I dont know if this is possible to mod (probably not, but I'll suggest it anyway)
heres a few things that would make the game IMO a wee bit more interesting.
1. trade routes shouldnt trace themselves.
2. there should be length limits for trade routes depending on technology.
let me elaborate.
by trade routes I mean, the trade routes that a city now gets automatically from having open borders.
AND trade involving resources.
the latter would have to be dependent on having trade routes with the exporting\importing empire.
when making trade routes, you actually have to set a certain path (similar to CtP) from city to city. and you would designate this path yourself.
the length of the route should be limited according to technology. also, a trade route would need to stop at cities along the way in order to resupply and similar.
this would then grant the cities along the route a bonus (say +1 gold).
in addition there should be a unit that could create trade routes over vast empty territories (caravan unit anyone?)
the amount of resources you would be allowed to export\import would be limited to a "naval\transport capacity variable" that would depend on your number of ships, caravans and ports.
(edited for spelling and clarity)
heres a few things that would make the game IMO a wee bit more interesting.
1. trade routes shouldnt trace themselves.
2. there should be length limits for trade routes depending on technology.
let me elaborate.
by trade routes I mean, the trade routes that a city now gets automatically from having open borders.
AND trade involving resources.
the latter would have to be dependent on having trade routes with the exporting\importing empire.
when making trade routes, you actually have to set a certain path (similar to CtP) from city to city. and you would designate this path yourself.
the length of the route should be limited according to technology. also, a trade route would need to stop at cities along the way in order to resupply and similar.
this would then grant the cities along the route a bonus (say +1 gold).
in addition there should be a unit that could create trade routes over vast empty territories (caravan unit anyone?)
the amount of resources you would be allowed to export\import would be limited to a "naval\transport capacity variable" that would depend on your number of ships, caravans and ports.
(edited for spelling and clarity)