Random Government Changes & Other Ideas.
Forgive me if this has already been mentioned or is in a wrong place.
As we know, currently, we can change our government style at will. Of course there are consquences such as anarchy and so on.
What if our civ could demand a change and perhaps force it resulting in a civil war? Perhaps this will be too complicated to implement or will be too frustrating to certain players (make it an toggleable rule/option? ). Suppose the cirumstances are right such as Republic has been known for 500 years and pretty much all other civs have been republics for a long while, your civ populace may be not so happy with your feudal government and demand that you change to Republic. Refusal to do so could result in increased corruption and unhappiness. Depending on certain factors such as do you have enough military units to suppress dissentors or whatever, you could find a civil war erupting on your hands as cities with above average unhappiness rates attempt to split away from your civ.
That's one idea. The other one is this: When you do change a government, perhaps there should be a chance that your attempt to change will not be so successful. Imagine what if Bush attempted to overhaul the American government and replace it with fascism? (Ok ok, bad example I know :P ). A lot of people would be not too happy with this and resist the change. The result could be longer anarchy period then return to the orginial government or a civil war.
Hope I'm making any sense here.
Forgive me if this has already been mentioned or is in a wrong place.
As we know, currently, we can change our government style at will. Of course there are consquences such as anarchy and so on.
What if our civ could demand a change and perhaps force it resulting in a civil war? Perhaps this will be too complicated to implement or will be too frustrating to certain players (make it an toggleable rule/option? ). Suppose the cirumstances are right such as Republic has been known for 500 years and pretty much all other civs have been republics for a long while, your civ populace may be not so happy with your feudal government and demand that you change to Republic. Refusal to do so could result in increased corruption and unhappiness. Depending on certain factors such as do you have enough military units to suppress dissentors or whatever, you could find a civil war erupting on your hands as cities with above average unhappiness rates attempt to split away from your civ.
That's one idea. The other one is this: When you do change a government, perhaps there should be a chance that your attempt to change will not be so successful. Imagine what if Bush attempted to overhaul the American government and replace it with fascism? (Ok ok, bad example I know :P ). A lot of people would be not too happy with this and resist the change. The result could be longer anarchy period then return to the orginial government or a civil war.
Hope I'm making any sense here.