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Hexes instead of squares

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Atahualpa
    Civ is strategy, Panzer General is tactic. Squares for strategy, hexes for tactic
    huh? i would actually think civ could play similar in battles to pg if it used hexes and modified a few things. now that'd be great...
    Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Naokaukodem
      As for an operationnal game i think that hexes are coupled with the fact that units can't stay in the same tile what has never been implemented in any civ until now.
      -v, please. I don't get it.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Max Sinister



        • #19
          btw i was just saying that with stacks of units civ can't be an operational game.


          • #20
            The term "operational" refers only to the scale of the game. Are you commandig entire armies? then you're playing at the strategic level. Are you commandig regiments? that's the operational level. Are you commanding a platoon? That's tactics. Issues like stacks of units and the keypad have nothing to do with that.


            • #21
              -v is commonly used as command line switch when you want to have more detailed output.

              Max Sinister is obviously showing his 3x7r3m3 £337n3$$


              • #22
                Squares or hexes, I'm happy with both.
                One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                • #23
                  stack of units , because the place that one unit occupies in tactical / operational may be important... just like King, Queen & co places are in Chess

                  i was more thinking about complex tactic like in Chess to qualify any game of "tactical" or even operational, it is quite rare in civ that we have to take care about unit positions. If we come to take a strategic mountain, just take it the sooner possible, and if you want to take it back, just bring artilleries or better or numerouser units.

                  in tactical games like hmm.. erm... hmm .. Battle Isle units can't overlap each other, reality related stuff you know...

                  So i do not believe that hexes could change many things to civ war simplicity if the units movement and management stay the exact same.

                  By the way about to know when to send which unit where, I feel already that civ3 "manage" it pretty well, playing at Demi-God level at least.
                  Last edited by Naokaukodem; April 17, 2004, 18:03.

