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Growable forest, like cottage....

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  • #16
    correction.... Your mod does work. My copy&pasting doesn't.

    ah well - gotta troubleshoot it.


    • #17
      Thanks for the info on the indian fastworker, I will incorporate that and re-up a fixed file asap.

      As for the non-working issue ... I'm playing that mod right now, and it works. Did you use the provided archive or did you try the version you incorporated into your mod?
      The Python code is extremely picky, and minimal anomalities can lead to failure, unfortunately.
      Another likely reason for the mod failing to work could be in your version of CIV there are additional improvements, which can lead to the upgraded Treeschool getting a different ID, thus not causing the Python event to fire correctly. Like I said before, the code is pretty crude as of now, but I'm still strugging to get a basic grip on the API.

      Anone else having issues with that one? I'd be happy to provide a relief, but it'd be nice to have some more feedback first.

      Check out my Forest planting mod or my Terrain adaption mod


      • #18
        It works now... I screwed up the python file.

        One thing i noticed that, perhaps you are able to fix, is that with the civic Emancipation (which lets cottages grow +100%) the trees grow twice as fast too. I guess the trees feel emancipated too...

        Btw... you might want to create a new thread with your mod - lots of people wanted it, and i'm not sure they will find it in this thread.

        Anyhow - here's your next project: Create ZOC ala Civ2 for forts.... Trip already gave some advice on it in my other thread

        please? pretty please? i'll give ya a cookie


        • #19
          I'll look into the emancipation thingie, though I'm not sure whether it can be resolved.

          And ... what exactly is the Civ2 style ZOC effect of a fort?

          Btw, I alread AM working on a new project, besides the continued work on this one in order to provide more terraforming possibilites. But it's still SECRET!

          Check out my Forest planting mod or my Terrain adaption mod


          • #20
            Originally posted by rezaf
            Also, I'd like to have the "A Forest has grown near xxx" to show, along with the pointer on the map. Any hint on how to make this happen would also be appreciated.
            Check out CyInterface().addMessage(). There are quite a few arguments but it shouldn't be too hard to get working.


            • #21
              And ... what exactly is the Civ2 style ZOC effect of a fort?


              ZOC = Zone of Control. SMAC & CIV2 had it. If you occupy one square and the unit has ZOC ability (or in this mods case, the fortress provides ZOC ability to the units occupying it), the enemy can't move from one square next to your ZOC unit to another square next to the same ZOC unit.


              • #22
                Wow, a reply from a firaxian programmer. What an honor.
                Thanks for the heads up, I'll incorporate the message into the next release, provided I get it working.

                And ... Matt, I do know what ZOC is, I just wondered what the special effect of forts regarding to that was.
                Didn't all units have a ZOC in Civ2, fort or not?
                And does CIV have ZOC at all? I haven't waged many wars so far, and for some reason I never tried to move around an enemy unit yet.

                Check out my Forest planting mod or my Terrain adaption mod


                • #23
                  Nope... Civ4 does not have it. The naysayers say it shouldn't be included because the AI "can't" deal with it.

                  Trip added some comments about it here - scroll 4th from above:


                  • #24
                    If i replace the original code:
                    def onImprovementBuilt(self, argsList):
                    		'Improvement Built'
                    		iImprovement, iX, iY = argsList
                    		if (not self.__LOG_IMPROVEMENT):
                    		CvUtil.pyPrint('Improvement %s was built at %d, %d'
                    			%(PyInfo.ImprovementInfo(iImprovement).getDescription(), iX, iY))
                    with yours then i get that error message:

                    Failed to load python module CvEventInterface

                    Dunno what's wrong...


                    • #25
                      Well, I don't know either.

                      I'd guess you made some mistake when pasting. If you fail to find your error, post your py file here, but without it, there's nothing I can do.

                      Check out my Forest planting mod or my Terrain adaption mod


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by rezaf
                        If you fail to find your error, post your py file here, but without it, there's nothing I can do.
                        Just rename it to ""

                        Thank you in advance.
                        Attached Files


                        • #27

                          this allows workers to move onto mountains and with your mod they will be able to grow forests there. Yeeehaaaaa


                          • #28
                            @ Rezaf

                            When I saw this thread, I was happy, because I thought, I might be able to "terraform" those many desert and tundra tiles. But as it seems, this was not your intention.

                            Anyway I use the mod, but I guess, I have not really understood your concept.

                            Let me see:

                            I can put the tree nursery on any tile, where I could build other improvements, too, right?

                            When I do it, it grows it's 25 or so turns and is then a "full" tree nursery (if worked by a nearby city).

                            But what now? I have some since centuries, and all are "full" tree nurseries, but nothing else happens. Shouldn't there be a wood, which I can then improve with a woodcutter cottage? Or is it a random thingie, if and when a wood will be there?


                            • #29
                              But what now? I have some since centuries, and all are "full" tree nurseries, but nothing else happens. Shouldn't there be a wood, which I can then improve with a woodcutter cottage? Or is it a random thingie, if and when a wood will be there?
                              Had the same problem.

                              I screwed up the python copy & pasting. Try to use his file or make sure you did your copy& pasting right. Then it will work.


                              • #30
                                I'm quite sure, that I copied and pasted anything as it should be. Just about the ini-file I was unsure; should it be in a directory, too, and if yes, in which?

                                Just to make sure, we talk about the same file:

                                I downloaded a "forestry mod.rar"

                                Unpacked it contained
                                1 folder "assets"
                                1 Forestry mod.ini
                                In the assets folder are 2 more folders:
                                1 Python, containing
                                1 XML, containing 3 more folders:
                                Terrain, Text, units

                                The latter contained files, which I copied and pasted into the appropriate civ4-folders.

                                Perhaps I see things too narrow...the tiles, where I have the tree nurseries since ages could be upgraded with woodcutter cottages, by destroying the nursery, of course..
                                Maybe that's it? It counts as "wood" but only does not show a wood?

