Some United Nations that hace councils and actually change SOMETHING into the game.
(from Galactic Civilizations)
Since we're at it, incorporate influence somewhat like in GalCiv.
Minor civilizations, that can conquer and are not just there to be conquered. I guess those can come from different events.
(again, like in Galactic Civilizations)
Somehow, incorporate major trade routes so that those can be cut (like when Constinople was taken in 1493), and so that we can SEE trading.
(from Galactic Civilizations)
When a city gets about like New York, it can produce wheat in asphalt. So perhaps the graphics around should change from plains to little buildings being part of New York. Thus, you would need to give a basic orientation to your aagglomerations. Some would be more towards industry, others towards agriculture or else. Improvements should give an orientation to production, city growth, etc.
Troops should supply themselves by two ways:
1- Physical supplies
Like in Iraq: you get trucks to your troops with everything.
2- Local supplies
In the past, most of the supplies were mostly from forcing people to give you what you need.
Both of these two have consequences, like the need to build and protect some SUPPLY ROUTES, or the population not loving you...
Supply routes can be done simply by determining the path of this line. The more enemy are round these lines, the most of your supplies will be disrupted.
We had checked all battles in history, and one can also look at the Waterloo battle's tactics more in detail. Result: the more you have troops and the less the other has troops, the biggest advantage you have towards the other. 5000 vs 1000: not each side will lose 1000, you may lose 500 out of 5000. Consequence: you NEED stacked combat. This simple addition is the ESSENCE of strategy and would change everything about combat.
Some United Nations that hace councils and actually change SOMETHING into the game.
(from Galactic Civilizations)
Since we're at it, incorporate influence somewhat like in GalCiv.
Minor civilizations, that can conquer and are not just there to be conquered. I guess those can come from different events.
(again, like in Galactic Civilizations)
Somehow, incorporate major trade routes so that those can be cut (like when Constinople was taken in 1493), and so that we can SEE trading.
(from Galactic Civilizations)
When a city gets about like New York, it can produce wheat in asphalt. So perhaps the graphics around should change from plains to little buildings being part of New York. Thus, you would need to give a basic orientation to your aagglomerations. Some would be more towards industry, others towards agriculture or else. Improvements should give an orientation to production, city growth, etc.
Troops should supply themselves by two ways:
1- Physical supplies
Like in Iraq: you get trucks to your troops with everything.
2- Local supplies
In the past, most of the supplies were mostly from forcing people to give you what you need.
Both of these two have consequences, like the need to build and protect some SUPPLY ROUTES, or the population not loving you...
Supply routes can be done simply by determining the path of this line. The more enemy are round these lines, the most of your supplies will be disrupted.
We had checked all battles in history, and one can also look at the Waterloo battle's tactics more in detail. Result: the more you have troops and the less the other has troops, the biggest advantage you have towards the other. 5000 vs 1000: not each side will lose 1000, you may lose 500 out of 5000. Consequence: you NEED stacked combat. This simple addition is the ESSENCE of strategy and would change everything about combat.