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[Mod] Faith Mod

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  • #16
    No, can't get the research bonus to only work if it's your state religion.


    • #17
      In my experiments you can't even get negative number modifiers to non state religions in the civics xml, only positive bonuses are allowed, so offsetting a -1 to every non-state religion that you could combat with temples is not possible.


      • #18
        Yeah, plus its another one of those things the player would know but i'm not sure the AI would consider.

        Can anyone comment on games they've played with the mod so far, specifically on the spread of the religions founded later in the game like Taoism, Christianity, and Islam? In my game they haven't taken hold when before when an AI civ founded a religion they tended to convert to it. I'm worried its because they don't have enough of their cities converted to the religion like they would be able to do normally.

        Of course, it could just be this game the AI decided it wasn't worth changing over to it. My current game is already to 1750 so i'm going to finish it first then test some changes. I'm going to copy the Missionaries and give them a holy city requirement instead of state religion, with maybe a limit of 1 or 2 at a time. This way the AI could convert more easily to a religion it founds, or still benefit from shrines by converting other cities if it builds it.

        The only problem with going this way is it would allow an AI to have 4 or 5 Missionaries in the field at a time if it was its state religion too(fast converting) and it'd once more allow the player to milk his holy cities. On the other hand it does allow religion to continue to spread in Free Religion so maybe it would be a good change. Either way i'd rather have the AI playing as best it could then be handicapped.

        Also, i'm going to give these copied Missionaries Priesthood as a tech requirement(unless someone can think of something better) so the early founded religions can't start popping out Missionaries off the bat and get an edge. What does everyone think?
        "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


        • #19
          Yeah this is a problem for this md. Arg. I need to change it back in my own mod- since the AI as too much trouble with it.

          TOo bad. Religion needs some fixes in this game, but they aren't going to be easy to make.

          I'd just like to be able to shut OFF the cash inflow a civ gets when you have a shrine and you're a free religion society- that is like taxing religion... not very free-religious-like, but even changing THAT is impossible with the mod tools we have right now.


          • #20
            Alright, got the new version of the mod that should(all testing i've done implies it, anyway) fix the problem with the AI not converting to new religions it founds after already having one. I would have had it up sooner, but I wanted to test it and I had an annoying time adding the new missionaries. You can create some odd bugs in game by addding new units without it actually erroring out. But I got them all worked out so enjoy the mod.
            "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


            • #21
              Making temples only give happiness to state religion is easy, just change 1 to 0 and 0 to 1. The AI should be able to handle it since Cathedrals work that way. Changing Monasteries requires Python though.


              • #22
                I you concider this mod stable you should submit it to the Directory. Read for more info on the rules for posting files.
                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                • #23
                  My Buddhist Brahmin was unable to convert cities to Buddhism. Didn't get the option. I had Free Religion civic at the time. The AIs did have several different religions this time though, even if parts of that could be contributed to the founders of Buddhism and Hinduism being on a separate continent.


                  • #24
                    Gufnork: Was the option greyed out, or simply not even listed? Civilizations running Theocracy prevent other civs from spreading non-state religions in their city. There should be nothing preventing you from spreading the religion assuming the city doesn't already have it/they aren't running Theocracy.

                    I didn't touch the values for spreading or anything and i've been able to spread Confucianism just fine in my game. Each of the new missionaries is just a renamed copy of the old one, so it should work. Check the Theocracy thing and let me know if that was it. If not i'll check the XML to see if I can find the source of the problem

                    Gramphos: I'm still waiting to make sure it all works properly and for any feedback, so i'm going to hold off on submitting it for now. Thanks for the info though, I was wondering how I went about it.

                    Edit- Alright I took the Hindu holy city in my game, built a Brahmin and was able to spread Hinduism just fine with it. So hopefully its just one of the two things I mentioned above, and not some hard to track down thing.

                    Edit again- I just re-read your post and realized you put Buddhist Brahmin, the Buddhist holy city missionary is the Buddhist Monk, so did you mean that or the Hindu Brahmin?
                    Last edited by ChaotikVisions; November 8, 2005, 01:37.
                    "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                    • #25
                      I found the problem. I somehow got the idea that a Brahmin was buddhist and tried to convert a Hindu city. I think I should take more breaks from the game.


                      • #26
                        Looks good. I'll add it back into my mod. Thanks for working on this one.

