Is the epic game speed version included in version 0.6?
No announcement yet.
[Mod] NORMAL game pace: SLOWER TECH but more normal unit building! (Other fixes too)
2 mods I'd like to see from civfanatics...
Turkish civ
Improved Domestic advisor
Some also did a review of all the diplo talk and fixed all of the grammer/typo's. They also added more variety. (
Does the AI deal well with the religious building mod?
I saw religions now have bonus's.... I sorta liked how it was when they were all the same. The AI won't know the difference. It won't try to take advantage of the bonuses, so the player shouldn't either. Thats just my opinion though. How hard would it be to edit out those religious bonuses?
Trade techs with guilds in v0.6. In v0.5 I had an error in the tech file. This is fixed.
Epic is in this version. It's like 790 turns long though! Seems like a game ould take a week of solid play...
The fixed diplo talk will be in v0.7- I got permisison from the author to include it.
Actually I changed misisonaries a bit- xtian can go into enemy territory, islam moves at rate 3 (but no enemy territory), islam/xtian spread factor 1.1, buddhism/hindu spread 0.9.
If you guys don't like these changes to religion let me know. However, IMO this would help the religions play out a bit better even with the AI controlling them. Muslim/Xtian/confician/shinto (whatever) spread already with an extra free missionary in vanilla CIV IV.
In my games xtianity and islam get severely shafted every time.
I played the mod and liked it a lot. One comment though, that may need some rethinking - the fact that you cannot remove jungle until very late game may lead to very bad imbalances, since you are unbale to use many resources that are found in the jungle. Moreover, since cottages now come late now, there is often no improvement to put in a grasland or plains tile next to jungle, which often leads to the jungle growing back and essentially taking up most of the city area. This, plus no tech trading until mid game, means the technological and city development is far too slow.The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
- Frank Herbert
You can build improvements in the jungle earlier than the time you can simply clear jungle, using gunpowder. Clearing tkes biology. You can alos build roads outside of the jungle, which, I think, slows down the growth if that's important to you. I'm surprised Monarchy (which allows cottages) is that far away from the start for you in your games.
Odd you should say tech development is too slow- since that's the point of the mod. Maybe you played on EPIC? That isn't really my game speed of design- then yeah, the jungles may go a bit crazy; speed of growth is not changeable by gamespeed.
As a ratio, city growth is faster to develop than in the vanilla game: it gets a 5% proportional boost, and workers are proportionally faster too, when paced by tech development. Everything is, in fact. That's the underlying point of the mod- to allow more developement and units between techs.
Anyway, I could move tech trading up a bit to paper. That's where I originally had it (cheaper tech than guilds). What do you think?
Ok, the religious changes with temple-building and such (from the FAITH MOD) is too crippling of the AI- they can't spread the later religions well enough to adopt them. I've posted v0.6a to fix this back to the old way. You can use this in your current games without it crashing.
Also the DIPLO TEXT changes/improvements are added to this version as well, so you'll have nicer diplo text courtesy of :
Great mod, it seems like it might become the main civ iv mod. A couple of criticisms though:
1. I wish you would have kept the faith mod in because it makes religion more interesting and discourages religion whoring to a degree.
2. After I downloaded your mod I was only able to hire 1 engineer specialist for every 2 forges I had, bug or feature? If it is a feature I recommend undoing it because it encourages more cities which is what civ iv tries to discourage.