New version available since Saturday, 30/06. See below for details.
Older versions:
LandMasses 1.2
LandMasses 2.0
To make use of the customisable resource options you'll need a Python editor. I use the one found here:
Original post (this may no longer give an accurate description of LandMasses - comments on newer version may be found in later posts):
This is a script I've been working on lately. My aim was to put together an alternative continents-style map generator.
The script allows the user to select the number of land masses, the number of continents which form the land masses, the seperation between land masses and whether or not colliding continents produce mountain ranges, among other things.
1 - 5 land masses, 1 continent per land mass, 60% - 70% ocean, no overseas trade before astronomy, normal everything else, standard map size:

2 - 4 land masses, 6 - 9 continents, randomly distributed continents, 60% - 70% ocean, no overseas trade before astronomy, mountain ranges, reduced desert, normal everything else, standard map size:

Having had no experience of Python before I used SmartMap as a guide to the language. This script uses CivIV's standard functions for generating rivers, lakes, features, bonuses, huts and starting positions. The terrain generator is also based on the CivIV standard but is slightly edited to allow for fewer small deserts. Map size and land/hill/peak placement began life as the SmartMap code but have been altered quite a lot since then.
Older versions:
LandMasses 1.2
LandMasses 2.0
To make use of the customisable resource options you'll need a Python editor. I use the one found here:
Original post (this may no longer give an accurate description of LandMasses - comments on newer version may be found in later posts):
This is a script I've been working on lately. My aim was to put together an alternative continents-style map generator.
The script allows the user to select the number of land masses, the number of continents which form the land masses, the seperation between land masses and whether or not colliding continents produce mountain ranges, among other things.
1 - 5 land masses, 1 continent per land mass, 60% - 70% ocean, no overseas trade before astronomy, normal everything else, standard map size:
2 - 4 land masses, 6 - 9 continents, randomly distributed continents, 60% - 70% ocean, no overseas trade before astronomy, mountain ranges, reduced desert, normal everything else, standard map size:
Having had no experience of Python before I used SmartMap as a guide to the language. This script uses CivIV's standard functions for generating rivers, lakes, features, bonuses, huts and starting positions. The terrain generator is also based on the CivIV standard but is slightly edited to allow for fewer small deserts. Map size and land/hill/peak placement began life as the SmartMap code but have been altered quite a lot since then.