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City governments

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  • City governments

    My idea is add a "city government" in each city, with the standart emperor government.

    In each city you will can choose a "city government" if changes some aspects of the city production, hapyness, culture, chance of overtrhow, military suport, etc.. For example, the "city government" Colony raises the taxes, but limits the production of city improvments and alow that the city revolts and form a new civ; the "city government" City-State raises the shield production, raises the units suported by the city but the governor manages the production and a few times they produce units if attack your own units and citys, etc.
    There isn't a good idea?
    "We, civilizations, now know that we are mortals...", Paul Valéry

  • #2
    To include such an idea means that we would need a complete system permitting to customize our social/economical/political system. So the question is not wether it would be nice, but how could you bring a complete system including city-government?
    Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


    • #3
      With choices on the city display, like on the governor menu; it will add new factors to the game and make it more complex, but it isn't a bad thing.
      "We, civilizations, now know that we are mortals...", Paul Valéry


      • #4
        Make Civ4 more like MOO3?
        "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
        "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
        2004 Presidential Candidate
        2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


        • #5
          Well, I couldn't answer because I don't know what is MOO3.
          "We, civilizations, now know that we are mortals...", Paul Valéry


          • #6
            MOO3 is Master of Orion 3. MOO2 and 1 were very popular, MOO3 was a flop.

            Oriented towards macro-macro management, general stuff... anyway... try a demo if there's one. It's worth giving a look.
            Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


            • #7
              It doesn't make sense to have cities have different governments, considering the municipal act applies to all cities, not just a few.

              Maybe a colony is just a city with a max pop. limit of 1, and a max culture of 9?


              • #8
                The problem with this suggestion is that it would probably require a rather large amount of micromanagement... imagine how many cities some players end up with on large maps at certain points in time. When you get a new tech, you may end up having to change the government for hundreds of cities. That's pretty brutal.


                • #9
                  There's something in SMAC that allows u to change all ur base's government strategy. at once. Somethign could be used for city govs.

                  Larger thing is coming up with actual government types lol.


                  • #10
                    The new cities government may be decided on the Governor screen; or maybe you can have the option if you change the government of one city, all the cities with the same government changes to (an option, only if one option in the Domestic Advisor is choosed for example). And there is no problem with put more micro-managing,some people likes this (I), if there are alternatives to it for the people that hate this.
                    "We, civilizations, now know that we are mortals...", Paul Valéry


                    • #11
                      If you have an interface that changes all cities from one government to another, what's the point in having different city governments?

                      IMO, there's a big problem with this.

                      You either A) have it easy to manage, so every city has the same government... what's the point? or B) many different governments and different cities are suited for different governments... but it's impossible to keep track of - a micromanagement mess.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Vince278
                        Make Civ4 more like MOO3?
                        Good idea. The semi-automatic policy setting was one the few features I actually liked about the game.

                        Trip, if it's well implemented, it actually reduces micromanagement, while still giving the player some interesting (and not always easy) choices. It would allow for empire-wide settings to affect cities. But at the same time, it can automatically capture different situations, and act accordingly. I described the Master of Orion 3 system here (link). It allowed a player to often completely leave planet management to the AI, and still get good overall results. This means moving the actual decisions to macromanagement, making the game more interesting, IMO.
                        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                        • #13
                          I think change all city governments together is an alternative for who don't like micromanagement, so for these people there isn't any importance the diferent city government, but who likes micromanagement will have diferent city governments to each city. Also, you may do the AI choose one city government by selecting an option on the Governor screen, like "Manage government" if you don't want to choose one by one.
                          "We, civilizations, now know that we are mortals...", Paul Valéry


                          • #14
                            The whole point of the MOO3 system is to have different governors, while not having lots of micromanagement. Far better than anything I saw before.

                            And I don't think that many people really like micromanaging things. Many are patient enough to do it, yes, but that's not the same.
                            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                            • #15
                              there should be city states in civ4 too

