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[Mod] NORMAL game pace: SLOWER TECH but more normal unit building! (Other fixes too)

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  • Dearmad,

    in case you think I was just whining, I really appreciate the work you have done. It makes it a much better experience with your mod.

    Please continue to make upgrades and keep an eye out for new mods to integrate. I heard the new fort mod looks really promising.





      my name is george 29,greek.i have acquired the civiv and considered it better than civ 3.Problem is that i consider non reasonable the fact of some technologies.for example,i agree that uranium should be revealed when fission is discovered not in physics!
      therefore i agree with your mod,but i want to ask a question:how can i create my own mod?
      to change technologies,and units or resourses revealed by them?
      in civ 3 i have the editor that helps me to make changes everywhere i wanted.can i do the same here?
      for example,i want ironclad to be constructed when steam power is discovered and nothing can i do this?PLEASE HELP ME!!!



      • Jungles.

        Would you consider negating the jungle health penalty for cultures that are from those areas?

        Incas, Aztecs, Indians, malinese?


        • aracuan_76 :
          Ah... greek sarcasm. Seriously, I have a limited amount of time and can't really do an XML tutorial for ya- there are a LOT of resources on how to make changes in OTHER threads of this forum. This thread is mostly for people to critisize and report bugs/fixes needed for a mod I've made for myself that I decided to share with others. So, basically wrong topic- but look aruond in other threads, especially the pinned ones.

          that is an interesting idea.... I'll see how easy/hard that might be. from my recolection of the variables exposed at the XML/Python level this would require SDKing, but I'll look into it with an eye toward this possibility... ANYONE else have an opinion on a change like this?

          whining? not at all. You all have NO IDEA how much pointed, once in awhile outright destructive, criticism I sometimes face in my graduate program at school.

          having said that- I'm leaving school now and going home- my head hurts from writing and thinking all day.

          I'll look to the fort mod (which I also liked, btw) and integrate that- pull the faith stuff, and resubmit a v0.7a this evening.


          • OK!

            OK,Thanks alot for where exactly to look for.Sorry if i am in wrong forum.i ll look the pinned ones.


            • How does the AI adapt to these changes (such as xian missionaries being able to go behind closed borders)?


              • ver 0.7 is longer than 0.6a?

                I don't know for others but to me there are no problems if epic games are played whole week. That's why they are epic. No to mention the fact, that new features of Civ IV became truly visible through that kind of longer play (like Caravel's ability to travel through enemy's territory with only miss. and expl., it really felt like exploring and conquering America all over again. Also I think that it is great that you are stuck with same level troops for 40+ turns so you really try to use them as best as possibble with best possible combinations and stuff.

                On another note, would it be possible to add another great person type, great general? That would, for instance give all units in his stack/tile slight combat bonus? I really miss people like Alexander or Ceaser and I think it would be great to add them. Also, they would in some way encourage players to play more agressively since players would try to make some use of them. I notice, that players play quite a defensive and non-aggressive games.

                BTW, the mod rocks


                • Was tech trading disabled in the mod? Either that or I am having some kind of weird problem


                  • Tech trading at guilds or some tech like that- it's in the readme. not organized well yet, but search for tech trading or something.

                    AI adapts fine- it uses them right. Of course the AI won't mini/max anything the way a human will. The overall effect in my games is xtianity spreads a bit more (otherwise it's the dead religion in all my games), and islam spreads a bit faster but stays contained like other religions.

                    Next post by me will be to say I've uploaded v0.7a.


                    • v0.7a is posted.

                      Added in a fort mod- but since I think Real fort overpowers them (especially since thew AI doesn't use them at all) I scaled back the upgrades. However the code is in the mod now, so changing to your own desires will be easier for you all to do for yourselves on an individual basis.

                      Made market -1 health building- hey, trade, people... plague... so -1 health sort of represents that. Needed something to cool down economy a little bit anyway.


                      • Originally posted by dearmad
                        Tell me some specifics about how those changes made things better for you. More distance between civs typically? The MAX DISTANCE for maintenance- did this increase or decrease the cost? (I don't have the files right now as I'm at school). I'm not sure but I'll double check that those can't be associated with map size before globalizing them too. Anyway more info to me please.
                        The maintenance limit is the one regarding "reach" without massive expense. It is a must for huge maps. The default limit is geared for small sized maps. It makes transcontinental empires on huge or bigger maps (mine are 55x33) possible without massive economic ruin.

                        Regarding the City distance options, it gives breathing room between the empires as much as possible within physical limits of the map. Further the more empires (my games 18) there are the better the total placement of all over the total landmass on one (1) landmass. Another example, recently I did a test game with only four (4) civs on an ultra large map and the start-up was beautiful! All four civs were in the corner 20% areas. There were over 100 tiles between left and right sides and over 50 between the top and bottom halves - It was a rather sweet quadrant setup. [Tech note, on one of my tests I was given the circum navigate bonus after I built my city 45 plots away from my capital - a bug for sure].

                        On a related note I vote increasing the epic game speed another 20% along with a tech cost increase of 25%. In late MIDDLE aged games on a massive map a top empire can crank out a tech every five turns without much effort currently. On a personal note, in my heart of hearts I think each period should be at least 250 turns each for a game to feel epic.


                        • Originally posted by dearmad
                          AI adapts fine- it uses them right. Of course the AI won't mini/max anything the way a human will. The overall effect in my games is xtianity spreads a bit more (otherwise it's the dead religion in all my games), and islam spreads a bit faster but stays contained like other religions.

                          Next post by me will be to say I've uploaded v0.7a.
                          It has been my experience that the AI does not handle the religion element of the game efficiently. Therefore I agree with dearmad's position. I have had several games where the AI has had missionaries sitting in cities close to mine but never sent them. Furthermore the late religions always seem to suffer as well. I think this is an issue for the patch.


                          • Dearmad, or anyone else for that matter, which is the parameter in the CIV4GameSpeedInfo XML sheet that controls the speed at which units are produced?

                            Is it the "iTrainPercent" value?

                            Last edited by =DrJambo=; November 10, 2005, 10:17.


                            • Yes that's the one, IIRC- haven't tweaked that file in awhile.

                              Ok, let me poke around the files to extend EPIC a bit and look into the distance factor- hopefully it can be adjusted for larger maps more than globally.


                              • Quin007

                                ver 0.7 is longer than 0.6a?

                                I don't know for others but to me there are no problems if epic games are played whole week. That's why they are epic. No to mention the fact, that new features of Civ IV became truly visible through that kind of longer play (like Caravel's ability to travel through enemy's territory with only miss. and expl., it really felt like exploring and conquering America all over again. Also I think that it is great that you are stuck with same level troops for 40+ turns so you really try to use them as best as possibble with best possible combinations and stuff.
                                Although i really enjoy a long slow game, i believe a further increase in turns, time progress (etc) would hinder the game's fun. For me 700+ turns is quite fine actually but that's a personal opinion ofcourse!
                                How about posting the lines in the code that alter these settings so if anyone feels like having a longer/shorter game can change it accordingly?
                                Imagine if everyone asked for +50 or-100 turns..

                                EDIT: Forgot to comment on the fort mod. It does look great and adds value to the forts in game (I also thought forts were pretty useless and never built any). However maybe the attack bonuses they give are a little too much? Since I haven't really seen any AI civs building any. Maybe adding just a 5% attack bonus in each promotion they get? After all forts were primarily defensive minded improvements IRL. What do you guys think?
                                Fly, on your way, like an eagle.. Fly as high as the sun..

