Terrain and Units
Civ2. 2D. No animation.
Portraits like in Civ2. No animation. Photos if available, classical paintings or whatever.
In general I am antigraphics, or at least I think I am until faced with a specific issue, but I did like the video of real people in Civ2. If it means more available resources for other issues, or lower system requirements, they can be nonanimated drawings.
New Look in General
Civ2. 2D. No animation.
Portraits like in Civ2. No animation. Photos if available, classical paintings or whatever.
In general I am antigraphics, or at least I think I am until faced with a specific issue, but I did like the video of real people in Civ2. If it means more available resources for other issues, or lower system requirements, they can be nonanimated drawings.
New Look in General