    MNC's could assist the country in unlocking technologies that the MNC have access to in other nations where they are also located

    MNC's could also play a part in opening dialogue between two nations that are on the verge of war

    MNC's could also be found to be the instigator of wars to bring nations to their knees etc
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • #3
      It could add an interesting edge. Except you should add "produces 'wealth' for 8+ turns" to a trigger for making a corporation. Wealth should also increase luxury output by 50%, and reduce corruption in civ4, so maybe people will use it now and then...

      They should have their own diplomacy. They should be able to conduct espionage, to smuggle trade goods between warring civs, to steal tech from you and sell it to your rivals. They could also BE a resource, coca-cola can be a luxury good, or military chips could be required to build kick-ass cruise missiles and stuff.

      Oh yeah, Corporate Bordello should be an option in mobilization, which let's corporations be nice as pie to you, as well as let you generate commerce alongside happiness when you have luxuries. Every square could produce 1 extra shield when you're producing 'wealth', or banks, stock exchanges, etc. No producing ecology improvements, either.

      And last, but not least, relationships between communist govs and civs that have multinational corporations OR are mobilized to be a corporate bordello should become colder. Not to say that they shouldn't be able to mobilize into a corporate bordello, because both china and russia have historicaly dabbled with syndicates and the like.


      • #4
        One last thing. Corporations should be able to initiate propaganda ON YOUR BEHALF. And since making wealth is all they makes for a very interesting new complication in the industrial revolution and onward.

        Neo Colonialism... HERE WE COME!
        Last edited by Quezacotl06; October 17, 2004, 21:31.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Quezacotl06
          One last thing. Corporations should be able to initiate propaganda ON YOUR BEHALF. And since making wealth is all they makes for a very interesting new complication in the industrial revolution and onward.

          Neo Colonialism... HERE WE COME!
          sounds cool
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • #6
            I wonder if independant societies could be included in the same way... Perhaps these could all be represented under one name such as "International groups" or anything. This can include stuff like Amnesty International, Green Peace, "Research Group for Liberal Capitalism" (Ayn Rand's Libertairian group for example), corporations, etc etc

            All have advantages and disadvantages, and they would of course promote their stuff (worldwide if possible).

            How merging of ideas sounds like?
            Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!

