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remove the year clock!

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  • #16
    [SIZE=1] Originally posted by Lumpkin [/SIZE

    In real life, exploration, building construction and warfare happen very quickly while technological progress and population growth take a very long time. Civ has to make unit movement unrealistically slow in order to make a playable game that spans the length of history.

    I actually prefer Civ to be pseudo-realistic where possible but I don't see that there's many ways out of this one (though I do have a few ideas )
    Man, dont get me started on ideas

    i got a million of em...first of all, make naval power what it actually was, POWER! triple the movement of ships and make units able to travel instantly between cities connected by harbors (with astronomy).

    make the roads more upgradeable. have "advanced road building" be a tech( req. engineering). have it give 10 moves, and put railroads back to unlimited where they belong.

    i think that would give you a more interesting game, allowing more action in the formative years and being a bit more realistic but without really changing the overall pace.


    • #17
      The year turn is only there to remind the player that in the early years of humans on this Planet, not much came about till later in year time.

      So first I like to know how some of you players know how long it took?

      Second, what is the future, then?


      • #18
        GreenReaper: I'm definitely with you on upping the movement of ships and road-travel.

        One thing that quick movement does spoil however is the slow exploration of the world. My solution for this would be to say that most unit cannot go beyond, say, 10 tiles from the civ's borders (or those of an allied civ). This would simulate limitations of lines of supply. The exception would be explorer units who could go on as long as they liked. It adds realism because in real life you couldn't send vast armies off into unexplored wastes on an endless expedition from which they never return. I also think it would add to the gameplay because you would have to think more about borders.


        • #19
          I, for one, always turn off timed victory. Always. I think it should be done away with.

          It doesn't represent anything! To have to accomplish something the other civilizations couldn't, given the circumstances, is a "winning" circumstance. Still being around after a few thousand years... not so much.

          Tom P.


          • #20
            If you really care what shows up there, you can mod it. Copy Assets/Python/Screens/ into your CustomAssets/Python/Screens folder and look for the following code:

            	def updateTimeText( self, bUseClockText ):
            		global g_szTimeText
            		ePlayer = gc.getGame().getActivePlayer()
            		if (CyUserProfile().isClockOn() and bUseClockText):
            			g_szTimeText = getClockText()
            			g_szTimeText = unicode(CyGameTextMgr().getInterfaceTimeStr(ePlayer))
            It's the last line that displays the year. If you wanted to display both time and year, you could write something like

            g_szTimeText = getClockText() + " " + unicode(CyGameTextMgr().getInterfaceTimeStr(ePlayer))
            although it might not fit in that corner of the screen cleanly. To display the turn you'd use something like:

            g_szTimeText = CyGame().getElapsedGameTurns()

