Colors are set by Python code in the placeTechs() function of Screens/ Arrows are drawn by drawArrows(); this is a good deal more complex. It looks like what happens is that arrows are drawn for all the OR prerequisites, while the little icons are used for AND prerequisites. Hmm, which would be why XML file is so odd: there's never more than one AND. If a tech has two mandatory prerequisistes, one's listed as an AND and the other's an OR.
Colors are set by Python code in the placeTechs() function of Screens/ Arrows are drawn by drawArrows(); this is a good deal more complex. It looks like what happens is that arrows are drawn for all the OR prerequisites, while the little icons are used for AND prerequisites. Hmm, which would be why XML file is so odd: there's never more than one AND. If a tech has two mandatory prerequisistes, one's listed as an AND and the other's an OR.