The scenario is now available for play!
Download version 0.2.032 here.
File Uploaded on the 7th december 2005
Install instructions
1. Unzip the file.
2. Put the Roman Kings.Civ4WorldBuilderSave file inside the Program Files/Firaxis Games/Civ4/Public Maps folder.
3. Put the Roman Kings folder inside the Program Files/Firaxis Games/Civ4/Mods folder
What the scenario offers:
Map of Rome and its surroundings
Religions: New religions for the all the major early Roman gods. Each religion has a different impact on play.
Religious buildings - their function depends on the religion! Some will give xp to units, others will give promotions. Others yet will have economic benefits.
Techs - completely new tech tree, to represent the period.
Graphics - New graphics for techs & religions.
Civics - New and re-worked civics for the period
Gameplay - Quite unlike the normal civ4 gameplay: 'Take & hold', then consolidate, finally go on a rampage.
Scenario Description
This scenario aims at re-enacting the founding of ancient rome.
It takes place from 753BC up 509 BC (the start of the republic).
It is a short scenario, aimed at having fun, and examining the feasability of a bigger roman scenario up to the punic wars.
Feauturing warriors under Romulus abducting sabine wives, vestal virgins under Numa Pompilius, and much more.
The scenario is designed for single player play only. Rome is the only playable civilisation.
This is a war scenario: Rome is at war with everyone. Expansion can to be achieved by conquest only
Changes since previous versions
v0.2033 - Added copper next to Rome, until I implement events to help take over Alba Longa
Future releases to-do list
New graphic for each new tech & civic
2 more new gods: Juno & Minerva, with special buildings associated. These make Quirinus and Mars buildings obsolete.
Cathedral type buildings to provide extra-ordinary unit xp/promotions, economic benefits
Wonders with appropriate benefits (circus maximus, temple of Diana, etc)
Balance? (research costs, unit costs, unit stats, building benefits, civic effects, etc)
Re-skin praetorian unit, and use different versions for different periods of the scenario, with different stats.
Re-skin roads and implement 'roman roads' (faster movement, strategic resource trading)
Slow down city growth by 75%, and add biology type tech available to romans/etruscans
Re-draw map to show more of Latinium and less of Etruria?
Add horses & equestrian type cavalry
New eras - one for each king, with music/graphic/tech rate, etc changes
High council of Latinium (United Nations) - built in Alba Longa?
Neglect of the gods technology to disable some early buildings
Shrine special benefits & fonts
Edit AI research priorities to go for archery sooner.
Pedia & strategy texts
International game texts?
Temples give bonuses only if their religion is the state religion?
Change loading hints to Roman Kings specific hints
Python intro screen
Remove/Disable unused buildings/techs.
Romulus leaderhead & flag.
Anything else?
What I most need help on:
Graphics (leaderhead, flag, tech buttons, religious buttons, fonts & buildings),
Python scripting (events, intro, etc)
Sounds & Music
The scenario is designed to be challenging. Don't expect an easy ride, even on easy levels.
Download version 0.2.032 here.
File Uploaded on the 7th december 2005
Install instructions
1. Unzip the file.
2. Put the Roman Kings.Civ4WorldBuilderSave file inside the Program Files/Firaxis Games/Civ4/Public Maps folder.
3. Put the Roman Kings folder inside the Program Files/Firaxis Games/Civ4/Mods folder
What the scenario offers:
Map of Rome and its surroundings
Religions: New religions for the all the major early Roman gods. Each religion has a different impact on play.
Religious buildings - their function depends on the religion! Some will give xp to units, others will give promotions. Others yet will have economic benefits.
Techs - completely new tech tree, to represent the period.
Graphics - New graphics for techs & religions.
Civics - New and re-worked civics for the period
Gameplay - Quite unlike the normal civ4 gameplay: 'Take & hold', then consolidate, finally go on a rampage.
Scenario Description
This scenario aims at re-enacting the founding of ancient rome.
It takes place from 753BC up 509 BC (the start of the republic).
It is a short scenario, aimed at having fun, and examining the feasability of a bigger roman scenario up to the punic wars.
Feauturing warriors under Romulus abducting sabine wives, vestal virgins under Numa Pompilius, and much more.

The scenario is designed for single player play only. Rome is the only playable civilisation.
This is a war scenario: Rome is at war with everyone. Expansion can to be achieved by conquest only
Changes since previous versions
v0.2033 - Added copper next to Rome, until I implement events to help take over Alba Longa
Future releases to-do list
New graphic for each new tech & civic
2 more new gods: Juno & Minerva, with special buildings associated. These make Quirinus and Mars buildings obsolete.
Cathedral type buildings to provide extra-ordinary unit xp/promotions, economic benefits
Wonders with appropriate benefits (circus maximus, temple of Diana, etc)
Balance? (research costs, unit costs, unit stats, building benefits, civic effects, etc)
Re-skin praetorian unit, and use different versions for different periods of the scenario, with different stats.
Re-skin roads and implement 'roman roads' (faster movement, strategic resource trading)
Slow down city growth by 75%, and add biology type tech available to romans/etruscans
Re-draw map to show more of Latinium and less of Etruria?
Add horses & equestrian type cavalry
New eras - one for each king, with music/graphic/tech rate, etc changes
High council of Latinium (United Nations) - built in Alba Longa?
Neglect of the gods technology to disable some early buildings
Shrine special benefits & fonts
Edit AI research priorities to go for archery sooner.
Pedia & strategy texts
International game texts?
Temples give bonuses only if their religion is the state religion?
Change loading hints to Roman Kings specific hints
Python intro screen
Remove/Disable unused buildings/techs.
Romulus leaderhead & flag.
Anything else?
What I most need help on:
Graphics (leaderhead, flag, tech buttons, religious buttons, fonts & buildings),
Python scripting (events, intro, etc)
Sounds & Music
The scenario is designed to be challenging. Don't expect an easy ride, even on easy levels.
