Originally posted by Trifna
1- About tanks and such units, I would not see them as going as well in a dense forest as in a plain. In Civ though, a forest tile is not by default a dense forest. I never read about how it is to drive a tank though.
1- About tanks and such units, I would not see them as going as well in a dense forest as in a plain. In Civ though, a forest tile is not by default a dense forest. I never read about how it is to drive a tank though.
2- I do not expect CiV to have modifiers for every single terrain and every single unit since Civ always have been a pretty general game. I would rather expect a few general modifiers.
Offensive foot units
Defensive foot units
Horse units
Armored units
Bombardment units
Not really much of a change as CIV 3 has most of these distinctions already in place. Unit abilities could also be added to fine tune the combat system (pikes +10% def against horses, Aegis and Mobile SAM systems +50% defense against missle attacks)