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[MOD] Corrected Diplomacy XML File

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  • [MOD] Corrected Diplomacy XML File

    I just thought I'd make available a corrected version of the diplomacy text XML file. I'm a writer and editor, and so I'm a little picky about syntax, grammar, and proper MLA format. I'm also very new here, so I don't know if anyone is even interested in this, but what the heck ...

    This version corrects several typos. It also corrects grammar ("Remember with whom you're dealing" rather than "Remember who you're dealing with," for example) because I think leaders should speak properly--even if they don't in the real world!

    I have removed the extraneous exclamation points which Firaxis seems to have a penchant for!!! They bug the heck out of me. I have also corrected formatting to match MLA style: whole dashes, for example, rather than the infamous "space-hyphen-space," or a space before an ellipsis. MLA is the American English standard, not the UK English standard, by the way.

    In some rare cases I have adjusted the diplomacy text because I felt it lacking from a subjective standpoint. I also adjusted the part of the leader-declares-war text from: ([OUR_NAME] declares war!) to: ([OUR_NAME] declares war! [OUR_CIV_SHORT]'s [OUR_BEST_UNIT] prepare for battle!) because I thought it would be good information to have when being attacked. In this case I followed Firaxis' lead and used the plural form of the verb for the subject [OUR_BEST_UNIT].

    Because I wasn't initially planning to post this I didn't log every change. Needless to say, the entire diplomacy text has been proofread with an editor's eye. Only warranted changes were made.

    Changes have ONLY been made to the English text (two semesters of Italian isn't enough, apparently).

    It runs fine, but due to the nature of the diplomacy text implementation I have NOT tested every adjustment in the game environment.

    To "install" it, simply paste it into the ...Sid Meier's Civilization IV/_CivIVCustomAssets/xml/text directory. There's no need to remove the existing diplomacy text file from the root Assets/XML/Text directory, the game will know to use the customized one instead of the original which remains safely intact. To "uninstall" it, just delete it.

    I will attach it to this post. It will also be available at

    If you use it, I hope you like the changes.

    *Edit December 5th: I have added a link to the newest version of the fix, 1.1*
    Attached Files
    Last edited by rjwoer; December 5, 2005, 15:17.
    One of these days I'll make 501 posts, and you won't have to look at my silly little diplomat anymore.
    "Oh my God, what a fabulous room. Are all these your guitars?"

  • #2


    • #3
      Very nice, thanks for this.


      • #4
        I have updated the file very slightly. I noticed the AI was saying something like "Soon my countless [OUR_BEST_UNIT] will wipe out your civlization and build monuments on the ruins!" even when they were friendly or pleased toward me. I adjusted this brag text to: "Soon my countless [OUR_BEST_UNIT] will wipe out some unlucky civilization . . . "

        In addition, I added a few additional AI responses to increase the diversity of the diplomacy text. I got tired, for example, of only reading "It can no longer be tolerated . . ." when an AI wanted me to stop trading with another.

        NOTE: in order to make Civ IV use these new diplomacy statements you will need to install a second, info xml file into the xml/gameinfo directory. There is a readme file included with further details.
        Attached Files
        One of these days I'll make 501 posts, and you won't have to look at my silly little diplomat anymore.
        "Oh my God, what a fabulous room. Are all these your guitars?"


        • #5
          Re: Corrected Diplomacy XML File

          Originally posted by rjwoer
          I just thought I'd make available a corrected version of the diplomacy text XML file. I'm a writer and editor, and so I'm a little picky about syntax, grammar, and proper MLA format.
          You, sir, are a lesser god of sorts. (Whereas I am the world's greatest exaggerator.) I suffer a minor stroke every time I see enemy leaders incorrectly bandy about the language. Sure, it's not important, but it gets on my nerves, too. The worst thing I've found is a "then" used rather than "than" in the tutorial; the response that one inspired was not a minor stroke.


          • #6
            That's what makes this game so amazing, when people see something they don't like, they fix it. Others who also don't like it, download it and use it. Eventually after enough changes are made, everyone is playing a game almost as if it were developed completely for them!

            GC Magazine|Gamecatcher


            • #7
              Cheers mate.. I much prefer realistic text to the fluffy crap they like to spew out at us these days
              I used to be Darkknight.. many many moons ago. "CTP2 is almost out!!" time.


              • #8
                To the OP:

                I'd like to encorporate your mod with my mod. You've done a lot of work, and I'm using your mod for my personal games... so just thought it would make it easy for anyone else downloading my slower tech + other balances mod.


                • #9
                  Absolutely, dearmad! I'm flattered, and very happy for the positive responses I've received. It's nice to know there are intelligent people out there who care about this sort of thing--very heartening.

                  I would like to look the file over once more--if it's going to be expanded to another mod--and make sure I don't catch any additional glitches. I'm a perfectionist like most of us, I imagine.

                  Feel free to use what you've got (preservation of credit in the file itself is appreciated). If I have an updated version to post I'll do so A.S.A.P. (I'm still preparing my guest lecture for a small press publication class on Monday, but I'll try to look the file over again before then . . . and hell, I'm still playing Civ IV! ).

                  If you have a chance, send me a copy of your final mod:
                  One of these days I'll make 501 posts, and you won't have to look at my silly little diplomat anymore.
                  "Oh my God, what a fabulous room. Are all these your guitars?"


                  • #10
                    Re: Corrected Diplomacy XML File

                    Originally posted by rjwoer
                    I just thought I'd make available a corrected version of the diplomacy text XML file. I'm a writer and editor, and so I'm a little picky about syntax, grammar, and proper MLA format. I'm also very new here, so I don't know if anyone is even interested in this, but what the heck ...
                    Good idea. My english is not so good to see and correct this kind of errors, but I like the idea to have a professional editor looking at the text.
                    Originally posted by rjwoer
                    In some rare cases I have adjusted the diplomacy text because I felt it lacking from a subjective standpoint. I also adjusted the part of the leader-declares-war text from: ([OUR_NAME] declares war!) to: ([OUR_NAME] declares war! [OUR_CIV_SHORT]'s [OUR_BEST_UNIT] prepare for battle!) because I thought it would be good information to have when being attacked. In this case I followed Firaxis' lead and used the plural form of the verb for the subject [OUR_BEST_UNIT].
                    I haven't spent many time with XML files, so I'll appreciate if you'll be so kind to tell me where I can find a cross reference for the meaning of every [FIELD] we can use into the Civ XML files.

                    Originally posted by rjwoer
                    Changes have ONLY been made to the English text (two semesters of Italian isn't enough, apparently).
                    I'd love to add same level of changes in italian text, too. Until now I've only corrected a couple of mistakes; I'm not a professional editor, but I'd love to do more.

                    Thanks for your effort.
                    "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                    - Admiral Naismith


                    • #11

                      You've inspired me to track down and change my own grammatical peeve in the game, which is the message when you capture a city.

                      "You receive 100 gold from capturing London. Do you want to keep it?"

                      "Huh? Why wouldn't I want to keep the gold?"



                      • #12
                        Well, it's been a long time but I've finally got my butt back in here.

                        I haven't spent many time with XML files, so I'll appreciate if you'll be so kind to tell me where I can find a cross reference for the meaning of every [FIELD] we can use into the Civ XML files.
                        There is no official reference for the fields and their values (as far as I've found). I began putting together text examples of the fields during my adjustments to the diplomacy text. It didn't get very large because ... well, because it didn't. I'll paste it here:

                        On behalf of the [OUR_CIV_ADJ] people, I thank you!

                        On behalf of the people of [OUR_CIV_SHORT], I thank you

                        I thank you and all the [CT_CIV_ADJ] people

                        The [OUR_EMPIRE] thanks you, [CT_NAME]

                        You have [OUR_CIV_SHORT]'s thanks

                        These are the deals [OUR_CIV_SHORT] has with the [CT_EMPIRE]

                        Our [OUR_BEST_UNIT] await your response

                        [OUR_CIV_SHORT]'s [OUR_BEST_UNIT]

                        consider converting to [OUR_STATE_RELIGION]
                        One of these days I'll make 501 posts, and you won't have to look at my silly little diplomat anymore.
                        "Oh my God, what a fabulous room. Are all these your guitars?"


                        • #13
                          I also updated this thread today with version 1.1, which is also included in my resource mod (so some of you already have it) but needed to be updated here.
                          One of these days I'll make 501 posts, and you won't have to look at my silly little diplomat anymore.
                          "Oh my God, what a fabulous room. Are all these your guitars?"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rjwoer
                            I also updated this thread today with version 1.1, which is also included in my resource mod (so some of you already have it) but needed to be updated here.
                            Thanks, I'll download it ASAP!
                            One question: is this version fully compatible with current patch (1.09) available?

                            AFAIK usually an external XML file wouldn't be touched, changing the binary code, but I'm not sure if the patch have addressed some bug that require a change in text; that will be pushed back installing your changed files?
                            "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                            - Admiral Naismith


                            • #15
                              One question: is this version fully compatible with current patch (1.09) available?
                              It should work fine with the patch. To be honest, I had so many problems with the patch (the game wouldn't boot, for example) that I've reverted back to 1.00. I have no reason to believe, however, that my customization was causing the problem because I experienced my patch problems even with a clean, stock re-install.

                              Plus, I don't believe any adjustments were made to the diplomacy text file in the patch.
                              One of these days I'll make 501 posts, and you won't have to look at my silly little diplomat anymore.
                              "Oh my God, what a fabulous room. Are all these your guitars?"

