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[Mod] 12 Ages Mod

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  • #31
    Well, not really, but I lived in norway for a while, and even though I spoke English all the time, I picked up a few words here and there
    The Roman Kings scenario is now ready for play:


    • #32
      Well, here are the files (which should replace custom_assets/xml, the way I've been doing it).

      The eras have been changed up to the (new) medieval era. Now I know what to do, the rest won't take long. I havn't done the music yet, but with a bit of luck all that needs doing is duplicating/editing a few lines from audio/audiodefines.xml

      I'll be away for about 12-18 hours.
      Attached Files
      The Roman Kings scenario is now ready for play:


      • #33
        5 downloads ...who downloaded it? Any impressions (good or bad)?

        Alms, are you stuck at work again? ;p
        Last edited by Fireb; November 18, 2005, 09:47.
        The Roman Kings scenario is now ready for play:


        • #34
          just downloaded it now, will test it later today and give you a reply


          • #35
            Cool Don't expect too much of it yet though, as the changes are mostly structural and won't affect gameplay...

            Note - the tech tree diagram looks slightly weird now, I'll need to look at how to redraw it.
            The Roman Kings scenario is now ready for play:


            • #36
              well all I can say this far - I must be doing something wrong, as I cannot get it to work (I copy the files but nothing is changed compared to normal game)


              • #37

                Don't you get a message saying 'you have entered the copper/bronze/iron' age? If you're still getting the classical age message, then either I've done something wrong, or you havn't put the files in the right place. Could you please check and see if there's a file called Civ4EraInfos.xml
                in the _Civ4CustomAssets/xml/gameinfo folder?

                Again, I must stress that the game will play out exactly the same, just the name of the eras have been changed, and more eras have been added. The rest will come later (hopefully soon ).
                The Roman Kings scenario is now ready for play:


                • #38
                  Current progress

                  An update on the current progress:

                  I had changed a few of the prerequisites for things like agriculture/mining. I have changed this back (to the original version), since a small change messes up the tech tree diagram. As soon as we agree on a few changes though, I'll update it.

                  TECH-DIAGRAM (F6 in-game):
                  Very easy to change, just alter x,y coords for techs. I think it would be good to 'draw' the tech diagram by eras, so once we've agreed on which tech goes in which era, I'll try to find a nice arrangement for this.

                  ERA CHANGES:
                  Apart from the ancient era, all 12 eras are (or will be very soon) now in. Any more comments on which tech should go where?

                  ERA GRAPHICS:
                  Very easy to change, however I suck at making graphics. Any suggestions for era graphics? (this includes the 'you have entered the xxx era pop-up, as well as the skins for cities/leaders in different eras, etc.

                  ERA MUSIC:
                  Not yet implemented. I'll have a look at this later today.

                  A question to interested people: would making a nice clear picture of how all the techs fit into each new era be useuful at this stage (i.e. encourage you to make comments, critisisms, etc)?

                  Anything else?
                  Last edited by Fireb; November 18, 2005, 10:53.
                  The Roman Kings scenario is now ready for play:


                  • #39
                    Alright, Fireb. I managed to get three games in last night (up until mid-Iron age or so), and I managed to hit the Iron age by 500 BC in just about every one using the "research lowest cost tech first" method of research, which I think is fairly close to "historical". My biggest problem so far (but this goes for the standard game as well), is that there is no visual indicator of what era each tech is in (unless I've missed something), and I'd really like to fix that. I'll look into that when I get off of work. You just go ahead and keep going with what you've been doing until it's all done.

                    Try downloading the file I've attatched, unzipping it and placing the folder under you civ4 mods directory. Then when you want to try it, start the game, click on advanced/load a mod and select 12 ages mod. Then you run through the setup screens like normal.


                    • #40
                      here's the file...
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by alms66
               that there is no visual indicator of what era each tech is in (unless I've missed something), and I'd really like to fix that.
                        As I mentioned above, the easiest way to do this is just re-drawing the tech diagram. If I figure out how to shade different techs in different colours (one for each era) it will look even better. One problem with redrawing (without re-designing) the tech tree, is that currently some eras have many techs with prerequisite techs in the same era, meaning that the diagram will look much longer than it currently is (i.e. less easy to look at). I think it would be best to avoid more than 2 levels of techs in any one era...what about you?

                        Another simple (at least I think it's simple) modification we can do, is to decrease the number of years per turn, and increase the tech costs to the same proportion. That way you would still reach, say the iron age by 500bc, but you would be able to train/build more by the time you got there. Any thoughts on this?
                        Last edited by Fireb; November 18, 2005, 11:33.
                        The Roman Kings scenario is now ready for play:


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Fireb
                          As I mentioned above, the easiest way to do this is just re-drawing the tech diagram. If I figure out how to shade different techs in different colours (one for each era) it will look even better. One problem with redrawing (without re-designing) the tech tree, is that currently some eras have many techs with prerequisite techs in the same era, meaning that the diagram will look much longer than it currently is (i.e. less easy to look at).
                          We were writing at the same time, so I didn't see your post until after I posted mine, but I agree, redrawing the diagram is probably the easiest thing to do. I personally don't mind if the tech tree gets twice as long as it is now, or longer, but I think we can shorten up the distances between techs a little bit too. Firaxis has them spaced out very far.

                          Originally posted by Fireb
                          I think it would be best to avoid more than 2 levels of techs in any one era...what about you?
                          Good call.

                          Originally posted by Fireb
                          Another simple (at least I think it's simple) modification we can do, is to decrease the number of years per turn, and increase the tech costs to the same proportion. That way you would still reach, say the iron age by 500bc, but you would be able to train/build more by the time you got there. Any thoughts on this?
                          From the games I've played thus far, I don't think it's necessary. Once I've played a few games through to the end, I'll re-evaluate.


                          • #43
                            errr really my bad for not getting it to work hehe well got it working now so no sweat.
                            Well then I will play it through a few times tonight and see what I think.


                            • #44
                              ok after having played throu the mod once I have some thoughts so far.

                              I wonder if getting to the Medival is not too easy? I had the following techs when I entered the medival age:

                              -fishing, wheel, agriculture, hunting, mysticism, mining, pottery, meditation, polyteism, masonry, priesthood, monotheism, bronze working, metal working, monarchy.

                              To me the sum of these techs clarly indicates iron age (altough I still do not have iron ), not medival.

                              Furthermore I have a few more things, but these are just brought over from the standard game, but I will mention them anyway;
                              -is horseback riding set too high in cost?
                              -do goody huts give too advanced tech? (I got astronomy)

                              But anyway will play through it a few more times.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by alms66
                                I assume you mean CTP1 and CTP2?
                                Of course.

                                Originally posted by alms66
                                I loved CTP2, but I was never a big fan of the futuristic eras of the series. Heretical, I know. I may tack one futuristic age on the end, but it wouldn't be very large, and it's not very likely in the first place. If I did add it though, it would just be the most likely scientific advaces to come in the near future. If someone wants to tack additional futuristic stuff to the end of the mod in their own spin-off mod, I'd be fine with that, of course.
                                Of course adding far and near future tech is nothing for the standart game. However stuff like genetic tailroading, liqud breathing and fusion are on the horizon. If you can build submarines and tunnels like the Eurotunnel, you don't need much fantasy to imagine that we could have such things in the near or far future.

                                One thing that worries me is that something like teleevangelist are already reality.

                                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

