The American Civil War 1861-1865 (KISS=Keep it simple, stupid; aka "Civil War for Dummies")
1) Some details:
- The map is roughly of the same size as the board game "The Civil War" made by Victory Games, that is 58 wide x 40 high
-Weekly turns (aprox 200 turns total)
-So far there's one special unit for confederates, which is
a different cannon.
-The map will not be exact geographically in every detail
-The idea is to make an scenario that resembles the ACW, giving it somewhat the feel of the grand strategic point of view but without having to spend six months doing research or 1000 hours trying to place every single river turn at the exact location of the map.
-Each side will have about 12-14 cities only (because I dislike those maps of previous scenarios of this war or any other war where the map is completely crowded and it takes like 1 hour to move each turn).
2) I need help:
2.1) How do I block the technology tree so that there is no further advancement past the Renaissance technologies?
2.2) Victory conditions will be based on how many cities each side captures of the enemy's. So, how does one do to say, for example:
a) If the Union has captured 6 cities of the Confederacy, it wins. OR
b) if the union has captured Richmond plus another 3 cities of the Confederacy, it wins
2.3) How to disable: barbarians, city razing, new city construction?
--> Ok, I have added the following lines to the Begingame section of the xml file:
Hopefully this will do the trick for some issues. No city building I think i solved by disabling settlers.
2.4) I have disabled settlers and other units simply by editing the appropriate XML file saying that they require OIL, and there is none on the map.
3) Mod Info: Will be using a modified mod of someone who made a confederate civilization mod. It includes confederate flag and DAVIES or LEE as leaderheads. Also I am disabling some technologies and units.
4) Current state of development:
-Doing solitaire playtesting and some adjustments and waiting to solve the unresolved issues mentioned in section 2 above.
-Expected time of completion of first playtestable: 2 days.
5) First screenshots:
The American Civil War 1861-1865 (KISS=Keep it simple, stupid; aka "Civil War for Dummies")
1) Some details:
- The map is roughly of the same size as the board game "The Civil War" made by Victory Games, that is 58 wide x 40 high
-Weekly turns (aprox 200 turns total)
-So far there's one special unit for confederates, which is
a different cannon.
-The map will not be exact geographically in every detail
-The idea is to make an scenario that resembles the ACW, giving it somewhat the feel of the grand strategic point of view but without having to spend six months doing research or 1000 hours trying to place every single river turn at the exact location of the map.
-Each side will have about 12-14 cities only (because I dislike those maps of previous scenarios of this war or any other war where the map is completely crowded and it takes like 1 hour to move each turn).
2) I need help:
2.1) How do I block the technology tree so that there is no further advancement past the Renaissance technologies?
2.2) Victory conditions will be based on how many cities each side captures of the enemy's. So, how does one do to say, for example:
a) If the Union has captured 6 cities of the Confederacy, it wins. OR
b) if the union has captured Richmond plus another 3 cities of the Confederacy, it wins
2.3) How to disable: barbarians, city razing, new city construction?
--> Ok, I have added the following lines to the Begingame section of the xml file:
Hopefully this will do the trick for some issues. No city building I think i solved by disabling settlers.
2.4) I have disabled settlers and other units simply by editing the appropriate XML file saying that they require OIL, and there is none on the map.
3) Mod Info: Will be using a modified mod of someone who made a confederate civilization mod. It includes confederate flag and DAVIES or LEE as leaderheads. Also I am disabling some technologies and units.
4) Current state of development:
-Doing solitaire playtesting and some adjustments and waiting to solve the unresolved issues mentioned in section 2 above.
-Expected time of completion of first playtestable: 2 days.
5) First screenshots: