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[BtS-3.13] BombingMissions

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  • [BtS-3.13] BombingMissions

    Bombing Missions for Beyond the Sword 3.13!

    The air-bombing missions which featured in the BtS Mod Road to War are now available separately! Bombers can now air-bomb city defenses, city buildings, strategic air-bomb or the port air-bomb mission to attempt to sink ships.

    UPDATE 1.3
    - AI now uses logic to choose which mission to perform.
    - New XML tags for Civ4TechInfos.xml to specify the two techs that increase the chance to hit a building.
    - New XML tag for Civ4UnitInfos.xml to signify what airbomb missions a unit can perform.

    Please re-download to get the new version!

    1. Download the mod.
    2. Install and select your Mods folder: ..\Sid Meiers Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\
    3. Launch BtS and switch to mod BombingMissions.
    4. Play as you normally would.


    1. Air-bomb Defenses:
    Works as the typical air-bomb mission in Civ4. Either bomb tile improvements or city defenses to lower the defense percentage.

    2. Air-bomb Buildings: (Thanks Seven05 for assistance)
    Attempt to destroy one of the city's buildings. Works well against well-established and built-up cities. If successful one building is totally destroyed (could be a wonder too!).

    3. Air-bomb Production Buildings:
    Attempt to destroy a production building in the city. If successful one production building is totally destroyed.

    4. Port Air-bomb:
    Attempt to damage one of the ships in the city's port. Any ship in the city can be the target. If successful the ship is damaged, with a chance of the ship being sunk completely.

    5. Strategic Air-bomb: (Thanks Stormwaltz for assistance)
    Attempt to damage the current build project of the city. If successful hammers are removed from the current build project.

    Last edited by Dale; January 15, 2008, 07:14.

  • #2
    Mod updated!

    Added new mission thanks to Seven05 and a chance of population drop during a miss.

    Please re-download to get the new version.


    • #3
      This is something I've really, really missed! And with some additional stuff as well! Thanks!


      • #4
        One question: Does this mod include any changes to the interception of aircrafts? I tried a game with it yesterday (advanced start & future era to try these features right away) but my stealth bombers got often shot down by enemy fighters (not jet). Just a few were damaged and I estimate my bombers returned unharmed 50-70% of the time compared to at least 90% when stealth bombers meet fighters in the normal game.

        Also, I got a message that the AI had destroyed a factory in one of my border cities, but I couldn't find where, e.g. the factory wasn't gone.

        Otherwise, I love this! It adds more to realism that aircrafts can now actually hit buildings and ships in port (or population which also happens in RL)


        • #5
          Interception has been upped a little, so it'll occur more frequently.

          The "factory" mission includes all buildings that produce hammers. So it could've been a factory, forge, coal plant, etc etc.


          • #6
            This is changed in the unit-xml-file, right? My first experience was that the stealth bombers got too much intercepted and personally I feel these kind of bombers should quite easy outrun the good, old fighters and only occasionly be hit by them. It could of course only be bad luck from my side as it was upped only a little.

            Ah, thanks, I only checked for the factory itself (Just a thought: if the bomber hit Three Gorges Dam, will the city be flooded? )


            • #7
              Version 1.2 is currently being tested. It has the following changes:

              - Component can be turned on/off via GlobalDefinesAlt.xml tag (for modders)
              - NEW MISSION: Strategic Airbombing - Attempt to destroy hammers on current build project.
              - Buildings possibly affected by building missions (both civil and production) now defined via Civ4BuildingInfo.xml tag (iDCMAirbomMission). Define as 2 for civil airbomb mission, 3 for production airbomb mission.
              - All messages refurbished to provide much clearer information (building/city targeted, what ship sank, etc).
              - New icons for airbomb missions (thanks to GarretSidzaka)


              • #8
                Version 1.2 released!

                A new mission now available thanks to StormWaltz! Strategic Airbomb!
                New icons for the missions thank to GarretSidzaka!
                Mod updated for ease of use for modders. XML tag defines what airbomb mission a building is a potential target.
                All new messages for informative feedback.
                Thanks to Boneys26 for testing!


                • #9
                  Version 1.3 is out.

