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[Mod] NORMAL game pace: SLOWER TECH but more normal unit building! (Other fixes too)

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  • #16
    Finished up my other game..loaded up the mod, all is well until I tried to build my first farm I get a CTD. Loaded up the game again and CTDs again when I tried to make the farm. Had a nice map, like 3 grapes right near my town and only pottery needed to get at them
    Not sure what is up.


    • #17
      What terrain were you trying to build the farm on. It's not crashing for me... I have lots of farms...

      Just loaded up a game and tried myself- built farms in froests, plains, grassland, flood plains, no crashes.

      I didn't change farms except to add no farm until medicine in the jungle.

      Game's not crashing unless the mod is loaded? Also make sure you have v0.4 the one above.


      • #18
        Re: mod: NORMAL game pace: SLOWER TECH but more normal unit building! (Other fixes to

        Originally posted by dearmad

        TECH TRADING with PAPER not with Alphabet.
        I think you need a place to write things down on betetr than clay tablets... and I want tech trading put off a little longer too. I may change this to Guilds since that makes seense too.
        Well, trading was done quite a bit on clay tablets, but I understand your wanting to put it off longer. I'd say Guilds makes more sense, too.


        • #19
          Since you have experience with this, could you (or someone else) elaborate on what all the options in CIV4GameSpeedInfo.xml change exactly?
          I agree with you that the epic length needs tweaking, but i have my own ideas about this and would like to make my own changes.

          Some are obvious, some i aren't sure about...i'll list them all and include what i think it does.

          iGrowthPercent: Modifies food required for city growth
          iTrainPercent: Modifies unit production cost
          iConstructPercent: Modifies buliding production cost (includes wonders?)
          iCreatePercent: ??
          iResearchPercent: Modifies tech cost
          iBuildPercent: Maybe this modifies building production cost instead??
          iImprovementPercent: Modifies tile improvement cost?
          iGreatPeoplePercent: Points required for a Great Person
          iCulturePercent: Culture required to expand borders
          iAnarchyPercent: Turns a Civ will be in anarchy between civic changes??
          iBarbPercent: Amount of barbarians? iFeatureProductionPercent: ??
          iUnitDiscoverPercent: ??
          iUnitHurryPercent: Modifies cost to rush unit production?
          iUnitTradePercent: ??
          iUnitGreatWorkPercent: Modifies the effect of a Great Person's special ability? (ie build academy, produce work of art?)
          iGoldenAgePercent: Modifies length of Golden Age?
          iHurryPercent: Buildings rush cost? iHurryConscriptAngerPercent: How long the conscription unhappiness lasts?
          iInflationPercent: Modifies inflation?
          iInflationOffset: ??
          <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
          Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


          • #20
            Some very well thought out changes, reminds me of what I did in Civ3 - alot of the techs and results are more sensible. I will download and try this (with some changes) when I finish my current game.

            One I am seriously considering is having movement of naval units upgrade by 1 with Compass - or a mechanism to increase movement by 1 on all large/huge maps, as a 2 square galley move rate is just next to useless on any map larger than normal.

            I'd also allow jungle clearing a little earlier - medicine didn't stop yellow fever in places like New Orleans, sanitation measures did.



            • #21
              Originally posted by dearmad
              What terrain were you trying to build the farm on. It's not crashing for me... I have lots of farms...

              Game's not crashing unless the mod is loaded? Also make sure you have v0.4 the one above.
              I tried floodplain and grassland on the game that was crashing. Prior to this I had no CTDs in about 20hrs of play with the unmodded game.

              I just tried 2 more games with the mod loaded and no problems building farms on several types of terrain. Don't know what the problem was with that first game.

              Anyway, looks like I can get to playing now.


              • #22
                Apoc Cow:
                I want to hear back from a few more players, but I'm thinking Guilds too. My next game I'll try that out.

                Point well taken... I don't have the tech chart memorized (at school right now) but will probably move up Jungle cutting a tech or two.

                Also, for the mod I'm playing with now (not released yet as I wanted to see if it sucked or not) I upped all ship moves by +1 except the work boat. I agree the 2 move galley sucks. But also that overall it made more sense for ships to all be faster by at least 1 space.

                I'll post another version of the mod this evening with the ships and a different jungle clearing tech (most likely).

                Sataq: Good it solved itself.

                MOST of the ones that confuse you also confuse me and I haven't messed with them, but-
                inflation offset: I think this changes when inflation comes into play, it's like in the formula 2x+y, the offset is the y part and the x defines the slope.

                BUILD % I think is actually for building things with your workers.
                IMPROVEMENT is the making buildigns in cities I think- I COULD be wrong on this but I remember when testing it I was surprised by the results I got (made some 50000 to see the ridiculous # of turns that made and then jotted down my results). My notes are all at home, sorry.


                • #23
                  dm -

                  In your mod, in the Civ4GameSpeedInfo file, do you make any changes other than number of turns and tech rates? I really like mine, so I'd like to keep using it, but I don't want to do something that will screw up the rest of your mod...



                  • #24
                    I changed (and only on NORMAL speed for now- as I want that speed balanced until I do epic and quick):

                    The years/turns
                    Tech research.
                    Building times (for buildings in cities)
                    Growth time for buildings
                    land tile improvement times (Workers)
                    well actually just about everything... now that I htink about it... even inflation, so:

                    Basically, tech is at 140 and UNIT building is sitll 100, everything else falls away from there- I take those two ratios as the core speed differential I aim for- to get enough units into each "age".

                    So the other things are somewhere in between. Great People are at 125 I think, workers are at 110, culture is 125 I think,e tc... I find that if you don't slow down the overall growth of things somewhat, the economy gets too hot and money (therefore research) speeds right back up.

                    Hope that (confusing post) helps a little.


                    • #25
                      UPDATED to v0.5.

                      Venger made some good suggestions, so I listened. A few other minor adjustments. You can use the update in your current modded games without problems.

                      ZIP file contains the readme with details. Tech tree, of course, reflects most of them as its made dynamically.

                      d/l off the ORIGINAL POST up top.


                      • #26
                        You made jungle clearing available with Biology? If I'm not mistaken, Biology comes way later in the game than Iron Working (the original jungle clearing tech). Didn't Venger suggest making jungle clearing come earlier?


                        • #27
                          Biology is a pre-req to medicine, so it's one step earlier.

                          I likely would vote to move it to engineering - considering the logistics requried to clear cut in a jungle environment. But, it's not my mod... the problem is the rennaisance era has very few techs suitable. So you have to go earlier, to something like Engineering or Machinery... both arguably good ones to start with, but earlier then dm wants.

                          His goal is to keep jungles until later in the game.

                          I might recommend changing it to Engineering, but making the jungle cutdown take longer - maybe twice as long as it is now, if one were so inclined. Only thing to watch for is if the AI knows it takes longer and plans accordingly, rather then sending workers to bog down doing jungle clearing...



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by bitbucket
                            You made jungle clearing available with Biology? If I'm not mistaken, Biology comes way later in the game than Iron Working (the original jungle clearing tech). Didn't Venger suggest making jungle clearing come earlier?
                            I'm not making it earlier than it is in the vanilla game. My goal is to keep jungle around a lot longer than the vanilla game does. Reflect how a Jungle truly is a a force of nature until certain technologies come into play.


                            • #29
                              Once I save a game, I'm unable to load it. It keeps saying it needs your mod enabled to load the game & that I need to restart the application. I choose to restart & then I recieve a message that it is not a valid mod folder & I end up in a never ending loop of needing to restart the application & it not being a valid mod folder. I like your mod & I hope you can help.


                              • #30
                                Yeah that is a wierd bug I ran into with all mods- not sure what the problem there is. I never figured out how to fix it but just trued another game. Saved it. Loaded it to test it (with other mods too) and then it's worked perfectly ever since.

                                I think it may have to do with changing directories or some other setting since last palying the savegame, but I'm not sure.

