Does anyone know what the maximum allowable number of FF's are?
(I got a total of 12 in my last game, but it was my first AoD II game).
Also, does Adam Smith double production output, or half the cost of building the factories? It is written thus "Double production speed of....(factories)".
If the latter, then he is way too far along the tree, as all mine are built by the time he arrives, if the former then he appears to be broken as I've not noticed any increase in production).
The wording of what some of the FF's do is ambiguious- use of "production" rather than "building" might be the reason.
A different example: +50% Education". (Washington Irving) Does this mean people are educated twice as quickly or they produce the abstract (to me) concept of education in the game twice as fast (I say absract as only people learning in an eductional facility output "education", even though they are the only recipitent of it).
Any comments appreciated- I'm tearing my hair out trying to establish a list of desired Fathers
(I got a total of 12 in my last game, but it was my first AoD II game).
Also, does Adam Smith double production output, or half the cost of building the factories? It is written thus "Double production speed of....(factories)".
If the latter, then he is way too far along the tree, as all mine are built by the time he arrives, if the former then he appears to be broken as I've not noticed any increase in production).
The wording of what some of the FF's do is ambiguious- use of "production" rather than "building" might be the reason.
A different example: +50% Education". (Washington Irving) Does this mean people are educated twice as quickly or they produce the abstract (to me) concept of education in the game twice as fast (I say absract as only people learning in an eductional facility output "education", even though they are the only recipitent of it).
Any comments appreciated- I'm tearing my hair out trying to establish a list of desired Fathers

