Bombing Missions for Beyond the Sword 3.13!
The air-bombing missions which featured in the BtS Mod Road to War are now available separately! Bombers can now air-bomb city defenses, city buildings, strategic air-bomb or the port air-bomb mission to attempt to sink ships.
- AI now uses logic to choose which mission to perform.
- New XML tags for Civ4TechInfos.xml to specify the two techs that increase the chance to hit a building.
- New XML tag for Civ4UnitInfos.xml to signify what airbomb missions a unit can perform.
Please re-download to get the new version!
1. Download the mod.
2. Install and select your Mods folder: ..\Sid Meiers Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\
3. Launch BtS and switch to mod BombingMissions.
4. Play as you normally would.
1. Air-bomb Defenses:
Works as the typical air-bomb mission in Civ4. Either bomb tile improvements or city defenses to lower the defense percentage.
2. Air-bomb Buildings: (Thanks Seven05 for assistance)
Attempt to destroy one of the city's buildings. Works well against well-established and built-up cities. If successful one building is totally destroyed (could be a wonder too!).
3. Air-bomb Production Buildings:
Attempt to destroy a production building in the city. If successful one production building is totally destroyed.
4. Port Air-bomb:
Attempt to damage one of the ships in the city's port. Any ship in the city can be the target. If successful the ship is damaged, with a chance of the ship being sunk completely.
5. Strategic Air-bomb: (Thanks Stormwaltz for assistance)
Attempt to damage the current build project of the city. If successful hammers are removed from the current build project.

The air-bombing missions which featured in the BtS Mod Road to War are now available separately! Bombers can now air-bomb city defenses, city buildings, strategic air-bomb or the port air-bomb mission to attempt to sink ships.
- AI now uses logic to choose which mission to perform.
- New XML tags for Civ4TechInfos.xml to specify the two techs that increase the chance to hit a building.
- New XML tag for Civ4UnitInfos.xml to signify what airbomb missions a unit can perform.
Please re-download to get the new version!
1. Download the mod.
2. Install and select your Mods folder: ..\Sid Meiers Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\
3. Launch BtS and switch to mod BombingMissions.
4. Play as you normally would.
1. Air-bomb Defenses:
Works as the typical air-bomb mission in Civ4. Either bomb tile improvements or city defenses to lower the defense percentage.
2. Air-bomb Buildings: (Thanks Seven05 for assistance)
Attempt to destroy one of the city's buildings. Works well against well-established and built-up cities. If successful one building is totally destroyed (could be a wonder too!).
3. Air-bomb Production Buildings:
Attempt to destroy a production building in the city. If successful one production building is totally destroyed.
4. Port Air-bomb:
Attempt to damage one of the ships in the city's port. Any ship in the city can be the target. If successful the ship is damaged, with a chance of the ship being sunk completely.
5. Strategic Air-bomb: (Thanks Stormwaltz for assistance)
Attempt to damage the current build project of the city. If successful hammers are removed from the current build project.
