Promotions & Perks Mod v0.8 04th February
New Version:
Version without changes:
This mod will change most promotions and add many new ones. All promotions are around 50% better than before to make experienced units last longer. If you don't want anything changed and only want more promotions check v0.5 of the mod.
With a total of 74 Promotions, 5 Traits, 9 perks, and 20 effects.
Units: Rec = Recon, Mel = Melee, Arc = Archery, Mou = Mounted, Sie = Siege, Gun = Gunpowder, Arm = Armour, Hel = Helicopter, Nav = Naval
* = Changed this version
** = Added this version
% = How big chance to get this promotion on unit creation.
Promotions (blue):
Combat I: +15% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (None) (5% chance).
Combat II: +15% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat I) (1% chance).
Combat III: +15% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat II) (0.2% chance).
Combat IV: +15% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat III).
Combat V: +15% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat IV).
Combat VI: +20% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat V).
Attack I: +22% attack (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (None) (2% chance).
Attack II: +22% attack (Mel, Arc, Mou, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Attack I) (0.5% chance).
Attack III: +22% attack (Mel, Mou, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Attack II).
Attack IV: +34% attack (Mel, Mou, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Attack III).
Defence I: +22% defence (Mel, Arc, Gun, Nav) (None) (2% chance).
Defence II: +22% defence (Mel, Arc, Gun, Nav) (Defence I) (0.5% chance).
Defence III: +22% defence (Mel, Arc, Gun, Nav) (Defence II).
Defence IV: +34% defence (Mel, Arc, Gun, Nav) (Defence III).
City Raider I: +35% city attack (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel) (None) (5% chance).
City Raider II: +35% city attack (Mel, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm) (City Raider I) (1% chance).
*City Raider III: +35% city attack (Mel, Sie, Arm) (City Raider II) (0.2% chance).
**City Raider IV: +45% city attack (Mel, Sie) (City Raider III).
*City Garrison I: +35% city defence (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun) (None) (5% chance).
*City Garrison II: +35% city defence (Mel, Arc, Gun) (City Garrison I) (1% chance).
*City Garrison III: +35% city defence (Arc, Gun) (City Garrison II) (0.2% chance).
**City Garrison IV: +45% city defence (Arc, Gun) (City Garrison III).
Shock I: +40% vs. Melee Units (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun) (Combat I/Defence II) (2% chance).
*Shock II: +40% vs. Melee Units (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie) (Shock I) (0.5% chance).
**Shock III: +50% vs. Melee Units (Mel, Arc, Mou) (Shock II).
Cover I: +40% vs. Archery Units (Mel, Arc, Mou, Gun) (Combat I/Attack I) (2% chance).
*Cover II: +40% vs. Archery Units (Mel, Arc, Gun) (Cover I) (0.5% chance).
**Cover III: +50% vs. Archery Units (Mel, Gun) (Cover II).
Formation I: +40% vs. Mounted Units (Mel, Arc, Mou, Gun) (Combat II/Defence I) (2% chance).
*Formation II: +40% vs. Mounted Units (Mel, Mou, Gun) (Formation I) (0.5% chance).
**Formation III: +50% vs. Mounted Units (Mel, Gun) (Formation II).
Charge I: +50% vs. Siege Weapons (Mel, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel) (Combat III/Attack II) (2% chance).
*Charge II: +50% vs. Siege Weapons (Mel, Mou, Arm, Hel) (Charge I) (0.5% chance).
**Charge III: +70% vs. Siege Weapons (Mou, Arm, Hel) (Charge II).
Pinch I: +40% vs. Gunpowder Units (Mou, Gun, Arm, Hel) (Combat I/Attack III) (2% chance).
*Pinch II: +40% vs. Gunpowder Units (Gun, Arm, Hel) (Pinch I) (0.5% chance).
**Pinch III: +50% vs. Gunpowder Units (Gun, Hel) (Pinch II).
Ambush I: +40% vs. Armoured Units (Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel) (Combat II/Defence III) (2% chance).
*Ambush II: +40% vs. Armoured Units (Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel) (Ambush I) (0.5% chance).
**Ambush III: +50% vs. Armoured Units (Gun, Arm, Hel) (Ambush II).
Guerilla I: +40% hill defence (Rec, Mel, Arc, Sie, Gun) (None) (2% chance).
Guerilla II: +40% hill defence, double movement on hills (Rec, Arc, Gun) (Guerilla I) (0.5% chance).
Woodsman I: +40% forest/jungle defence (Rec, Mel, Arc, Gun) (None) (2% chance).
Woodsman II: +40% forest/jungle defence, double movement in forrest (Rec, Mel, Gun) (Woodsman I) (0.5% chance).
Desert Combat: +50% desert defense, double movement in desert (Rec, Mel, Arc, Gun) (Combat I/Defence II) (1% chance).
Arctic Combat: +50% tundra & ice defense, double movement in tundra & ice (Rec, Mel, Arc, Gun) (Combat I/Defence II) (1% chance).
*Fieldsman: +10% grass & plains defense, double movement in grass & plains (Rec, Mel, Arc, Gun) (Combat II/Defence III) (1% chance).
Accuracy I: +15% City Bombard Damage (Sie) (City Raider I/Barrage I) (5% chance).
Accuracy II: +20% City Bombard Damage (Sie) (Accuracy I).
Barrage I: +35% collateral damage (Sie, Arm, Nav) (None) (2% chance).
Barrage II: +35% collateral damage (Sie, Arm, Nav) (Barrage I) (0.5% chance).
Barrage III: +50% collateral damage (Sie, Arm, Nav) (Barrage II).
Drill I: +2 first strike chance (Arc, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (None) (5% chance).
Drill II: +1 first strike chance, +1 first strike (Arc, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Drill I) (1% chance).
Drill III: +2 first strike (Arc, Sie, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Drill II) (0.2% chance).
Drill IV: +1 first strike chance, +2 first strike (Arc, Sie, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Drill III).
Flanking I: +15% withdrawal chance (Mou, Arm, Hel, Nav) (None) (2% chance).
Flanking II: +15% withdrawal chance (Mou, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Flanking II) (0.5% chance).
Flanking III: +15% withdrawal chance, immune to first strikes (Mou, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Flanking II).
Amphibious: No penelty attacking from water & over rivers, +10% attack (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun) (Combat II, Attack II) (1% chance).
Blitz: Multiple attack (Mou, Arm, Nav) (Combat III, Attack III) (0.5% chance).
Medic I: +7% heal same tile, +3% heal adjecent tile (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Nav) (Combat I/Defence I) (2% chance).
Medic II: +7% heal same tile, +3% heal adjecent tile (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Nav) (Medic I) (0.5% chance).
Medic III: +11% heal same tile, +4% heal adjecent tile (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Gun, Nav) (Medic II).
Heal: +12% friendly lands, +10% neutral lands, +8% enemy, defence +10% (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat III/Defence III) (2% chance).
March: Heals when moving, +5% attack (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun) (Combat III, Attack III) (1% chance).
Mobility: -1 movement cost, +5% attack (Mou, Arm) (Flanking II, Attack IV) (1% chance).
Commando: Can use enemy roads, +5% attack (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Gun, Arm) (Combat IV/Attack IV) (1% chance).
*Speed: +1 Movement (Rec, Mou, Arm, Hel) (Combat IV/Flanking III) (0.2% chance).
Navigation I: +1 movement (Nav) (Flanking I) (1% chance).
Navigation II: +1 movement (Nav) (Navigation I).
Sentry I: +1 Visibility Range (Rec, Mou, Hel, Nav) (Flanking I/Combat III) (2% chance).
Sentry II: +1 Visibility Range (Hel, Nav) (Sentry I) (Radio).
Sentry III: +1 Visibility Range (Hel, Nav) (Sentry II) (Radio).
# Perks (violet):
Light: +1 move, -40% strength, +10% withdraw (Land) (5% chance).
Light: +2 move, -40% strength, +10% withdraw (Naval/Helicopter) (5% chance).
Heavy: +1 movement cost, +40% strength, -10% withdraw (Mounted/Armor/Naval/Helicopter) (5% chance).
**Berzerker I: +20% attack, -20% defence (8% chance).
Berzerker II: +40% attack, -40% defence (4% chance).
**Berzerker III: +60% attack, -60% defence (2% chance).
**Stalwart I: +20% defence, -20% attack (8% chance).
Stalwart II: +40% defence, -40% attack (4% chance).
**Stalwart III: +60% defence, -60% attack (2% chance).
# Traits (green):
Exceptional: +20% strength, +5% withdrawal chance, heals +4% neutral & enemy lands lands (3.2% chance).
Extraordinary: +35% strength, +10% withdrawal chance, heals +5% neutral & enemy lands, +1 first strike chance (1.6% chance).
Hero: +50% strength, +15% withdrawal chance, heals +6% neutral & enemy lands, +2 first strike chance (0.8% chance).
Legendary Hero: +70% strength, +20% withdrawal chance, heals +8% neutral & enemy lands, +3 first strike chance (0.4% chance).
Avatar: +100% strength, +25% withdrawal chance, heals +10% neutral & enemy lands, +4 first strike chance (0.2% chance).
# Effects gained in Forts (and Fort I can be gained in cities that has both defenders and attackers).
Fort I: No penatly attacking over river, +15% withdrawal chance, +10% attack (Mathematics).
Fort II: Immune to first strike, +1 visibility range, +10% friendly heal rate (Optics).
Fort III: +1 first strike chance, +10% withdrawal chance (Steel).
Fort IV: +1 visibility range, +1 first strike chance, +10% withdrawal chance, +10% combat (Mass Media).
# Effects gained by stacks (Scout = Recon/Helicopter, Range = Archer/Gunpowder, Mobility = Mounted, Heavy = Melee/Armour, Siege = Siege).
Scout Aid I: +1 first strike chance, +5% withdrawal chance, +5% strength.
Scout Aid II: +2 first strike chance, +10% withdrawal chance, +10% strength.
Scout Aid III: +1 first strike chance, 1 first strike, +15% withdrawal chance, +15% strength.
Heavy Aid I: +15% strength, +5% city attack.
Heavy Aid II: +30% strength, +10% city attack.
Heavy Aid III: +45% strength, +15% city attack.
Ranged Aid I: +1 first strike chance, +1 first strike, +10% city defence, +10% hill defence.
Ranged Aid II: +2 first strike chance, +2 first strike, +20% city defence, +20% hill defence.
Ranged Aid III: +3 first strike chance, +3 first strike, +30% city defence, +30% hill defence.
Mobility Aid I: +10% withdrawal chance, +5% strength, 5% attack.
Mobility Aid II: +20% withdrawal chance, +10% strength, 10% attack.
Mobility Aid III: +30% withdrawal chance, +15% strength, 15% attack.
Siege Aid I: +1 first strike chance, +15% city attack.
Siege Aid II: +2 first strike chance, +30% city attack.
Siege Aid III: +2 first strike chance, 1 first strike, +45% city attack.
#Fiendly unit needed - same tile for defence or adjestent tiles to the defender for an attack:
# Aid I: 1 unit 50%-99%, or 2 unit 25-49%, or 4 units 10-24%.
# Aid II: 1 unit 100%-199%, or 2 unit 50%-99%, or 4 units 25-49%.
# Aid III: 1 unit 200%>, 2 unit 100%-199%, or 4 units 50-99%.
#Too many units in same tile will made it crowded. Over 15 will add the crowded effect.
*Crowded: +1 movement cost, -25% strength, -20% withdrawal chance, -3 first strike chance, -2 first strike.
Add all files to your "Civilization 4\CustomAssets" folder in "My Documents\My Games".
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\art\Interface\Buttons\Promotions\*. * (67 dds files)
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\xml\text\CIV4GameTextInfos_Objects. xml
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\xml\units\CIV4PromotionInfos.xml
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\python\RealFort.py (peomotions gained on forts)
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\python\StackAid.py (promotions gained in stacks)
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\python\ExtraXp.py (the start up promotions)
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\python\CvCustomEventManager.py
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\python\entrypoints\CvEventInterface .py
If you have other mods changing these files you have to manually insert the changes.
0.8 (2006-02-04) 268KB
Removed the +10% vs. Melee that accidently still was left in City Garrison III.
Changed Fieldman defence to 10% from 20%.
Fixed Crowded from -25% city attack to -25% strength.
Added Berzerker I/III, Stalwart I/III.
Added chance to get Perks & Traits & Promotions on unit creation.
Stack Aid will now work if you add units in World Builder.
Readded City Raider IV, City Garrison IV, Shock III, Cover III, Formation III, Charge III, Pinch III, & Ambush III.
Fixed City Garrison I, II, III, had old values.
Fixed tech requerment for Sentry II/III.
Recon units can nog get speed.
0.7 (2006-01-19) 237KB
Renamed the mod from "Promotion and Trait Mod" to "Promotions & Perks Mod".
Remade most of the promotions, removing and combinding some and made them around 50% better.
Changed many Promotion Prereq and which promotions a unit type can have.
Added tech requerment for Sentry II/III.
Added heal promotion.
Added a better version of Stack Aid.
0.6 (2006-01-15) 289KB
Added 24 Stack Aid icons.
Added a test version of Stack Aid.
Addid info how a future version of Stack Aid could work.
0.5 (2006-01-12) 213KB
Added the patch 1.52 more language support.
More info in the ReadMe file.
Added promotion Attack IV, Defence I+II+III+IV, City Garrison IV, Sentry III, Woodsman III, Guerilla III, Drill V,
City Garrison IV, Ambush III, Charge III, Cover III, Formation III, Pinch III, Shock III.
Changed Attack III, +15% attack instead of +20%.
Added trait Avatar (Hero 5).
Traits now have green background (Hero 1-5).
Added perks Light, Heavy, Berzerker, Stalwart.
Added mod RealFort v0.4 and expanded it.
Added buttons for the effect Fort I+II+III+IV+V.
0.4 (2005-11-29) 119KB
Added French, German, Italian, Spanish descriptions.
Added Attack I/II/III.
0.3 (2005-11-24) 110KB
Fieldsman I lowered to +15% defence, and Fieldsman II lowered to +20% defence (else this terrain improvement is too good).
Alpine Combat change to Arctic Combat.
Added Legendary Hero trait, and City Raider IV promotion.
0.2 (2005-11-20) 103KB
Renamed Cold-resistant to Alpine Combat and Heat-resistant to Desert Combat.
Added Flanking III and Speed promotion.
0.1 (2005-11-19) 100KB
Initial release, 15 promotions and 3 traits.
Other recomended changes:
Fort defence: 25% -> 50%
Upgrade xp keep: 10 -> 40
Animals max xp: 5 -> 8
Barbarians max xp: 10 -> 20
Units removed in WorldBuilder won't update Stack Aid.
Pillaged forts won't update Fort promotions.
Optimice and bugfix Stack Aid, RealFort and ExtraXp code.
Add Fort I effect to heavy defended cities.
Add a way for units to get perks and traits after a while.
Expand crowded effects.
Balance bonuses.
Add more perks.
Add graphics promotion button pack.
Add promotion only version.
Try to add new xml features.
Chance to start with extra xp or extra levels.
Add a new expericence system (with new buildings & great people).
Naval Stack Aid.
Credits & links:
Graphics, ideas and coding made by
Zuul aka Uthar
Bhruic for RealFort mod.
More info about this mod in forum threads:
You can find me in the #CivMod chat:
More info on how to join the chat:
Download here:
New Version:
Version without changes:
Promotions & Perks Mod v0.8 04th February
New Version:
Version without changes:
This mod will change most promotions and add many new ones. All promotions are around 50% better than before to make experienced units last longer. If you don't want anything changed and only want more promotions check v0.5 of the mod.
With a total of 74 Promotions, 5 Traits, 9 perks, and 20 effects.
Units: Rec = Recon, Mel = Melee, Arc = Archery, Mou = Mounted, Sie = Siege, Gun = Gunpowder, Arm = Armour, Hel = Helicopter, Nav = Naval
* = Changed this version
** = Added this version
% = How big chance to get this promotion on unit creation.
Promotions (blue):
Combat I: +15% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (None) (5% chance).
Combat II: +15% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat I) (1% chance).
Combat III: +15% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat II) (0.2% chance).
Combat IV: +15% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat III).
Combat V: +15% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat IV).
Combat VI: +20% strength (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat V).
Attack I: +22% attack (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (None) (2% chance).
Attack II: +22% attack (Mel, Arc, Mou, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Attack I) (0.5% chance).
Attack III: +22% attack (Mel, Mou, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Attack II).
Attack IV: +34% attack (Mel, Mou, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Attack III).
Defence I: +22% defence (Mel, Arc, Gun, Nav) (None) (2% chance).
Defence II: +22% defence (Mel, Arc, Gun, Nav) (Defence I) (0.5% chance).
Defence III: +22% defence (Mel, Arc, Gun, Nav) (Defence II).
Defence IV: +34% defence (Mel, Arc, Gun, Nav) (Defence III).
City Raider I: +35% city attack (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel) (None) (5% chance).
City Raider II: +35% city attack (Mel, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm) (City Raider I) (1% chance).
*City Raider III: +35% city attack (Mel, Sie, Arm) (City Raider II) (0.2% chance).
**City Raider IV: +45% city attack (Mel, Sie) (City Raider III).
*City Garrison I: +35% city defence (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun) (None) (5% chance).
*City Garrison II: +35% city defence (Mel, Arc, Gun) (City Garrison I) (1% chance).
*City Garrison III: +35% city defence (Arc, Gun) (City Garrison II) (0.2% chance).
**City Garrison IV: +45% city defence (Arc, Gun) (City Garrison III).
Shock I: +40% vs. Melee Units (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun) (Combat I/Defence II) (2% chance).
*Shock II: +40% vs. Melee Units (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie) (Shock I) (0.5% chance).
**Shock III: +50% vs. Melee Units (Mel, Arc, Mou) (Shock II).
Cover I: +40% vs. Archery Units (Mel, Arc, Mou, Gun) (Combat I/Attack I) (2% chance).
*Cover II: +40% vs. Archery Units (Mel, Arc, Gun) (Cover I) (0.5% chance).
**Cover III: +50% vs. Archery Units (Mel, Gun) (Cover II).
Formation I: +40% vs. Mounted Units (Mel, Arc, Mou, Gun) (Combat II/Defence I) (2% chance).
*Formation II: +40% vs. Mounted Units (Mel, Mou, Gun) (Formation I) (0.5% chance).
**Formation III: +50% vs. Mounted Units (Mel, Gun) (Formation II).
Charge I: +50% vs. Siege Weapons (Mel, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel) (Combat III/Attack II) (2% chance).
*Charge II: +50% vs. Siege Weapons (Mel, Mou, Arm, Hel) (Charge I) (0.5% chance).
**Charge III: +70% vs. Siege Weapons (Mou, Arm, Hel) (Charge II).
Pinch I: +40% vs. Gunpowder Units (Mou, Gun, Arm, Hel) (Combat I/Attack III) (2% chance).
*Pinch II: +40% vs. Gunpowder Units (Gun, Arm, Hel) (Pinch I) (0.5% chance).
**Pinch III: +50% vs. Gunpowder Units (Gun, Hel) (Pinch II).
Ambush I: +40% vs. Armoured Units (Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel) (Combat II/Defence III) (2% chance).
*Ambush II: +40% vs. Armoured Units (Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel) (Ambush I) (0.5% chance).
**Ambush III: +50% vs. Armoured Units (Gun, Arm, Hel) (Ambush II).
Guerilla I: +40% hill defence (Rec, Mel, Arc, Sie, Gun) (None) (2% chance).
Guerilla II: +40% hill defence, double movement on hills (Rec, Arc, Gun) (Guerilla I) (0.5% chance).
Woodsman I: +40% forest/jungle defence (Rec, Mel, Arc, Gun) (None) (2% chance).
Woodsman II: +40% forest/jungle defence, double movement in forrest (Rec, Mel, Gun) (Woodsman I) (0.5% chance).
Desert Combat: +50% desert defense, double movement in desert (Rec, Mel, Arc, Gun) (Combat I/Defence II) (1% chance).
Arctic Combat: +50% tundra & ice defense, double movement in tundra & ice (Rec, Mel, Arc, Gun) (Combat I/Defence II) (1% chance).
*Fieldsman: +10% grass & plains defense, double movement in grass & plains (Rec, Mel, Arc, Gun) (Combat II/Defence III) (1% chance).
Accuracy I: +15% City Bombard Damage (Sie) (City Raider I/Barrage I) (5% chance).
Accuracy II: +20% City Bombard Damage (Sie) (Accuracy I).
Barrage I: +35% collateral damage (Sie, Arm, Nav) (None) (2% chance).
Barrage II: +35% collateral damage (Sie, Arm, Nav) (Barrage I) (0.5% chance).
Barrage III: +50% collateral damage (Sie, Arm, Nav) (Barrage II).
Drill I: +2 first strike chance (Arc, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (None) (5% chance).
Drill II: +1 first strike chance, +1 first strike (Arc, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Drill I) (1% chance).
Drill III: +2 first strike (Arc, Sie, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Drill II) (0.2% chance).
Drill IV: +1 first strike chance, +2 first strike (Arc, Sie, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Drill III).
Flanking I: +15% withdrawal chance (Mou, Arm, Hel, Nav) (None) (2% chance).
Flanking II: +15% withdrawal chance (Mou, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Flanking II) (0.5% chance).
Flanking III: +15% withdrawal chance, immune to first strikes (Mou, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Flanking II).
Amphibious: No penelty attacking from water & over rivers, +10% attack (Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun) (Combat II, Attack II) (1% chance).
Blitz: Multiple attack (Mou, Arm, Nav) (Combat III, Attack III) (0.5% chance).
Medic I: +7% heal same tile, +3% heal adjecent tile (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Nav) (Combat I/Defence I) (2% chance).
Medic II: +7% heal same tile, +3% heal adjecent tile (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Nav) (Medic I) (0.5% chance).
Medic III: +11% heal same tile, +4% heal adjecent tile (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Gun, Nav) (Medic II).
Heal: +12% friendly lands, +10% neutral lands, +8% enemy, defence +10% (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun, Arm, Hel, Nav) (Combat III/Defence III) (2% chance).
March: Heals when moving, +5% attack (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Sie, Gun) (Combat III, Attack III) (1% chance).
Mobility: -1 movement cost, +5% attack (Mou, Arm) (Flanking II, Attack IV) (1% chance).
Commando: Can use enemy roads, +5% attack (Rec, Mel, Arc, Mou, Gun, Arm) (Combat IV/Attack IV) (1% chance).
*Speed: +1 Movement (Rec, Mou, Arm, Hel) (Combat IV/Flanking III) (0.2% chance).
Navigation I: +1 movement (Nav) (Flanking I) (1% chance).
Navigation II: +1 movement (Nav) (Navigation I).
Sentry I: +1 Visibility Range (Rec, Mou, Hel, Nav) (Flanking I/Combat III) (2% chance).
Sentry II: +1 Visibility Range (Hel, Nav) (Sentry I) (Radio).
Sentry III: +1 Visibility Range (Hel, Nav) (Sentry II) (Radio).
# Perks (violet):
Light: +1 move, -40% strength, +10% withdraw (Land) (5% chance).
Light: +2 move, -40% strength, +10% withdraw (Naval/Helicopter) (5% chance).
Heavy: +1 movement cost, +40% strength, -10% withdraw (Mounted/Armor/Naval/Helicopter) (5% chance).
**Berzerker I: +20% attack, -20% defence (8% chance).
Berzerker II: +40% attack, -40% defence (4% chance).
**Berzerker III: +60% attack, -60% defence (2% chance).
**Stalwart I: +20% defence, -20% attack (8% chance).
Stalwart II: +40% defence, -40% attack (4% chance).
**Stalwart III: +60% defence, -60% attack (2% chance).
# Traits (green):
Exceptional: +20% strength, +5% withdrawal chance, heals +4% neutral & enemy lands lands (3.2% chance).
Extraordinary: +35% strength, +10% withdrawal chance, heals +5% neutral & enemy lands, +1 first strike chance (1.6% chance).
Hero: +50% strength, +15% withdrawal chance, heals +6% neutral & enemy lands, +2 first strike chance (0.8% chance).
Legendary Hero: +70% strength, +20% withdrawal chance, heals +8% neutral & enemy lands, +3 first strike chance (0.4% chance).
Avatar: +100% strength, +25% withdrawal chance, heals +10% neutral & enemy lands, +4 first strike chance (0.2% chance).
# Effects gained in Forts (and Fort I can be gained in cities that has both defenders and attackers).
Fort I: No penatly attacking over river, +15% withdrawal chance, +10% attack (Mathematics).
Fort II: Immune to first strike, +1 visibility range, +10% friendly heal rate (Optics).
Fort III: +1 first strike chance, +10% withdrawal chance (Steel).
Fort IV: +1 visibility range, +1 first strike chance, +10% withdrawal chance, +10% combat (Mass Media).
# Effects gained by stacks (Scout = Recon/Helicopter, Range = Archer/Gunpowder, Mobility = Mounted, Heavy = Melee/Armour, Siege = Siege).
Scout Aid I: +1 first strike chance, +5% withdrawal chance, +5% strength.
Scout Aid II: +2 first strike chance, +10% withdrawal chance, +10% strength.
Scout Aid III: +1 first strike chance, 1 first strike, +15% withdrawal chance, +15% strength.
Heavy Aid I: +15% strength, +5% city attack.
Heavy Aid II: +30% strength, +10% city attack.
Heavy Aid III: +45% strength, +15% city attack.
Ranged Aid I: +1 first strike chance, +1 first strike, +10% city defence, +10% hill defence.
Ranged Aid II: +2 first strike chance, +2 first strike, +20% city defence, +20% hill defence.
Ranged Aid III: +3 first strike chance, +3 first strike, +30% city defence, +30% hill defence.
Mobility Aid I: +10% withdrawal chance, +5% strength, 5% attack.
Mobility Aid II: +20% withdrawal chance, +10% strength, 10% attack.
Mobility Aid III: +30% withdrawal chance, +15% strength, 15% attack.
Siege Aid I: +1 first strike chance, +15% city attack.
Siege Aid II: +2 first strike chance, +30% city attack.
Siege Aid III: +2 first strike chance, 1 first strike, +45% city attack.
#Fiendly unit needed - same tile for defence or adjestent tiles to the defender for an attack:
# Aid I: 1 unit 50%-99%, or 2 unit 25-49%, or 4 units 10-24%.
# Aid II: 1 unit 100%-199%, or 2 unit 50%-99%, or 4 units 25-49%.
# Aid III: 1 unit 200%>, 2 unit 100%-199%, or 4 units 50-99%.
#Too many units in same tile will made it crowded. Over 15 will add the crowded effect.
*Crowded: +1 movement cost, -25% strength, -20% withdrawal chance, -3 first strike chance, -2 first strike.
Add all files to your "Civilization 4\CustomAssets" folder in "My Documents\My Games".
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\art\Interface\Buttons\Promotions\*. * (67 dds files)
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\xml\text\CIV4GameTextInfos_Objects. xml
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\xml\units\CIV4PromotionInfos.xml
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\python\RealFort.py (peomotions gained on forts)
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\python\StackAid.py (promotions gained in stacks)
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\python\ExtraXp.py (the start up promotions)
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\python\CvCustomEventManager.py
My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\python\entrypoints\CvEventInterface .py
If you have other mods changing these files you have to manually insert the changes.
0.8 (2006-02-04) 268KB
Removed the +10% vs. Melee that accidently still was left in City Garrison III.
Changed Fieldman defence to 10% from 20%.
Fixed Crowded from -25% city attack to -25% strength.
Added Berzerker I/III, Stalwart I/III.
Added chance to get Perks & Traits & Promotions on unit creation.
Stack Aid will now work if you add units in World Builder.
Readded City Raider IV, City Garrison IV, Shock III, Cover III, Formation III, Charge III, Pinch III, & Ambush III.
Fixed City Garrison I, II, III, had old values.
Fixed tech requerment for Sentry II/III.
Recon units can nog get speed.
0.7 (2006-01-19) 237KB
Renamed the mod from "Promotion and Trait Mod" to "Promotions & Perks Mod".
Remade most of the promotions, removing and combinding some and made them around 50% better.
Changed many Promotion Prereq and which promotions a unit type can have.
Added tech requerment for Sentry II/III.
Added heal promotion.
Added a better version of Stack Aid.
0.6 (2006-01-15) 289KB
Added 24 Stack Aid icons.
Added a test version of Stack Aid.
Addid info how a future version of Stack Aid could work.
0.5 (2006-01-12) 213KB
Added the patch 1.52 more language support.
More info in the ReadMe file.
Added promotion Attack IV, Defence I+II+III+IV, City Garrison IV, Sentry III, Woodsman III, Guerilla III, Drill V,
City Garrison IV, Ambush III, Charge III, Cover III, Formation III, Pinch III, Shock III.
Changed Attack III, +15% attack instead of +20%.
Added trait Avatar (Hero 5).
Traits now have green background (Hero 1-5).
Added perks Light, Heavy, Berzerker, Stalwart.
Added mod RealFort v0.4 and expanded it.
Added buttons for the effect Fort I+II+III+IV+V.
0.4 (2005-11-29) 119KB
Added French, German, Italian, Spanish descriptions.
Added Attack I/II/III.
0.3 (2005-11-24) 110KB
Fieldsman I lowered to +15% defence, and Fieldsman II lowered to +20% defence (else this terrain improvement is too good).
Alpine Combat change to Arctic Combat.
Added Legendary Hero trait, and City Raider IV promotion.
0.2 (2005-11-20) 103KB
Renamed Cold-resistant to Alpine Combat and Heat-resistant to Desert Combat.
Added Flanking III and Speed promotion.
0.1 (2005-11-19) 100KB
Initial release, 15 promotions and 3 traits.
Other recomended changes:
Fort defence: 25% -> 50%
Upgrade xp keep: 10 -> 40
Animals max xp: 5 -> 8
Barbarians max xp: 10 -> 20
Units removed in WorldBuilder won't update Stack Aid.
Pillaged forts won't update Fort promotions.
Optimice and bugfix Stack Aid, RealFort and ExtraXp code.
Add Fort I effect to heavy defended cities.
Add a way for units to get perks and traits after a while.
Expand crowded effects.
Balance bonuses.
Add more perks.
Add graphics promotion button pack.
Add promotion only version.
Try to add new xml features.
Chance to start with extra xp or extra levels.
Add a new expericence system (with new buildings & great people).
Naval Stack Aid.
Credits & links:
Graphics, ideas and coding made by
Zuul aka Uthar
Bhruic for RealFort mod.
More info about this mod in forum threads:
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