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[Map] Randland 1.0 (Wheel of Time Map) Released

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  • [Map] Randland 1.0 (Wheel of Time Map) Released

    This map is going to be the foundation of the Wheel of Time MOD I hope, so eventually this map will be a separate thing from the overall MOD.

    So this is just a map with fixed starting positions. The map is 75X50 and has 18 civs.

    Warning since the map is based on a existing universe it is not necessarily balanced although each starting position has a variety of resources close at hand and most of what they will need nearby. There are only 6 of most items and 12 of the more important items so scarcity is an issue.

    I forgot to put goody huts on the map so they will definitely be included at minor city sites for verison 1.1.

    Here is a sneak peak at what you are getting

    Here is a copy of the README

    tWoT for Civ4
    Randland 1.0 README

    This is hopefully the begining of the Wheel of Time Mod for Civ4.
    As of now I (Becephalus) am the sole project member.
    I do ask that anyone using this or any future products of this mod ask me first,
    either through the threads on the Apolyton or CivFanatics forums
    (where you most likely found this) or by email
    Anyone who would like to contribute ideas or content should also feel free to contact me.

    Put this file in your PublicMaps directory in your Civ4 folder
    You can then play it by doubleclicking on it in the folder,
    or choosing it within the game as a scenario.


    I have made this map of Randland (the main area in the Wheel of Time books)
    for the mod. Right now it is just a map with 18 Civs in the starting locations of the 18
    factions I thought should be included.

    Each WoT faction was assigned the Civ4 faction I thought best fit,
    (this has to be the solution until I can put the time and effort in to create 18 factions).

    For any other information questions/comments etc. try here

    FEEDBACK is much appreciated

    The Starting Locations are as follows

    Civilization = WoT Faction (WoT city in starting location)

    Japan = Shienar (Fal Moran)
    Mongol = Arafel (Shol Arbela)
    Aztec = Kandor (Chachin)
    China = Saldea (Maradon)
    India = The White Tower (Tar Valon)
    French = Cairhien (Cairhien)
    English = Andor (Caemlyn)
    America = Manetheren (Emond's Field)
    Germany = Arad Doman (Bandar Eban)
    Russia = Katar (Katar)
    Perisa = Tarabon (Tanchico)
    Arabia = Amadacia (Amador)
    Egypt = Altara (Ebou Dar)
    Rome = Murandy (Lugard)
    Inca = Illian (Illian)
    Spain = Tear (Tear)
    Greece = Mayene (Mayene)
    Mali = Seafolk (Tremalking)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Becephalus; December 1, 2005, 00:59.

  • #2
    You should have trollocs\sael gaul (how ever it's spelt) as a playable faction.
    Currently working on:
    A Song of Ice and Fire Mod for Civ 4!
    Click me to find out more!


    • #3
      And the bloody Seanchan! =D

      And the children of the light...


      • #4
        Well Amador is the children of the lights headquarters (they will probably be amadors unique unit).

        As for the others it seemed too much to do at once and the shadow/seanchen/aiel fit into the civ4 model less well.


        • #5
          Please submit this map to the directory.

          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            Here are some additions

            I have taken the liberty of progressing things a bit here.

            The files below will allow you to play with all the correct faction names and faction leaders and will even allow for the correct starting city name. The Civilopedia has been updated with some detail regarding the factions.

            Feel to use/ignore/flame/etc...

            The text file inside the zip tells where to put things, but I will also include directions here...

            Three files are included...
            Put the CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml file into CustomAssets\xml\civilizations folder
            Put the other two files into CustomAssets\xml\text folder

            Happy gaming...
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Thanks for the works. I am hoping to get this done incrementally . I had to take a break as I had busy holidays and then got new computer so Civ4 had to take a back seat for a bit.

