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Tracking my caravan routes... any ideas?

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  • #31
    Ijuin: I could disallow production of the caravan unit, but that doesn't help when 20 turns later, someone pillages your farms and leaves your city in starvation. I'm thinking I'll need to catch onCityDoTurn or whatever it's called and force routes down whenever they cannot be supplied.



    • #32
      Newest Download: 'Caravan Mod' Alpha

      Update Information:

      Newest version has been uploaded with changes...
      • All labels are linked to the XML now (I think I got them all...)
      • Mod is localized for english and spanish (with atrocious translations done by me and the google translator)
      • Cities will reduce or suspend trade routes to avoid having starvation or negative production

      Things I need help with at this point...
      • Graphics: My caravan unit could use to not be a great merchant and my icons, while functional, aren't the most beautiful things in the world.
      • Localization: Spanish I feel comfortable enough with to do a rough translation, but if anyone would take it upon themselves to put another language in the XML I'd gladly update my originals. (all changes to text XMLs are at the bottom of the files)
      • Bug testing: I'm sure this thing will break, explode, what have you if people start playing with it. I'm hoping some of you modders will catch mistakes which I haven't yet.
      • Anything: If you have any suggestion as to how to improve this mod, please post and let me know.


      Newest Download: 'Caravan Mod' Alpha


      • #33

        i played several turns, starting at inindustrial age. all the routes appear to be inactive, though all cities are connected via rivers and roads.
        i couldn´t figure out what´s the reason for that.

        edit: oops sorry, all is working fine so far. didn´t know i had to adjust sent amount at caravan screen. thought it was 2 by default.
        War and courage have done more great things than charity. Not your sympathy, but your bravery hath hitherto saved the victims.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Meef

          i played several turns, starting at inindustrial age. all the routes appear to be inactive, though all cities are connected via rivers and roads.
          i couldn´t figure out what´s the reason for that.

          edit: oops sorry, all is working fine so far. didn´t know i had to adjust sent amount at caravan screen. thought it was 2 by default.
          Yes, currently the default on a route is 0 cargo. Setting the caravan unit to create a route simply opens up the ability to trade along that route. If you actually want food or production sent, you must increase the 'Number of Routes' in the caravan manager screen. Notice that the route cost will increase depending on the amount of food or hammers sent, but even at 0 routes you will still be paying 1 gold/turn. After all, that guy that manages the route still has to earn a living.



          • #35
            Great Stuff! Trying to work through a mod to learn this python thing myself and can appreciate the effort you've put into this mod.

            Loaded it up and some feedback:

            No problems loading the mod or using the new interfaces.

            Was able to setup a caravan route between several of my cities but they showed "inactive" in the city manager screen. Have no idea how to activate.[missed the second page of responses that discuss this].

            The Caravan Mgr Screen did not update Number of Food Routes, Production Routes, or Total Routes. Expect this relates to the active vs. inactive route status. [same]

            How are the resources handled after a Caravan has selected Food or Production at Source but has not yet reached Destination?

            Following that thought, would like to see the pending routes in the Source city listing of the Caravan Mng Screen. Some of the routes could take some time to reach and would help planning from turn to turn (or if game is saved and picked up later).

            Found myself switching from Domestic Advisor to the Caravan screen to determine which city had resources and which needed them. Would it be possible to add a city summary in your screen - how much production & surplus food available?

            What conditions are required to setup routes between civs. Open Borders did not allow it.

            Should be able to work more into mechanics after I get the inactive/active status correct. [wonder if there is a way to highlight the fact the route is new and has not been set - different font color/flashing/something?]

            Looking forward to seeing where you take this concept.



            • #36
              Thought about it while watching a movie ("11:14" - interesting little show) - and maybe just an event popup would do the trick after establishing a caraval route:

              You have established a caraval route.
              -->Go to Caraval Advisor Screen
              -->Leave it unused for now

              Have the code for a popup with text and an "ok" button:

              popup.setBodyString('You have established a Caraval Route')

              But haven't dug in far enough to know how to enable two buttons with text - LOL - sorry.



              • #37
                Trouble with popup implementation

                I'm currently working on implementing the popup on route creation to allow the player to jump to the caravan manager screen or leave the route inactive. Below is the code I use to create the popup, but I can't seem to track down where I can catch the user choice and then call the caravan screen from there.

                def bigPicPopup(self, cargo, origin, dest):
                    popup.setBodyString(u"You have established a %s route from %s to %s."%(cargo.lower(), origin, dest))
                    popup.addPythonButton("BigPicture","Let's see the big picture...","Go to the Caravan Manger","Art/.../")
                    popup.addPythonButton("OK","Leave it inactive.","Return to the game","Art/.../")
                    popup.launch(False, PopupStates.POPUPSTATE_IMMEDIATE)
                If anyone has any knowledge of how to implement a simple popup, it would be much appreciated. I could redo the idea as a standalone screen with it's own inputs, etc. but I would like to do it the more streamlined way.


