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[MOD] FexFX - Bigger & Longer

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  • [MOD] FexFX - Bigger & Longer

    FexFX - Bigger & Longer v.05
    This Mod adds two new game speeds and a new larger map size.
    Game Speeds: FX-Grand(1000) and FX-Epic(875).
    Map Size: FX-Huge

    WARNING: The following map types DO NOT work with custom map sizes:
    Great Plains, Highlands, Hub, Ice Age, Inland Sea, Lakes, Maze, Mirror, Oasis, Pangea, Ring, Team_Battleground, Terra, Tilted Axis, Wheel
    The following map types should work without a problem:
    Archipelago, Balanced, Continents, Custom Continents, Islands.

    v.05 Notes
    Investigation into further math errors revealed the source of several of my issues. Rather than counting the turns up myself I believed several of the posts I have seen in various forums which stated the number of turns in a Normal game to be 430 and an EPIC to be 640. In fact a Normal Game has 440 turns, and an Epic game has 660. As a result I have had to change some percentages listed below for accuracy. These changes may have been caused by the 1.09 patch.

    Further testing revealed that Tech advancement being at 14% slower was just a little slower than intended (this slowness does not really show until towards the end.) Also Unit production was originally meant to be 1/6 (16%) faster and my math errors caused it to only be 1/7 (14%) faster. As a Result, FX-Epic has been rebalanced again in v.05 to meet original goals.

    I can promise that this will be the final change to the FX-Epic length Game.
    I also renamed the mod to include version number so that people involved in FX-Epic games would not be forced to choose between the new version and restarting their long game.

    The New Mode offers Timeline equivalent speeds to everything except for production which has been sped up even further. This should make for truly massive battles involving insane numbers of units even if it takes more turns to get there.

    Changes in v.05
    . Renamed FX-Epic to FX-Epic(875).
    . Research lowered to 219% to make for an even 10% slower relative to the Timeline.
    . Training, production and building costs all adjusted to be 1/6 (16%) faster relative to the Timeline. All costs are now 166% of Normal.
    . Inflation changed to be more in line with production costs.
    . Adjusted Culture to slow down cultural expansion to avoid premature cultural victory. Cultural growth is now (189%) 5% faster relative to the Timeline. Was 7.5% faster.
    . Adjusted great people one more time to bring them in line with production values.
    . Adjusted Golden Age Percentage to match the Schema used in the original speeds.

    Additions in v.05
    . Added FX-Grand(1000) mode. 1000 Turns. Tech Speed at (250%) 10% slower, Production speeds (181%) 1/5 (20%) faster, and Cultural Growth (216%) 5% faster relative to the Timeline. Turn breakdown for FX-Grand(1000)is as follows:
    Ancient: 4000BC to 1000BC now lasts 250 turns.
    Classical: 1000BC to 500AD now lasts 150 turns.
    Medieval: 500AD to 1000AD now lasts 100 turns.
    Renaissance: 1000AD to 1500AD now lasts 125 turns.
    Industrial: 1500AD to 1850AD now lasts 175 turns.
    Modern: 1850AD to 1930AD now lasts 80 turns.
    Future: 1903AD to 2050AD still lasts for 120 turns.
    . Renamed all Game lengths to include number of turns in parenthesis after the name:

    Changes in v.04
    Testing revealed that Research, Barbarians, and inflation could all use a bit of tweaking.
    . Research lowered to 232% rather than 255%, this works better and makes techs approximately 14% more expensive relative to the timeline.
    . Barbarians and inflation changed to match Epic levels.
    . Also adjusted the effectiveness of Great People to be more reasonable.

    Release Version: v.03
    This mod adds two things:
    1) FX-Huge Map size. This map size is 126.8% larger than Huge. It has a defined size of 36x23 which is a grid 144x92 in the game for a total of 13,248 tiles in game. This was the largest size I could run with 100% stability on my PC.
    (Windows XP, 2.8gz Prescott P4, 1GB PC3200 RAM, Radeon 800XL Platinum)

    2) FX-Epic game mode. This mode is 875 turns long. I have tried to maintain the Timeline by rebalancing the timeline while also making things just a hair cheaper relative to the timeline. To understand what I mean by "relative to the Timeline" It is important to note that the Timeline for an FX-Epic is now 198.8% longer than a Normal game. However, if I made everything universally cost 198.8% more than standard, the ONLY change to the feel of the game would be that it takes more than twice as long to play. Instead, in an effort to change the epic feel of the game a bit, I did two things, First I increased the Tech costs by 25% relative to the Timeline meaning that the Costs are now 219% of normal, and Second I decreased the cost of almost everything else to 86% relative to the timeline meaning that Costs are now 175% of normal. While this does mean that it will take you longer to produce or build anything than in a Normal or Huge game, it also means that relative to the timeline you will be able to produce roughly one seventh more units and improvements within the timeline. This means that wars should be bigger as well as longer. Conflicts will be truly epic! The timeline now breaks down as follows:
    Ancient: 4000BC to 1000BC now lasts 150 turns.
    Classical: 1000BC to 500AD now lasts 150 turns.
    Medieval: 500AD to 1000AD now lasts 100 turns.
    Renaissance: 1000AD to 1500AD now lasts 100 turns.
    Industrial: 1500AD to 1850AD now lasts 175 turns.
    Modern: 1850AD to 1930AD now lasts 80 turns.
    Future: 1903AD to 2050AD still lasts for 120 turns.
    My reasoning behind these was a little more than purely mathematical. With a tech speed of 255% and a Game Speed of 198.8% and a production speed 1/7 higher, the Industrial revolution will finally have some real weight! The early mechanized units will now get a decent amount of play time and won’t feel like so much of a pit-stop on the way to modern armor! I toyed with making the end game longer and extending the timeline out, but realized that this was pointless since simply turning off the TIME victory condition already accomplishes this.

    To Install:
    Simply unpack the “FexFX - Bigger & Longer” folder in its entirety to your MOD folder located in: My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\MODS.

    To Use:
    Launch Civilization 4, go to the Advanced Menu.
    Select Load a MOD.
    Choose “FexFX - Bigger & Longer” from the listed MODs.
    You will be notified that the game will restart to utilize the MOD.

    FILE REMOVED. New Version in another post.
    Last edited by FexFX; December 28, 2005, 16:08.
    "Ceçi n'est pas une Signature!"

  • #2
    FexFX - Bigger & Longer v.05

    Last edited by FexFX; December 28, 2005, 16:09.
    "Ceçi n'est pas une Signature!"


    • #3
      I caught some stupid errors in my readme and in my internal logic which explained a whole lot of strangeness to how the game felt in v.03.

      V.04 feels right now, and I have played it up through 1700AD.

      v.05 will be coming in the near future and will add a second new gamespeed.
      Last edited by FexFX; November 27, 2005, 02:06.
      "Ceçi n'est pas une Signature!"


      • #4
        Barring major complaints or extreme feedback, v.05 is the final Version of Bigger & Longer.

        I am going to begin tinkering with my next Mod as well as playing this mod for a while.

        Testing proved to me that everythign now feels balanced, although you WILL be left eventually with nothing to build but units...This should not happen too often or too early, but when it does I suggest you consider going to war...war with this sort of time to play out is GLORIOUS! Especially when played on a Huge or FX-HUGE map!!

        The changes are noted above, and the file is attached to the second post!

        Edit: I'd love to hear some feedback from the first person to complete a game using FX-Huge and FX-Grand(1000). I have yet to do so myself as I work full time, and I am interested in seeing how your late game experiences went!
        Last edited by FexFX; November 28, 2005, 08:16.
        "Ceçi n'est pas une Signature!"


        • #5
          Just posting to mention that my new mod is coming along quite well. I've already mapped out 24 new techs and many changes to existing techs...I have only implemented one Tech and its associated new building as a test but that test went very well!

          Keep your eyes peeled for it!

          (Still waiting for feedback on this mod.
          "Ceçi n'est pas une Signature!"


          • #6
            I'm enjoying this mod at the moment--so far, it's given me some time to have a serious bit of war in the bronze age. I'm playing on a Terra map (but not an extra huge sized map--my system is a bit weak), and am looking forward to age of sail conflict in the new world.

            On the down side, I'm seriously wondering how deadly the new world barbarian hordes will be with all that time to get ready... Guess I'll find out.


            • #7
              I don't know if I'd call that a downside exactly...I mean more challenge is good yes?

              Besides this will give you the chance to develope your armies of horsemen and wipe out the indiginous populations...hmmm that's fairly historical.
              "Ceçi n'est pas une Signature!"


              • #8
                More challenge is good, yes. On the other hand, I'm not sure what to expect when I get there, with the effects of the mod. (I'm sure I'll find out.) I'm wondering how the time slow effect with production and research rates not decreased quite as much will impact barbarians. How many units will they have? How technologically advanced?

                I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.


                • #9
                  Keep me posted, I am intrigued!
                  "Ceçi n'est pas une Signature!"


                  • #10
                    I too downloaded your mod. I did run into a problem with the largest Terra map, it generated as just one solid landmass with no oceans, a few small lakes and rivers, but just a wrap around continent. I then ran a continents game and that generated just fine. I'm only about 1000 years into the game, but so far its great! I'm looking forward to seeing what your next mod has in store.


                    • #11

                      I have had no other reports of this, in fact I have had a couple people describe rather intriguing terra games to me...

                      Try making another terra map just to see what hapens...

                      Are you running 1.09?
                      "Ceçi n'est pas une Signature!"


                      • #12
                        Yes I'm running 1.09. I tried about 4 maps in a row to see if it would work, even restarted the game and still got the same map.


                        • #13
                          It has come to my attention that the FX-Huge map size will NOT work with the TERRA Map Script HOWEVER...THE DEFAULT HUGE TERRA MAP IS ALREADY BIGGER THAN FX-HUGE!!!! HUGE TERRA is 38x24. FX-HUGE IS ONLY 36x23!!! SO JUST PLAY HUGE TERA!!!
                          Last edited by FexFX; December 1, 2005, 20:22.
                          "Ceçi n'est pas une Signature!"


                          • #14
                            Further investigation has led me to believe the following map types will also have trouble with FX-Huge...
                            Great Plains
                            Ice Age
                            Inland Sea
                            Tilted Axis

                            Because of this I will be releasing an add on to Bigger& Longer to repair all of these map types including Terra to offer larger sizes for all of them! Look for this soon!
                            "Ceçi n'est pas une Signature!"


                            • #15
                              Wow, I feel for once I actually contributed something.

