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[Utility] Change the rules, play how you like with [Gamespeed Tuner]

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  • [Utility] Change the rules, play how you like with [Gamespeed Tuner]

    Status: Abandoned
    I have ceased development and support of Gamespeed Tuner as a seperate application, because it has been absorbed by the Atlas Project. Please see the thread of Atlas or my site for more information

    --- Original, outdated post preserved below ---

    Hi all!

    I just finished a new utility: Gamespeed Tuner allows you to change many of the settings for the Quick, Normal and Epic speeds in a breeze. Make your own gamespeed, without messing with the XML!

    You can edit the cost of units, buildings and research, the number of barbarians, the severity of influation, et cetera. I grouped some of the less interesting settings together under 'General'.

    Here's a screenshot:

    download links removed

    Installation and requirements
    All you need for this program to run is the Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0. If you don't have it, get it at .

    All you have to do is placing GameSpeedTuner.jar and the backup file in the folder Assets\XML\GameInfo
    Double click GameSpeedTuner.jar to start the program.

    **NOTE**: If this brings up winRAR, you need to start the program by pressing the right mouse button on GameSpeedTuner.jar, select 'Open with' and choose 'Java(TM) 2 Platform..."

    I hope you like it. Comments are always welcome!

    Last edited by Junuxx; January 31, 2006, 20:12.

    Check out my Atlas Map Generator

    Generate, preview and play Civ IV maps of any size with the alternative Map Generator

  • #2
    Nice :-). Maybe add another extra gamespeeds if you don't want to change the orginal Quick/Normal/Epic. Or have more varaity ingame.


    • #3
      Update! Already. Version 1.1 can deal with the new patch and 'Marathon' speed.
      Last edited by Junuxx; December 23, 2005, 11:56.

      Check out my Atlas Map Generator

      Generate, preview and play Civ IV maps of any size with the alternative Map Generator


      • #4
        downloaded it. got it to work. question. What do the numbers mean? For example you have city growth above listed as 150. Is that 150% of the normal growth rate? As well is research for the amount a tech costs to research or how well research is produced by all civs?

        Thanks muchly


        • #5
          Very nice, thanks! Takes forever to do all that stuff manually without forgetting something.


          • #6
            Thanks all

            FireWalkWithMe, the numbers are the ones used by Civ. I agree they aren't always very clear but I sticked with them anyway. In case of doubt, check the values at the different speeds. If the default for research at normal is 100, and 150 at epic, that means that higher values represent longer research times.

            Check out my Atlas Map Generator

            Generate, preview and play Civ IV maps of any size with the alternative Map Generator


            • #7
              Originally posted by Junuxx
              Thanks all

              FireWalkWithMe, the numbers are the ones used by Civ. I agree they aren't always very clear but I sticked with them anyway. In case of doubt, check the values at the different speeds. If the default for research at normal is 100, and 150 at epic, that means that higher values represent longer research times.
              Where can I check these numbers? In the XML file you mean?


              • #8
                Using the utility, just look at the values on the 'Normal' tab and compare them to the values on the other tabs.

                If value x on the normal tab is 100 and the value for that same item on the epic tab is 150 and 300 on the marathon tab, then you know that by default that item is 1.5 times it's value on Epic than it is on Normal, and three times for the Marathon setting (also being twice the Epic rate). In other words, it would take half-again as long for the city to grow, a building to be built, or a unit to be constructed.

                More generically, it would mean that the bigger the value used, the 'more' that thing will be.


                • #9
                  Thanks, Kinjiru, that's exactly what I meant.

                  More generically, it would mean that the bigger the value used, the 'more' that thing will be.
                  I'd like to add that in general, higher values suit long games (Epic/Marathon) and lower values are for short games. The one exception is inflation.

                  Check out my Atlas Map Generator

                  Generate, preview and play Civ IV maps of any size with the alternative Map Generator


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kinjiru
                    Using the utility, just look at the values on the 'Normal' tab and compare them to the values on the other tabs.

                    If value x on the normal tab is 100 and the value for that same item on the epic tab is 150 and 300 on the marathon tab, then you know that by default that item is 1.5 times it's value on Epic than it is on Normal, and three times for the Marathon setting (also being twice the Epic rate). In other words, it would take half-again as long for the city to grow, a building to be built, or a unit to be constructed.

                    More generically, it would mean that the bigger the value used, the 'more' that thing will be.
                    Ok thanks for the explination. And thanks to Junuxx for a very valuable tool!


                    • #11
                      Looks great


                      Help an Old Grandpa understand something please:

                      I have it in the file poath you said.

                      I also have it on the desktop to access

                      say I put the city growth to 80 then this would be 80 %..

                      my question is how does this save what I do?

                      and also do I need to load anything when i do a save and reload?

                      Thanks and please be patient with me

                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • #12
                        Hi Gramps!
                        To save the settings you just press 'Apply'. There's no need to load a mod or such. Until you change the settings again, all games you play will use the changed settings. To change it baack to the original settings you press 'Restore'.
                        Oh, one last thing: You put a shortcut on the desktop, right, not the actual file?


                        Check out my Atlas Map Generator

                        Generate, preview and play Civ IV maps of any size with the alternative Map Generator


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Junuxx
                          There's no need to load a mod or such. Until you change the settings again, all games you play will use the changed settings.


                          To be more precise, that bit should say "...all single-player games you play..."

                          Multi-player ignores all modifications to files, IIRC.


                          • #14
                            This looks cool! Thanks Junuxx.

                            I'll have to try this out when I get home...
                            "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                            "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                            "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                            • #15
                              I got it working last night, Thanks

                              Question about mp/sp please:

                              Does this program consider PBEM as MP or as SP? (I dont want to mess up all my PBEM's I have going

                              Also I am involved in several Succession games, will these settings affect them that are in progress?

                              and last but not least, say I start a game tonight with this sweet program, will the alterations/modifications be saved within the game file save or do I need to mimic them if I get out of this mode and return a few days later to continue the game?

                              Oh and the settings that you have are game "default" settings?


                              I found it extremly interesting when I tried a small tweak from the "QUICK" of IIRC 67 to 50 made a HUGE change which was just instantaneuos in the building timeframe, not quite what I was looking for but at least a guideline.

                              Thanks again for helping those of us with limited modding experience simply wanting to tweak some files


                              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

